Mission 3: The Peace Ship

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

After arriving on Starbase 10, the Midway was given its first official assignment namely to transport Federation Diplomat St. John Talbot to Nimbus III, the newly established Planet of Galactic Peace. Negotiations with the Klingon Empire are to commence upon arrival as Talbot takes permanent residence on the planet. The Federation Council is concerned the Romulans may intervene to prevent the project from continuing.

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 3:27pm
End Date Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 3:27pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Yōji Itami & Chief Petty Officer La'lei & Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD04 - 14:35 hours Bridge/Various
Back Underway (Part 2)
by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Yōji Itami & Chief Petty Officer La'lei & Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD04 - 14:30 hours Bridge
Back Underway (Part 1)
by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Yōji Itami & Chief Petty Officer La'lei & Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD04 - 14:25 hours Bridge
Getting The Bottom of This
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins & Ensign S'Tare
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1835 Deck 13: Security
A Night Off
by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1815 Security Section
The True Masterminds
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1700-1815 Deck 13: Security
Bowling Alone... Maybe?
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1700-1800 -Between "House "Arrest" and "Off The Rails." Deck 20: Bowling Alley
Off The Rails
by Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Ensign Avis Larant
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1700-1800 Deck 16: Main Engineering
House Arrest
by Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake
M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1300 Deck 5: Lt. Novo's Quarters
Gossip Girls
by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD03 1300 Mess
by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman
M3 MD03 - 0000 to 1900 Aze's Quarters and Sickbay
A Slight Accident
by Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
M3 MD02 - 1800 Passageway
Bridge In Tatters
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman
M3 MD02 - 0930 Sickbay; Bridge
Bridge Matter
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer
M3 MD02 - 0925 Bridge
Bridge Clatter
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Yōji Itami & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman
M3 MD02 - 0915 Bridge
Bridge Chatter
by Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman
M3 MD02 - 0900 Bridge; Sickbay
Science Tour
by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Mariya Karashka Ph.D. & Ensign Dora
M3 MD02 - 08:30 Science Labs, USS Midway
Crocodile Dundee
by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Thraxina & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Ensign Dora
M3 MD02 - 0630 Deck 5: Mess Hall 1
I Need Names Lieutenant!
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake
M3 MD02 (2268.6.12) 1400 Deck 5: Captain Faust's Quarters
Mind Melt
by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD02 Sickbay, USS Midway
One Item Off The List: Part II
by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman & St. John Talbot
M3 MD01 1800 Deck 5: Captain's Mess
One Item Off The List: Part I
by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & St. John Talbot
M3 MD01 1730 Deck 5: Captain's Mess
First Official Assignment
by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & St. John Talbot
M3 MD01 (2268.6.11) 0900 Deck 1: Bridge
Then and Now
by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
M3 MD 6-1800 Thraxina's Quarters
by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant
M2 MD01 1730 Deck 5: Captain's Mess

Mission Summary