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Bridge In Tatters

Posted on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 @ 8:36pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Sickbay; Bridge
Timeline: M3 MD02 - 0930


The only ones not tossed around with the sudden stop were the patients who had be strapped in. Slattery picked himself off the floor, some blood coming from a cut on the top of his head. He applied a bandage, then walked to the ship's intercom. "This is Slattery, on my way." He grabbed a medkit, and headed to the nearest turbo-lift, which was not working. So he found a Jefferies Tube that ended at the bridge. He started climbing up, and only stopped climbing when he appeared on the bridge.


He looked around.

"There's a lot of injuries up here," Meredith announced to Slattery, taking a step towards him. When she did, her leg fell out from under her and she let out a loud little yelp as she fell on her side.

Slattery tried to break Meredith's fall, just being partly successful. Then using his scanner, he scanned her leg. "Lay still. You've suffered a grade 3 fracture of your left leg." He reached into his pouch and pulled out a hypo. "This is for the pain. We'll get you down to sickbay as soon as we can." Then he went to the captain and first officer and scanned them. Pulling out his communicator, "Slattery to sickbay. I'll need 3 med teams, with stretchers on the bridge, stat!" He checked the captains' eyes, running his little flashlight over them. Then he did the same to the first officer. "Captain, if you can hear've suffered a concussion, as did the first officer. I gave you something for the pain, but the best this is for you both not to move." As he waited for the stretchers, he started checking the other people who were on the bridge.

The Captain made no response as he was out cold.

Aze, who had managed to regain a groggy state of consciousness, struggled onto all fours and started crawling away from her viewscreen crash site. Her vision was blurry at best. She got halfway to her station's chair when she was overcome by the ache in her head, still bleeding and collapsed to the floor.

Meredith lay still as she was instructed to do. She glanced over at Aze and sighed heavily. This had been bad. This had been a bad day.

"Sir," she addressed Slattery, "how can I hel..." Her course suddenly changed as she noticed Aze slipping from her chair, but she managed to get to her only in time to keep her from smacking her head on the deck...again. Pressing her hand against the Comms officer's wound, she fumbled to get out her tricorder to see how bad the damage was. They needed bridge crew, but things weren't looking too promising at the moment!

In one of her brief moments of consciousness, Vox heard Slattery's voice Her mind was not focused on anything so she never even considered, addressing Slattery by his first name, would add more fuel to the rumours. "Michael?" she called out.

Michael scanned Aze's wound. "Not good, but it appears to be a mild concussion and a lactation. Can't do anything until more help arrives." He looked at Harmony. "Keep pressure on that wound." He handed her some pads. Then he bent down, and whispered in her ear. "You'll be fine, my dear. You have to be."

Then he started moving to the others, checking for a pulse, then scanning them, praying that help arrives soon.

Meanwhile at the helm, Thraxina had realised that even the tough John Stryker was not in any condition to carry on with his duties: having a severe head injury and being responsible for making sure that they didn’t crash into a planet were two things that did not sit well together.

For the first time in her life, she was actually glad to see that useless Koppelman girl appear on the bridge looking a bit dazed and confused. No change there, then. “Koppelman!” she snapped “Take Commander Stryker down to sickbay, tell them Chief Stardancer thinks he has a.... what was it? a Basilica skull fracture!”

She expected the heroically brave man to argue, so got in first “Come on Commander, go with Annie Oakley and go and see Ol’ Doc Kitchner, the Indians have been at your scalp with their tomahawks” She knew the hunky navigator and the weedy nerd of a cadet had a shared love of the old Wild West.

He was in no mood to be mollycoddled, but then again, he was in no mood to argue the point either. He looked at Thraxina and gave a pained smile, "Aye-aye." He said then looked to Koppelman, "Let's go, Annie Oakley, best be following orders. Not sure why she called you that, but whatever works I guess."

Poppy was worried, Commander Stryker seemed a bit confused and she even agreed with the hated Thraxina's idea to get him down to sickbay.

He was far from the worst of the injuries being tended to and since he had no idea what a Basilica skull fracture was, it was best to take no chances.

As the big burly navigator rose, Poppy wasn't exactly sure what to do, should she try and support him? That would seem odd with her being such a weed! She couldn't hold his hand, that would look embarrassing for the both of them! In the end she sort of put one arm gently round his back and guided him the hell out of there, even though he probably didn't need her help that bad.

Once they made the turbo-lift, she kept a hand on his arm and kept looking up at him to make sure he seemed OK.


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