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Posted on Sun Mar 19th, 2023 @ 12:02pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman
Edited on on Sun Mar 19th, 2023 @ 12:28pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Aze's Quarters and Sickbay
Timeline: M3 MD03 - 0000 to 1900

Michael was riding on the turbolift when it stopped. When the doors opened, Vox was standing there. "Well hello."

"Hello Doctor" Aze replied as she got into the turbolift. "Are you going my way Doctor?" she said as she took hold of one of the control arms. "Deck 5" she requested. The doors closed and the turbolift began to move.

"I wasn't, but I am now." He smiled at her.

"Oh I am sorry, do you want to go somewhere else? We can go there first if you wish." she replied.

"I must rather go where you were going. I was just going to file some reports into the main computer." He slowly moved towards her. "Where are you going, if I may ask."

"Oh, just my quarters. I'm picking up a book as a friend would like to borrow it." Aze replied.

"I remember someone telling me that they had a surprise for me, for helping them to their quarters when they were drunk." Slatterly was now standing next to her. "Does that ring a bell?"

"I haven't forgotten Doctor. Let me find the book and then I will fulfil my promise. " Aze replied.

"I look forward to it. Shall I come with you or go to the computer room instead?"

"Join me in my quarters. " Aze replied as the turbo lift arrived on deck 5.

Slatterrly walked with her they walked down the corridor.

They soon arrived at Azrel's quarters. They entered. "Have a seat Doctor while I find that book. It should be on the shelf in my bedroom. Are you into reading the classics of Earth literature Doctor?" She asked as she wandered into her bedroom.

"Yes, I am. I enjoy reading. Grapes Of Waith. Gone With The Wind. Maltese Falcon." He watched her go into her bedroom. "If you need help finding that book, I may be of some help."

"That would be kind of your Doctor. The book has a green and gold covering. It's title is 'The Thirty-nine Steps' I think its on one of my book shelves but I can't remember which one." She said.

Michael entered the bedroom and saw her standing near a bookcase. He walked over and started looking. "Thirty-nine Steps. A classic." He kept looking.

"It is. I have read it a few times. It was a gift from another joined Trill like myself. Her name is is Emony, an amazing gymnast. " Aze commented.

Michael kept looking, then he saw something. "I think I see it." It was on the top shelf. He reached as high as he could, and with his fingertips, managed to get the book to fall off the shelf, and he caught it. "Here you are."

"Yep that's it. Thank you. Right, down to my promise. What exactly can I do to help you with your understanding of the Trill species?" Aze asked.

He touched her along the spots on the side of her head and down her neck. "How far down do the spots go?"

"All the way down to my feet on both sides of my body." Aze replied.

She lifted her tunic over her head so she was stood in front on Slattery in just her black panties and bra. Now he could see her spots flowing down both sides of her body, only disappearing beneath her underwear.

He walked up behind her and started gently running his fingers gently over her spots. Then he started kissing her neck.

She sighed. "If you going to do that, I think I best start calling you Michael." she said. "You will notice that my spots are slightly raised. A friend described them once as almost like Braille." she added.

"Yes," he said between kisses, "does that indicate arousal? Do Trills only mate with other Trills?" His fingers traced around her panties.

She closed her eyes for a moment, savouring Michael's delicate touch. "Definitely. As for only mating with other Trills, there is no law against being with other species. " she added.

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He pulled off his tunic and waited for her to undress the rest of him.

She removed his trousers and underwear and threw them into a chair in the corner of the room.

Three hours later.....

They laid in bed, spent and sweaty. She was in his arms, her back to him. "I think we're going to be late for our duty shift. I don't know about you, I'm planning to call in sick today."

"I'd love to do the same but I'm not sure I could do that without it being genuine. Anyway, did you get to see the extent of my spots or did you get too distracted?" She said holding onto his arms that were around her waist.

She moved to sit up on the bed, on top of the sheets. She faced Michael as he remained laying on the bed, her legs crossed and her hands down on the bed either side of her hips for support. The front of her body exposed to his gaze.

She looked at him. "You are a handsome man, Michael. Very much so. I could look at you for much longer but I do need to get to my shift." She said getting off the bed. Before she started to put on her underwear she turned to her side and ran her fingers along her spots from her left foot up to her neck. " As I said, all the way" she said smiling. She hadn't felt this good for a while.

Once she had changed. She turned to him. " Are you going lay here in my quarters all day?" She asked.

Michael sat up, swung his feet over the edge of the bed, stood up and put his arms around her. "I was thinking of maybe laying here until you get off duty and return, and then we can continue where we left off." Then he placed his thumb under her chin and lifted her face and then kissed her....passionately.

Once they broke away from their passionate kiss, Aze looked at Micheal. "Well, if you put it like that, make yourself at home, just don't make a mess. I will be back as soon as I can. " She replied. She kissed him once on the lips and then headed for the for the door. Before exiting, she looked back at him standing there, naked. She bit her lip and under her breath muttered "Damn" and left for the bridge.

When she left, Michael walked into the bathroom and started taking a shower.


Poppy hadn't particularly enjoyed "Venus in Furs" but it was nice of Lt. Vox to have lent it to her. She wondered, considering what the story was about, whether the communications officer had actually read it herself. Or maybe she had, and it was a subtle hint to 'take control' of her relationship with the Captain. Like... what relationship?

Well, if nothing else, Vox certainly had an impressive library in her tiny quarters. You had to give her that.

Those quarters were empty, it seemed, but the door was unlocked. The sound of a shower being turned off... ahhhh! Poppy put two and two together and got five. She would just pop her head into the shower compartment and let Aze know that she had returned the book and sorry about the soda she had spilt on it.

"Oh Lieutenant I jus... ARGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

The scream actually seemed to buckle the ships shields from the inside. Poppy looked up and recognised the face. "Doctor Slattery! I... I... " she started backing out from the shower area, her eyes wide and her mouth gaping and tripped over a heavily bound edition of Ulysses by James Joyce and landed flat on her back on Aze's floor, completely winded and unable to move.

Michael, having walked out of the bathroom naked, was surprised when he saw the cadet. So, he wrapped a towel around his waist. "Calm down, cadet." He walked over and offered a helping hand to help her get up. "I was using Azrel's shower. I didn't hear you come in. I hope I didn't embarrass you."

"I can't move!" she suddenly yelped "I'm paralysed! I'm going be in one of those contraptions like Captain Pike!" she said panicking. But she still had time to add "And I'd grab hold of that towel, Doctor Slattery - it doesn't look too safe!"

Slatterly went into 'doctor mode'. "Cadet, I am going to examine you. Just relax and try to stay calm. "Slatterly started touching her back and neck.

Poppy was not exactly thrilled to have the more or less naked, dripping wet doctor, clad only in his tiny and somewhat insecure towel wrapping, feeling her spotty neck and putting his hand under her scrawny body to feel her back.

"Cadet, can you move your hand?"

"W... where to?!" she asked nervously.

Aze had come off duty. She first dropped off the book she had been asked for by Ensign Lewis and then headed for her quarters.

The doors opened. She walked into her bedroom to find Poppy on the floor with, a practically naked, Slattery leaning over her, feeling Poppy's neck and back.

She stood there, her arms folded underneath her ample bosom. She cleared her throat in a manner that would attract their attention. Her gaze was one of 'What the hell is this?'

Poppy looked up in horror as Lt. Vox entered, realising how compromising this looked as she felt Slattery’s fingers on her neck, which sported as many pimples as her spotty face.

“Don’t worry” she yelped, trying to alleviate the situation but probably making it worse “I think he just wants to see how far down the spots go!”

"They probably don't go anywhere near as far down as mine do." Vox replied with a giggle.

"Cadet, your back is not broken, so you will indeed walk again. Looks like you bruised your back on that book. I'll contact medical and have someone bring a stretcher. Once we get you there, we'll do a full workup on you. Excuse me." Slatterly got up and headed back into the bathroom, where he quickly dressed and hailed sickbay for a stretcher. 5 minutes later, he left the bathroom, and that's when the medics arrive to take Poppy to sickbay.

Once Poppy had been taken from Vox's quarters, Aze turned to Slattery who was about to leave for sickbay to look after Poppy.

"I guess we are not having a part two now seeing as you flashed and scare poor young Poppy. " Aze asked with a smirk. "Bet she got to see a doctor's equipment which doesn't even get seen in sickbay." she added giggling. "I know I shouldn't but its funny. I will go with you to see how she is. You do realise that she will have put but two and two together and it wont be long before whole crew is aware of us."

By now Slatterly returned to the 'scene of the crime' in full uniform. "Is having the crew know about us a problem for you? It's not for me." They left her quarters and went to sickbay, to check on his patient.

When they got there, Poppy was on one of the biobeds, and a scanner was going over her. Michael walked and stood near the bed. "Well, cadet, it seems you will not need the use of a wheelchair. It seems all you have is a bruise on your back, with treatment, you should be able to return to your quarters and duties in 3 days." He patted her hand. Then he leaned closer and whispered, "And we should talk about what happened, don't you agree?"

“We should?!” asked Poppy “W... why? I didn’t see anything, Doctor Slattery, honest! Not a sausage!” she assured him, which was Plutonian slang for nothing at all.

Aze leaned into whisper into Michael's ear. "Ive thought about it, on way here, and honestly, no its not a problem." she said leaning out, kissing him on the cheek.

Michael smiled at Aze, then turned his attention back to the cadet. "Cadet...Poppy, you assumed Aze was in the bathroom, and you wanted to let her know something, but you were surprised when you saw me, naked. I guess you figured that Aze and I have started a relationship, and we spent a few hours together. Now, the human body is a glorious piece of work. You saw me naked and were surprised by how much larger than a lot of men are. Everyone is different. Humans come in all shaped and sizes. So, I am not embarrassed of my body. So if you have any questions, since I am your doctor, it will be strictly confidential." He looked at her and waited.

Poppy’s face was now so red it matched her uniform. How much larger?! And it was hardly strictly confidential with Lt. Vox standing there canoodling with the man. She had a flashback to the moment she had walked in on him, and her eyes had frozen on his big scary thingy How it had wobbled and... no! She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else, something boring... data disks. She thought of data disks and was able to regain some of her composure.

“I think I’m good, thanks” she managed to say “I’ll let you know if I think of any questions about your.... er, your... difference.

To be honest, lying there without her boots on (they had removed them when she had been brought in, to see if she could wiggle her toes) Poppy felt a little... it seemed silly, but... exposed. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a blue-uniformed nurse now walked in carrying a standard pale blue patient tunic, a short silky shift with tie shoulders, on a hangar.

She smiled a hello to Slattery and Vox and then looked at Poppy’s chart as the shy girl looked up helplessly from her supine position. “All right, Koppelman” she said efficiently “looks like you’ll be with us a couple of days, let’s get you out of that stuffy uniform and into a nice comfortable nightie!” She mentioned something about giving her some privacy, and pulled some curtains around the bed, but with the doctor and the communications officer still inside them!

Once again the nurse looked at the chart and saw that the cadet was in as a “back trauma patient”: no matter how mild the injury, she shouldn’t be allowed to sit up or stand for while. Drat, that made this a two-person job.

“Oh doctor, she’s BTP, I don’t suppose you could give me a hand getting her undressed?” she asked Slattery casually, while Poppy just gasped a horrified “Wha......?”

Slatterly looked at Poppy. "Cadet, the nurse, and regulations requires that the nurse needs someone to her help to undress you and put a nightgown on you. Is it alright if I assist her?"

When Poppy nodded and gave a quiet "Yes Sir." it wasn't because she felt she owed the good looking and athletically built doctor any sort of quid pro quo for having seen him in the nude (this would be poor recompence for that anyway) but because despite her incompetence and mistakes and her social awkwardness, at heart she was a brave little soldier. She was a Proud Plutonian.

Crimson faced, she closed her eyes and tried to pretend this wasn't happening. She felt hands slide under her back, undo her red Starfleet uniform and then gently pull it down and off of her. Then someone slid them under again and undid the three clasps on her rather heavy duty-bra; as that was gently lifted away she instinctively tried to cover her breasts, but heard the nurse's firm but caring voice tell her "Try to keep your arms by your sides, Poppy."

She felt something land on her, in each of the bra cups, padding dropped out. Poppy opened her mouth to explain that it was one of her mother's old ones and was a bit too big but the nurse's voice cut her off "That's all right Poppy, we all try and improve on nature sometimes." Now they really saw how far down her spots went: all over her shoulders, back and chest: angry little pustules of white and red. Her breasts weren't just small, the one on the right was slightly, but noticeably, larger than the one on the left, and a large brownish birthmark marred a large swathe of her stomach area.

She now felt her red regulation pants being tugged down, then her tights and finally, a very tatty pair of hand-me-down knickers that both her sisters had pre-owned. They were faded, torn and, frankly, stained. The final indignity; as they were lowered, a thick, quite bloody sanitary towel had to be pulled away, too, where it had rather glued itself onto her. This actually made Poppy yelp a bit. To say the girl was hirsute was an understatement: it might have helped if she ever shaved her legs or armpits, but the foliage elsewhere was also out of control, covering her inner thighs and the ladder up to her belly button.

She heard the nurse whisper to Slattery "Doctor, I think she has all the hallmarks of 'Plutonian Dimorphism Syndrome' I'll make her an appointment to come and see you about that when she's recovered."

Slattery nodded. "Yes nurse, make sure she sets up that appointment. PDS can be tough to treat, so we'll check the medical computer to come up with a plan of action." The nurse nodded then went to the computer to set the appointment. Slattery went back to Poppy's bed. "I hope we didn't embarrass you too much, but after some rest and treatment, you should go home in a couple of days." He placed his hand on hers. "If you need or want something, do not hesitate to call me. Okay?"

The still naked Poppy was about to say yes, she would quite like the nightdress but now she had a more pressing need. “I... think I need the bathroom! I need to...” She stuttered, this was so embarrassing in front of the handsome Slattery and the beautiful and poised Lt. Vox! “I n... need to pee-pee” she revealed.

Luckily, the nurse heard and came over with a large metal bed-pan. But then a beeping sounded in the next room.

“Oh, that’s Ensign Dora in the next bay, he needs his Thymoxolin shot. I don’t suppose you could take over here, doctor?” she begged another favour, placing the bed-pan into his hands.

“Oh and please try and make sure she doesn’t wet on the bed, it’ll be hard to clean up in her present condition.” she added before running off to give the Science officer his hypo.

"No problems, nurse, I did plenty of bedpan duty my first year of residency." The Slattery turned to Poppy. "Okay cadet, let's get this done." He placed the pan into position, and helped her move.
After a few minutes, it was over. "Very good, cadet. That wasn't so bad, for either of us, eh?" He smiled.

Poppy, strange to say, had reached a sort of epiphany. After being homeschooled all her life, in a remote part of a remote planetoid, it was only when she had gone to Starfleet academy that she had realised how different she was from other girls and she had spent a whole year trying to hide her deformed body from others, while at the same time yearning to join in with their social activities and sports.

Perhaps that is why she had developed her crush on the Captain, because, in her heart of hearts, she knew that it could never come true: he would never take him in his arms and kiss her, he would never witness the catastrophic disaster area that was her bodily form.

If someone had told her this morning that she was going to find herself stark naked in sickbay, splay-legged, peeing neverendingly into a tinkling metal bedpan held by the handsomest doctor on the ship, her intimate, if dubious, charms displayed for all the world to see, well, she would have marched straight to the transporter room and beamed herself into the cold vacuum of empty space.

But somehow Doctor Slattery had made it all so normal, so natural: his attentions so assured and kind, that she somehow felt less embarrassed and awkward than she had done in the whole of the last year, even when she had managed to pee on his hand a little bit. She was almost sad when it was over.

Aze was stood in the corner of Sickbay staying out of the way. She was feeling somewhat uncomfortable. She had never really been comfortable in medical facilities. She pondered whether it was her fault Poppy had her accident because had she insisted that Michael had gone back to work and not lounge in her quarters and took a shower, things wouldn't be as they were now.

Trying to hide her concerns was probably making it clearly obvious and written clear to see in her facial expressions and body language.

The nurse returned and took and took the bed pan from Slattery, giving him something to clean his hands with in return. “Oh my, you did do a lot didn’t you, Poppy?” she observed cheerfully, before saying more seriously to the medical man “I’ll take some samples for the PDS tests” before taking the brimming pan away.

She came back and took hold of the hanger with the nightdress. “All right Poppy, you can close your legs now, let’s get your nightie on” As they did that, she smiled over at Aze. “Don’t look so worried, Lieutenant, Cadet Koppelman is going to be just fine. She’s in good hands with Doctor Slattery.” And looking down the bed at him, Poppy knew that she was.


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