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Wed Jun 28th, 2023 @ 2:18pm

Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer

Name Harmony Stardancer

Position Medical Officer

Rank Petty Officer, 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight #125
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Slim, but not anorexic, athletic, but not muscular. Her features are plain and delicate, and she has a bright smile and expressive brown eyes that have flecks of green. Her shoulder-length hair is auburn, and she wears it up while at work, although she prefers to keep it down when off-duty. Harmony is 5/7", #120. When she isn't relegated to a uniform, she chooses casual clothing in earth tones with occasional splashes of color.


Spouse/Partner N/A
Children N/A
Father Andrew (deceased)
Mother Lauren (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Slim, but not anorexic, athletic, but not muscular. Her features are plain and delicate, and she has a bright smile and expressive hazel eyes that have flecks of green. Her shoulder-length hair is brunette, and she wears it up while at work, although she prefers to keep it down when off-duty. Harmony is 5/7", #120. When she isn't relegated to a uniform, she chooses casual clothing in earth tones with occasional splashes of color.

Harmony carries herself confidently, moving with athletic grace and not afraid to look you in the eye. Her shoulders held straight, her gait bold, her whole demeanor exudes confidence and a no-nonsense attitude, she isn't one to be messed with! Fading burn marks on her forearms indicate that she had seen fear and faced it.

For the most part, Harmony has a devil-may-care attitude and has always been one to push the limits, willing to try anything once and wanting to do for herself. She is nearly fearless, although as she's gotten older she has become more sensible. She is fiercely independent, and is strong-willed, outgoing, optimistic and caring. She tires to see the humor in things, to see the bright side and find a way to laugh and put people at ease. She's got an infectious laugh and a playful glint in her eye that reflects an almost childish exuberance, but that doesn't mean she won't take things seriously.

Caring and protective, she strives to help the underdog, do what she can to protect those who need it. She hates bullies, hates people who take advantage of those that are weaker than they are, and she does what she can to intervene. When that happens, she can be fierce, jumping in without reservation, almost to the point of being reckless.

Even so, she'd just as soon avoid a fight, and tries to think 'outside the box'. She's got an easy manner and prefers not to fight, although she's smart enough to realize that that isn't always possible. Essentially a bit of a loner, she is still fiercely loyal to those she calls friend, and to her 'brothers-at-arms'.
Strengths & Weaknesses Compassionate
Hobbies & Interests Sleight of hand
Gambling (not any more, really!)
Plays concertina

Personal History

Only child of freighters, Harmony grew up around ships and was flying from the time she could 'reach the pedals'! Her mother saw to most of her schooling, as they were constantly on the move and the freighter her father owned served as home. She had free run of the ship, and took the opportunity to explore every aspect of the ship, but it was piloting that was her passion, and her father was more than happy to nurture that. But the balance of their world changed when her mother died from a sudden brain aneurysm.

Harmony was only six, and her father was determined that she was going to have a 'proper' education, and sent her to live with a friend back in San Diego. Devastated at losing her mother, this move seemed to the child to be abandonment, and she soon rebelled, challenging the adults and picking fights with the other kids. It took nearly two years, all manner of punishment (being confined to her room just gave her the opportunity to sneak out the window onto the roof then down the drain-pipe to freedom!) before she was finally reunited with her dad on his freighter.

The pair worked well together, Harmony was content to be with her dad, on 'her' ship, and rewarded him by delving into her lessons and earning decent grades. In the mean time, she learned more about piloting the ship, and was even left alone at the helm on occasion.

It seemed that she was destined to follow in his footsteps and inherit the ship when fate again intervened. Her dad was killed in an accident, and, at twelve, she was again shipped off to San Diego, and again she rebelled, seeing no sense in doing the right thing, because that didn't pay off to her way of thinking.

She tolerated school, but only because she and a few of her 'friends' had a decent gambling business that they were running, making enough to be able to get hold of drugs and real alcohol, although Harmony steered clear of the drugs.

When she was sixteen, she left her foster home and moved into a small apartment with those same friends, and even though, in her heart, she knew this was wrong, she found ways to justify her way of life. It wasn't until she was almost nineteen that she had her 'Meet Jesus' moment.

Of course, she'd long been bragging that she could fly most anything of the smaller class ships, and, with the aid of a good deal of alcohol, the group 'commandeered' a shuttle. All went well until it didn't, and one of her friends decided to try to take the controls. The resulting crash caused the shuttle to slide into a house, which caught on fire. While Harmony's 'friends' fled, she stayed behind to make sure everyone was out of the house, resulting in second degree burns to her forearms.

Sobered, in more ways than one, she finally realized that she had to turn her life around, or she'd 'never amount to anything', so she turned to her father's friend, who offered to use his influence to help her, contingent on her joining Starfleet. Reluctant to join anything with so much structure, Harmony nevertheless knew a good opportunity when it was presented, and took the offer. While she hoped to specialize as a pilot, she was barred from that for five years, and instead was directed into the medical corps, and actually found that she liked it and had an aptitude for it. After nearly two years of training, she finally earned her Paramedic certification and was assigned to the base at San Diego. She was twenty-two.

Within a year, Harmony was assigned to the USS Pedras, and most recently has been transferred to the USS Midway.
Service Record Entered Starfleet training in San Diego

Various assignments on Earth

Assigned to the USS Pedras

Transferred to USS Midway