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Working off the Stress

Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 10:40pm by Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Lieutenant Azrel Vox

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: The Gym
Timeline: Before the warp drive incident

Aze was in the gym. She had managed to get herself worked up again, all from a message from home. Once again her mother was causing trouble and her uncle had to step in, again, to sort it out. She means well but her mother always managed to go too far.

Aze was on one of the rowing machines where you had to row faster or slower in order to play the game on the screen. She was focused on the screen and was unaware if anyone else came in or left.

While she really didn't like working out, Harmony knew that she had to keep in shape, and that moving around made her feel better, physically and emotionally. Even so, she was dragging her heels as she entered the gym, still undecided on what she was going to do.

"Hey!" she called with a smile to Aze as she passed, but then she stopped to watch what she was doing...not the rowing so much as the screen in front of her. "Is that a game?" Maybe exercise could be interesting if there was some endgame besides just exercise!

"Oh hello. Yes its a game. You have to row faster or slower to move the boat up and down the screen to get the jewels to get points. While playing the game you don't realise its giving a good workout. " Aze explained.

"Oh! I didn't know they had that." Harmony grinned, watching a bit longer. "Does anything else here do that? I might be more inclined to work out of there was a game involved...and I don't mean games like baseball or sparring."

She'd certainly be more interested if there was something to do besides rowing or treading or whatnot!

"You know, I'm not sure." Aze replied slowing down her rowing. "I know this machine does but I've not really had a good play with the other machines yet. " She added.

"I'll take a look!" Harmony grinned, going over to the stationary bicycle. "I know this has the scenery, so you can pretend you're riding through someplace." For a moment, she fiddled with the controls, then laughed. "Sure enough! You can race against some sort of little rolly critters. They should combine this with the holodeck, that would be interesting!"

"Oh, I might try that next. Let me know how it's played." Aze replied. "If you don't mind, I could do with someone to talk to as well." She added.

"It's not necessarily 'played'," Harmony explained as she hopped onto the bike next to the rowing machine. "I've only tried it once, and we were going to Egypt, only we ended up in the Napoleonic Era, so we got to meet him! Well, not him, but the computer version of him."

She started pedaling. "You can pretty much go anywhere, any time, and I guess there might be games you can do, too. It's not exact or perfect, but it's pretty cool!" She glanced over at Aze. "You're in comms, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, I'm in Comms. I've actually been reading about ancient Earth history, currently on Egypt actually. It's quite interesting. I'd really like to visit for real but it does look rather dry and hot. I've never been very good with dry hot climates. " Aze commented.

"I think you might be able adjust the climate settings." Harmony wasn't sure, she hadn't tried. "We got to see the Pyramids and Sphinx, was the early 19th century...Napoleon Bonaparte was there!" It had been thrilling, even though it had just been a program. "I'd like to go back sometime and see them in their day, all new and shiny. I mean, it's not the exact thing, but as close as you can get to time travel."

"Hey yeah, I suppose it is like time travel. If you do go back to the temples of Egypt back when they were pristine and new, count me in. "Aze replied. "I would love to join you on that adventure. " she continued.

"Sure, we can do that!" Harmony grinned. "I'll be more specific this time, though. I'll have to do some research, I know there's at least a couple thousand years, and I'm not sure when the pyramids were at their height, before they started using the Valley of the Gods. When's a good time?"

"Good question. I will have to check my duty schedule and get back to you on that one. I am definitely up for it though." Aze advised.

"Sure, it will be fun!" Harmony started pedalling again. "I think they see us as we're supposed to be, without having to put on costumes...I mean, if we run into any people there. It really is an interesting experience."

"I don't have an issue in getting all dressed up in appropriate clothing for the period. I wonder what women wore in the times of ancient Egypt. " Aze commented.

"Oh, I'm not really sure on that." Harmony shrugged. "We can do some research, I think they, togas or something? That might be fun to look into." There would be files in the computers, and it would feel more real if they were wearing the actual clothes.

"That is what I was thinking. More real and blending in. I visited Earth not long ago and so I decided to wear something that is fashionable there rather than something traditionally from Trill." Aze commented.

"Oh, heck, I think there's so many different types on Earth, you could blend in anyway," Harmony chuckled, "but it is fun to explore other cultures, their clothing and customs." She shrugged. "I think it's interesting that some cultures see clothing merely as covering, some as fashion or art, and some as custom or distinction between groups."

"Are you familiar with the current styles on Trill? I am not sure I like the current trends. I tend to buy things things suit me and fit me well. Whether they are in fashion is not something I am bothered about. " Aze replied.

"Oh, and comfortable, right?" Harmony shook her head. "I don't pay much mind to the fashion trends, heck, most of what I like to wear harkens back centuries, to what they call 'Bohemian', or 'Hippie', loose, a few frills, earth tones, but some bright splashes." She grinned. "We should try on clothes sometime, just for the laughs, mind you!"

"Sounds like fun. Fashion has never been that important to me. Comfort and looking nice are always more important." Aze commented.

"And I can't help but wonder sometimes if the designers aren't playing a prank by making the most hideous, impractical things they can think of, then laugh at the hoity-toits who think they are so elegant and suave!" Harmony laughed!

"I know exactly what you mean. You do wonder if they are on the same planet or even universe as yourself when you see what they produce all in the name of fashion." Aze giggled.

"Kinda like that story, 'The Emperor's New Clothes', where they convince the emperor that he has on the highest in fashion, only he's bare naked, and no one is brave enough to tell him because he's so proud!" Harmony laughed. "I'm glad I'm not like a queen or celebrity or anything, where you can't ever be certain that people are saying what they really think, or they're just trying to say what they think you want to hear. Seems like that would be kinda lonely."

Being a grunt was just fine with her, she didn't need all the complications that came with command!

"Its been great to meet and chat to you Harmony. We should do this more often." Aze commented.

"Sure! It can be a big ship, so it's always good to meet as many of the crew as you can. I'll look into saving a spot in the holodeck and get back to you with some times, then we can see what all we can do with it!"

"Definitely.count me in. " Aze replied. "I will look up traditional clothing for the period. " She added.

"Sure, I'll look, too, and we can go in appropriately local!" Harmony wasn't really sure that the holodeck characters knew the difference, but any excuse to dress up shouldn't be squandered, right? "I'll get back to you by tomorrow on it."

It was at this point Aze realised she might be able to use an Earth term she had heard used last time she visited. It was a word that signified that something was good, great or even brilliant. So she smiled and said.... "Sweet".

"That it is!" Harmony grinned. "A chance to dress up, see something new and exercise without it really being exercise, what could go wrong?"

Brought to you by Lt. Azrel Vox & PO2 Harmony Stardancer


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