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Then and Now

Posted on Wed Jun 21st, 2023 @ 5:09am by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 12:46pm

346 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Thraxina's Quarters
Timeline: M3 MD 6-1800

There was a chime at Thraxina's door as Meredith stopped just outside. She was still in her uniform but she was holding a sizable wooden box.

The yawning Ardanan opened the door wearing a surprisingly tatty looking dressing gown which he hadn't bothered to tie up at the front, bra and knickers and that was it. Her tummy looked quite big, bulging out noticeably from her otherwise slim body but not so much that it couldn't be explained as having eaten too many pies. Well, big pies maybe. She had never been vain about her looks: in fact on Ardana she was considered rather plain.

"Hullo, you're up and about a bit early aren't you? Or a I late?" she queried and then looked at the box. "What's in that, the Medusan Ambassador?"

She waved the yeoman into her quarters, which were a mess. "I'f better find my ugly-visor."

"It's early evening,, late afternoon," Meredith said as she stepped in and looked around. This was the first time she had been in Thraxina's quarters. "How are you doing?"

She set the box down. "No, not the Medusan ambassador. I got you something. It's actually customary on Earth, well, many Earth cultures, to bring gifts when a friend is having children."

"Ooh, I hope it's a box of dummies - pacifiers do you call them? Imagine five screaming babies. Or maybe a box of earplugs" the Ardanan suggested.

"Those might have been good," Meredith admitted as she opened the box. It had a variety of toys in it. Enough for all of the kids. There were blocks and little wheeled wooden toys, some of which linked to each other. Fortunately and considerately, none of them looked like the kind to create noise on their own.

Meredith sighed a little. She knew Thraxina would be leaving her post due to her pregnancy. "I am going to miss you, Thraxina." It was actually the first time she'd addressed her by name. They had gotten off to a rocky start but Meredith really had come to consider her a friend.


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