
  • 57 Mission Posts

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Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 11:12am

Lieutenant Thraxina

Name Thraxina

Position Chief Helmsman

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ardanan (Humanoid)
Age 23
Theme Song How Does It Feel To Be One Of The Beautiful People? - The Beatles

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 150 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Fit young woman as required by Starfleet Regulations.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Plaxus of Stratos
Mother Bereen of Stratos
Brother(s) Carabb
Sister(s) Jillette
Other Family Various members of the family live on Stratos, the City in the Clouds.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Much, much less snobby and sniffy since her Starfleet conversion course at SF Headquarters in San Francisco, Earth.
Strengths & Weaknesses Intelligent and able at her job, she has a healthily critical attitude to some of the hypocrisy of the Vulcan and Human dominated United Federation of Planets and the unworkable policy of The Prime Directive.
Ambitions After a suitable period of service with Star fleet, she intends to go into intergalactic politics.
Hobbies & Interests Ardanan four dimensional chess, or even the dumbed down three dimensional version played by some members of Starfleet.

Personal History As with all Stratos city-dwellers, Thraxina's eugenically bred brain was educated by computers to an incredibly high standard. Those of her classmates who could not keep up were given to disappear, whispered as having gone 'over the edge' or 'down to the surface'.

Politics was the area that interested her, the pure exercise of power: but power on Zenite-rich Andara itself, or even as a High Advisor in the rarified atmosphere of Stratos city, she saw as too limiting, as Andara increasingly became entangled in the galactic struggles of Federation, Klingon and Romulan Empires: finally entering into the Federation despite the draconian political conditions traditionally wielded by the planet's Stratos-dwellers over the Troglodytes below.

In the new Galactic vision: only a place in federation Government would assuage her ambitions. The first steps on this road would be a commission in the Andaran Home Fleet, and then a transfer to Star Fleet.
Service Record 2262-63: Officer Cadet, Ardanan Fleet Training Facility, Stratos City, including service on Zenite convoy corvettes.

2263-64: Pilot-Officer ASS Zantos, Corvette. Acted as Helmsman and Gunnery officer on convoy escort duties, seeing action against Orion pirates and other raiders, including at least one D-7

2264-66: Flight-Officer, ASS Krasdas. Awarded Order of Stratos, 2nd Class, for action against Romulan backed privateers off Merak II.

2266-2267: Political Officer training on Stratos City.

2267-2268: Volunteers to undergo conversion training to enter Star Fleet, even though this will mean loss of one rank step. Graduates from SF course as a gold shirted Lt. J.G.

2268: Assigned to U.S.S. Midway as part of Operations Crew, usually rostered on Helm duty with Chief Navigator Lieutenant Braun Bernhardt