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Posted on Mon Mar 13th, 2023 @ 8:45pm by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Deck 5: Captain's Mess
Timeline: M2 MD01 1730

The corridor on deck 5 was deserted. The only sound came from muffled voices and laughter bleeding through the door of the Captain's mess. Flanking the door stood Ensign Novak. Peter looked rather dashing in his red dress uniform. Across the corridor stood his girlfriend, Avis Larant. She looked beautiful in anything she wore, but the dress uniform really hugged her curves. Peter was also proud of the Silver Palm medal hanging from her uniform. He gave her a smile. A state dinner meant one thing for security officers, a lot of standing around, sore feet and stiff backs. At least having Avis here would make it all bearable.

Avis was actually quite content to be on duty for this fancy affair. Frankly she had found the cocktail party/awards ceremony earlier to be rather a dull affair. Well, she was proud of her medal and happy for those others who got them or like Thraxina, promoted. But as a social affair, it fizzled. So for this one let the big shots enjoy their drinks and chattering, she was fine with standing on guard. It was nice too she was sharing duty with Peter.

"So, do you come here often?" Peter joked, his blue eyes staring at her. They weren't at attention and it wasn't although anyone was around.

"Yeah, dear. News bulletin - I work here," Avis snapped right back with a grin.

"Did you watch any Federation vids on this peace conference stuff? No one has very high hopes it will actually work," she remarked.

Way above her pay grade though.

"Some, although the Captain thinks it's a waste of time," Peter responded, "You've been tailing Talbot since he came aboard. Has him or his aide said anything?"

"Really? I've walked behind him a few times and he has not said a word to me and damned little to his aid. Seems rather .....noncommunicative for a diplomat sort," Avis shrugged.

"Yeah, he only seems to talk around those he seems important," Peter responded, "Everyone else he just sort of ignores."

"Of course. Typical big shot," Avis scoffed, "My dad was like that too."

"Oh, was he?" Peter inquired. They had been dating for about two weeks now and Avis had not once mentioned her dad let alone her family. He knew they were dead, but that was it.

"I shouldn't say 'was'. Make that 'is' I suppose," she shrugged. Peter was wrong, the man was still alive. Just dead to Avis.

"Oh... Alright," Peter responded trying to let the information sink in, "I thought... Sorry, I thought your parents were dead."

"Guess you didn't do your due diligence when you looked me up," she smiled.

"Honestly I do not like to talk about family I mean. My mother is deceased. My only sibling, a brother, he was killed. And my dearest father is in prison for life. He was....I mean...he is a traitor. It's where he belongs and my brother died during the coup attempt so in effect my father killed him as far as I'm concerned," she was not smiling now. She looked mad as a hornet.

"I'm sorry Avis," Peter responded softly, "Sorry I brought it up." Things made more sense now, why she was so adherent to duty, why she was prone to moodswings... Everything.

"Sorry? Nothing for you to apologize for, none of it was your fault. So far you are one of my few bright spots in my life...that and becoming a member of Star Fleet. There was some real doubts about even letting me, the daughter of a traitor, into the Academy," Avis replied.

Peter smiled, "Thanks," he said, "I suppose the Federation has moved far beyond the archiac the iniquities of the fathers are visited upon the sons and daughters.

"Only some in the Federation, there were those who railed against my entry and during my stay at the academy, some of the cadets gave me a hard time. In fact both of my fighting incidents which marred my record were because the cadet I fought insinuated I was most likely going to be a traitor too," Avis countered.

"Ugh," Peter grimaced, "The academy could be rough... The service in general is rough... So after this, my place or yours?" He smirked, trying to change the subject to something much more pleasant.

"I don't mind the danger involved in the service. In fact I joined for the action. That's a military career for you," she gave her view on the subject, "We are all volunteers after all."

Peter nodded.

"I'd have to check on my roomie to see if she is around but either is good with me."

"Hmm sounds good," Peter responded, "Mine works days, so that's always an option... It sucks, it was a lot more convenient on the starbase... Now we're on separate spots on the ship again."

"Yeah well, like you just whined - "service in general is rough"," she smirked, "Me, I'm glad we are on another mission."

Peter rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah," he said, "Hopefully a little less eventful this time..."

"Or............just maybe we actually win this one this time?" she dryly pointed out, there was a lot of celebrating and medals and promotions for the last mission, one where they left a lot of innocent people behind and the pirate leader made a clean escape to wreak more havoc in the future.

"To live to fight another day is no defeat," Peter countered, "It could have been far worse."

"Well, while I would take issue with the first part of that statement, I do agree with your second part. Well, it's in the past now," Avis shrugged.

The doors started to open and he could hear the Commander's voice but there were definitely two people shuffling out.

"Uh oh," Peter commented before stiffening up.


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