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Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 11:38pm

Commander Lucy Heartfilia

Name Lucy Heartfilia

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position First Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 128lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Lucy has a professional but caring personality. She has been known to have a temper which she can lose easily. However she is considered approachable and dedicated to her job and career.


Father Jude Heartfilia
Mother Anna Heartfilia (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

Ambitions Lucy's ambitions are to one day sit in the center chair of a starship. Although she is happy where she is right now serving as Chief Science Officer and First Officer, she wishes one day for the challenge. She wouldn't mind one day having her own family, but having children is not something she plans for the immediate future.
Hobbies & Interests Scientific Discoveries



Socialising with others, especially in the recreation room.


Personal History Lucy was born into the Heartfilia Family, a rich and old family in North Yorkshire, England on Earth. From an early age she was expected to become the new heir to the family. However she was often ignored by her father as he attended to his estate and affairs. When Lucy was only a young child her mother passed away from a long term illness. This caused Lucy to become distant to her father as she was pushed away and was raised mainly by the people employed to run the house.

She was homeschooled as a child and teenager and had a particular interest in the sciences. She was expected to remain in the house and represent the Heartfilia Family. However Lucy had a different idea. She wanted to get out and see the universe. Therefore at sixteen she secretly applied for Starfleet Academy, she was accepted and managed to eventually tell her father she was leaving. He did not take lightly to this.

Four years at the Academy she trained to be a Science Officer. She enjoyed her time at the Academy and fitted in well somehow. However she was seen as the 'rich girl' type from the way she acted and spoke. She was soon assigned to the USS Paladin as a Science Officer at age twenty with the rank of Ensign.

She stayed aboard the Paladin for three years eventually making it to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and Assistant Chief Science Officer. After her three year tour on the Paladin, Lucy was assigned aboard the USS Ark Royal an Asia Class Cruiser as the ships new Chief Science Officer. She was part of a new crew, which was assembling under command of Captain Johnston so many of the crew were low ranked.

The Ark Royal was assigned along the Klingon neutral zone for the next four years. In that time Lucy made the rank of full Lieutenant until the Ark Royal was pulled back to spacedock for a resupply. During that time Lucy had been highlighted by Captain Johnston for going into command. He kept a close eye on her as once again the Ark Royal left on a new patrol along the Neutral Zones on a two year patrol.

After the two year uneventful patrol the Ark Royal was due to be refit and most of her crew reassigned. Lucy was picked up by the USS Midway as the new Chief Science Officer, as well as a promotion to that of First Officer. She was also promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. She was excited to serve on one of the newest Constitution Class Starships serving in the fleet.
Service Record USS Paladin - Science Officer - Ensign

USS Paladin - Assistant Chief Science Officer - Lieutenant JG

USS Ark Royal - Chief Science Officer - Lieutenant JG/Lieutenant

USS midway - Chief Science Officer/First Officer - Lieutenant Commander