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Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 3:26pm

Ensign Avis Larant

Name Avis Larant

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 124 lbs.
Hair Color Varies but currently blonde.
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description On the short side, athletic build, you can tell she keeps herself physically fit. She likes to dye her hair different colors on occasion but usually keeps it red. Real hair color is dirty blonde.
No visible scars or even tattoos.
She has a nice smile when she chooses to use it but takes her duties quite seriously.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Reynald Larant
Mother Livia Larant (deceased)
Brother(s) Florian (deceased)
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Avis is young and enthusiastic, she is a go getter and aggressive. You need a volunteer, she will probably be raising her hand. Those who have seen her personal files at Star Fleet might well understand then why there is an edge to her at times, like a chip on her shoulder the size of a piano.
She takes her duties very seriously but off-duty, she can be friendly even warm and more than willing to have a good time.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Strong sense of duty.
Team player.
Highly competent in her skills set.

Weakness- Aggressive, perhaps a bit too aggressive.
Fearless, too bold for her own good perhaps.
Very touchy about her past, does not like it brought up.
Ambitions She wants to excel in her Star Fleet career, it is her obsession perhaps in an attempt to make up for her family's dark past. A heroic death would not necessarily give her pause.
Hobbies & Interests Works out regularly, loves to do daily runs or at least on a treadmill.
She loves horses, actually owned one at one time. Maybe someday she could own one again.
Good swimmer.
Loves team sports, was on the Academy tennis and swim teams.

Personal History The second child born to Reynald and Livia Larant, she had a brother six years older than her. He was a once decorated military officer who retired to a small colony world where Avis spent her childhood though she did get to travel to Earth more than once.

Avis had a normal enough childhood, she was happy, healthy, a good student, and quite the athletic individual too. She got along reasonably well enough with her brother, made friends with her peer group also.

Reynald soon entered the local politics on the colony world and used his influence plus Avis good grades to secure her entry into Star Fleet Academy. So she left the colony that had been her home for the excitement of the academy.

She was in her second year there and doing well when life turned upside down for both her and her whole family. She was shocked to suddenly be notified by academy authorities her father and brother were involved in some sort of coup attempt on her home world. Her father had tried to seize power by force and there was a sharp severe round of bloodshed.

When the dust settled, her father was sentenced to prison, her brother had died in the fighting, and the family's reputation was shattered perhaps permanently. Avis too was investigated but it was decided she had not known about this ahead of time, same with her mother. Though within a year, Livia took her own life. Avis was alone, half the family dead and her father to spend a lifetime in confinement.

Trying to get past the sorrow and, yes, the disgrace, Avis threw herself into her schooling with one goal in mind. Become a successful Star Fleet officer and uphold the family honor once again. She got involved in a nasty fight with two other cadets and almost was washed out but a high ranking instructor intervened in her favor saving her career.

Then finally came her graduation, Avis was an official Federation Star Fleet member. She was then assigned to the USS Midway.

Avis had fought so hard to get to this but now her challenge was just beginning. She was eager to get it started.

Service Record Graduate from Star Fleet Academy.

First duty assignment: USS Midway (NCC- 1743)