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Bridge Matter

Posted on Sun Apr 30th, 2023 @ 8:32pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Bridge
Timeline: M3 MD02 - 0925

The ship came to a complete stop, flinging each member of the bridge crew. Aze and the Captain flipped over the Conn and landed in a heap by the view screen. The bussard collector trick had worked though. Without that little maneuver he would have been squished on the view screen. Regardless, the two of them were out cold as the red emergency lights snapped on.

For a few lingering seconds, an eerie silence pervaded across the bridge, with the crew laying strewn about in a daze.

Then, slowly, a rustling noise could be heard, followed by a groan as Lieutenant Miyake slowly stood up.

"My God..." she gasped, rubbing the back of her neck. "Is everyone okay?"

Aze was in an undignified position by the viewscreen. She was on her back, her head facing up towards the ceiling with her legs up against the wall by the viewscreen.

She was dazed and disorientated and drifting in and out of consciousness She struggled to get her bearings and her head was throbbing after getting thrown over the conn station. She touched the side of her forehead as she could feel something wet, looking a her hand she saw blood. "Not really no" she exclaimed in answer to Miyake's question. She then blacked out.

Wincing, Lieutenant Miyake pulled out her communicator and flipped it open.

=Medical teams to bridge, please,= she requested, her words feeble and somewhat slurred as she fought back a pounding sensation in her head. =I think... I think we may have casualties.=

Lucy had been literally thrown from the science console, her head impacting with the circular handrail in the center of the bridge. She had been knocked unconscious, blood trickling through her blonde hair as she laid against one of the handrail posts.

Stryker had attempted to get a better grip on his seat when the ship stopped and he went aft into and over the railing landing in a heap at the foot of the bulkhead. Conscious, dazed to be sure, and already sore.

Meredith's position kept her from being thrown about too far, though that was deceptive. The pressure was twisting her up all kinds of ways and she did spin to the side and slam her hip into the bulkhead, the electronic clipboard hitting the deck and sliding forward. She stood and, when she stood, the pain shouting up her leg was intense and unexpected. She froze up completely for a moment, hearing Miyake call for medical assistance. She had enough presence of mind to note the captain and the exec were both apparently unconscious. She looked to the helm to make sure Thraxina was still conscious and in control. If not, that could be very bad.

Thraxina was still conscious and in control but there was a big rip in her uniform where it had snagged on the helm console as she’d been tossed over it. While others were slamming into hard surfaces and breaking heads on the walls of the saucer, she had been executing a graceful pirouette in mid-air to a tremendous tearing noise before being unceremoniously dumped in front of the helm console. A pair of laddered tights and a regulation bra on show, but nothing that would stop her being able to crawl back to her seat and try and bring the still moving ship, though now travelling at sub-light speeds, onto some kind of proper course heading.

It was like a car braking too quickly on a wet road, jolting its passengers, but carrying on in a brake-locked skid.

She found herself stealing a glance around to make sure Stryker was OK. The Captain and First Officer were out cold, her helm partner, the Chief Navigator, was now in command, though she realised he might not have gathered his wits enough to know that, she prompted him by addressing her status report to him.

“Commander Stryker, we are still on previous course, on full impulse. Permission to reduce speed, Sir?” she formally requested, while starting to do that anyway.

"Helm, reduce speed." Came out almost before he realized it. He scrambled to his feet only to see both senior officers were out of commission, so he touched his communicator, =^=All decks, Damage report!=^=

He believed it would be people rather than any other type of damage. He had a knot rising on his forehead, and some substantial pain stemming from his right knee, but nothing too serious, as far as he was concernened.

Harmony had been in a corridor near the bridge when she order came to brace for impact, and while she wondered just what it was they were going to impact, she knew it didn't matter, an order was an order and a warning was a warning. She, along with the other crew in the corridor, dropped to the deck and pressed against the bulkheads, so that the jolt, while rough, was not devastating.

As soon as she could, Harmony scrambled to her feet, checking to see that no one here needed her help, then she sprinted for the bridge. It was chaos that she entered into, but these were professionals, and the crew here was already taking stock and picking themselves up...those who could.

Triage...that was what was needed, and that was what she was trained in. "Who's hurt the worst?"

To say she had her hands full was an understatement, but Thraxina couldn't help shouting across to her friend "Probably the ones who can't answer you!" From where she was sitting, the two people more or less plastered over the hull under the gently cascading stars on the Viewscreen were the most obvious. "Check the Captain and Vox" she added, more helpfully.

"Yeah, okay..." Harmony started to shuffle around, but then Stryker spoke to her.

"Good to see you Petty Officer," Stryker greeted, "The Skipper and First Officer need to be revived." Sounded sort of echoie.

"I heard." She grinned, but was looking closely at John. He didn't look very good.

If anyone else had said that, Thrax would have growled 'I just said that!' but, of course, for her, Stryker could do no wrong.

Thrax's mouth was moving but no sound was emanating. He couldn't hear! But he just had heard Thrax, moments ago. He pinched his nose and exhaled heavily and the pressure release almost made him scream.

"Oh! No, no, no! Don't do that!" Harmony reached for John's hand, pulling it away from his face. "If you have a basilar skull fracture, you could lose what bits of brain you have left!" She was making light, but John's pupils were bigger than they should be, and maybe a bit unequal.

"Hang on. What did you guys do here, anyway?" She managed a grin as she scanned his head, then nodded. "Good, nothing split open, but take it easy for a bit." Then she heard Lt. Slattery's voice and looked around, spotting him across the room, partially hidden behind a console...she hadn't noticed him when she'd come in. "You two look out for each other, I'll check back."

Then she started to move toward Slattery.

Stryker made it to his station and dropped into his chair, he did not feel very good, which he attributed to the knot on his head, and the pain from his ears. What had she said? Basilar skull fracture? Whatever that might be, and, it did not sound good at all.


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