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Stepping Back Through time

Posted on Wed Jun 28th, 2023 @ 2:18pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Holographic Recreation Deck

"I will have my Captain show you the way. It's quite spectacular."

"Merci." Harmony nodded, then turned to follow their escort. "I didn't think we'd actually get a chance to go inside," she whispered to John, "it's amazing enough they could build these things, but to be able to put in those tunnels and chambers...and for it not to collapse after all these years..."

"It almost seems to be impossible that they would still be standing, yet they are. The engineering feat still stands as one of the greatest of all time. When one considers the primitive tools they had at their disposal at that time, it still baffles the mind that they were created. And the manpower required to complete each one, not to mention the time it took to build even the smallest of them. The Egyptians were such an industrious people for that time period. Very creative."

"I guess it's what we grow up with." Harmony shrugged. "I mean, it's not really fair to judge the Egyptians by the lost knowledge. Just because we can't replicate what they did doesn't mean it wasn't done." She laughed. "Or that aliens did it!" Of course, there was that possibility, but she couldn't see that Humans on Earth wouldn't have confirmation of their existence for nearly three thousand years if they had been there to help with the Pyramids.

Still, it was a mystery how they'd come to be.

Their guide led them into the first shaft, a narrow and low passage that even Harmony had to stoop in, and it was quite plain, but then it opened to a chamber that was painted all around, the ceiling blue with gold stars, and what appeared to be marshes on the walls.

"Oh, wow! This is amazing!" Harmony stopped to take it all in, knowing this was just the start.

"Beyond that, Harmony. Well beyond amazing!" John said looking around at the work done by hands so many centuries ago, at least in his time, at the moment at least a century or two. Some thirty-two hundred years before Christ. They were over two thousand years beyond that. The figures made him dizzy.

"You know that we are looking at things from four hundred and eighty years ago?" He asked stunned by the number. "Wow, and I thought that trip to the old west with Cadet Poppy Koppelman was a ways back in time!" He was curious as to what other wonders they were about to see on this legendary trip into the past.

"And you weren't there?" Harmony teased, following as the passage got steeper and more narrow, almost claustrophobic. And it was darker. Not pretty paintings here!

"There's a trap here," their guide pointed out, indicating an area where there was a huge rock partially blocking the passage. "You'll have to go under."

Harmony's node wrinkled up at the thought, but there was no real danger, so she dropped to the ground and shimmied under.

John followed suit, thinking that unsuspecting tomb robbers, of which there would be many over the millennia to follow, would be unaware of such a trap. He made it under the boulder and stood up they would need torches to continue.

"Got dark in a hurry didn't it?" He asked the obvious.

Harmony and John followed their guide through the dark passage, the only light coming from their torches. The air was cool and damp, and the walls were rough and uneven.

"How much further?" Harmony asked, her voice echoing in the darkness.

"Not far," their guide replied. "Just a few more steps."

They finally reached the end of the passage, and their guide led them into a large chamber. The walls were covered in hieroglyphs, and the floor was littered with sand and debris.

"This is it," their guide said. "This is the burial chamber of Pharaoh Khufu."

Harmony and John stood in awe, taking in the sight of the chamber. It was even more amazing than they had imagined.

"It's incredible," Harmony whispered.

"I know," John said. "It's like something out of a dream."

They spent the next few hours exploring the chamber, marveling at the ancient artifacts and the intricate carvings. It was an experience that they would never forget.

As they were leaving, Harmony turned to their guide and said, "Thank you for bringing us here. This has been an amazing experience."

"You're welcome," the guide said. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Harmony and John then returned to the camp, where they said goodbye to Napoleon and his men. They climbed aboard their shuttlecraft and headed back to the USS Midway.

As they flew away, Harmony looked back at the pyramids, still visible in the distance. She knew that she would never forget this day.

"That was amazing!" she said to John. "I can't believe we actually got to see the pyramids."

"I know," John said. "It was incredible."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Harmony said, "I'm so glad we decided to come here."

"Me too," John said. "This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

They smiled at each other, and then John turned the shuttlecraft back towards the USS Midway.

As they flew, Harmony thought about all the amazing things she had seen and done that day. She had met Napoleon Bonaparte, seen the pyramids, and even gone inside one of them. It had been a truly unforgettable experience.

She knew that she would never forget this day, and she couldn't wait to tell her friends and family all about it.


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