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An Informal Chat

Posted on Sun Mar 19th, 2023 @ 11:34am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10
Timeline: M2 MD05 (2268.6.07) 1500

Dr. Amato had met Dr. Slattery briefly when Dr. Kitchner had called them all to the shift for a staff meeting, but he still didn't know anything about the man other than his qualifications. The starbase was filled with little cafes and so Mike picked one at random and invited Dr. Slattery.

As Mike waited at one of the tables in the small cafe he wondered how confusing it was going to be with both of them being named Michael. Fortunately, the medical division had a habit of using last names primarily. He had already ordered a cup of black coffee.

There was a little time before he had to report onboard the Midway. So, he decided to stop in one of the small restaurants that lined the main level of SB 10. Slattery entered the cafe, grabbed a small tea at the counter, then looked around for a table. The place was crowded.

Slattery looked for an open seat at any table. He saw one where a medical officer was sitting, so he walked over and inquired, "Is this seat taken?"

"No," Mike responded before standing up. He instantly noticed the Midway 's assignment patch and then his face warmed up smile, "Dr. Slattery I presume. Good, I'm glad you received the invitation. I was hoping to meet you before we returned to the ship."

Slattery sat down and sipped his tea. "Yes, I am Michael Slattery. And you are..?

"Dr. Mike Amato... We met during the staff meeting," Mike responded, a confused look spread across the young man's olive face, "I sent you an invitation to meet me here... Unless it got lost or something."

"Sorry....I forgot. I have so much going on lately, some things fell through the cracks." Slattery sipped his tea again. "What shall we talk about?"

"Well I wanted to meet you," Amato responded, "More than just the hello in Sickbay if that makes sense."

Slattery nodded. "Makes sense. We probably won't be working the same shift, so this might be the last time we sit down and talk."

"There will still be staff meetings and shift changes but pretty much," Amato responded, "So, first assignment after medical school?"

"Yes." He put down his cup and signaled for a refill, which came quickly. "I requested this assignment because of Doctor Kitchner's reputation. You?"

"The Captain is or was my brother's best friend," Amato responded, "My brother was aboard the Defiant when it was lost with all hands this year... But anyway the Captain offered me a spot."

"Out of a deep seeded guilt, honest interest or an honest posting?"

"Nepotism," Amato responded with a chuckle, "In all seriousness he knew I was available and he needed doctors. He also thinks we may be investigating the Defiant's disappearance since Starfleet Command isn't satisfied with the Enterprise 's final report... So naturally I was interested in that."

"I remember the Defiant disappearance. So, I can understand the captain' desire for wanting to find out what was the cause of the disappearance. And as far as the number of doctors on the ship goes, I think we have more than probably any 2 starships in the fleet."

"And I'm rather invested in it as well," Amato responded. "Well I'm glad we have more than just two... That was difficult to manage. Who knows how long we will have 4."

"Probably when we get enough experience, they'll ship one of us off to another posting." Slattery replied.

"No doubt," Amato responded, "Maybe one of us will stick around long enough to replace Ol' Kitch once he decides to give it up. He told he signed on just for the Midway's maiden voyage." He sighed, "Although knowing Starfleet they'll probably dump another super senior officer on us."

"I also don't think that Command will be willing to trust a junior officer, fresh out of Starfleet Medical as chief of medical at this time." replied Slattery.

"Who knows, they do need people after all," Amato responded, "They had trouble crewing the latest constitution class ship... This ship... After all."

"In my opinion," Slattery started to say, "the minimum number of doctors slash surgeons that a starship should have would be 3. Each doctor having an 8-hour shift, and also be available to be called upon to report in case of an emergency. In the case of the Midway, that should be the case. Right now, we have a chief medical officer looking over the shoulders of three residents, probably not the best-case scenario for all concerned."

"Well I was here first," Amato responded with a chuckle, "I'm sure we'll make it work for the time being. Sounds like Dr. Kitchner wants to take it easy... I think he's used to being an administrator these days."

"Just because you were here first, by a few hours, might not be as important as to who the best doctor turns out to be." Slattery raised his glass and sipped his drink.

"I suppose," Mike responded with an eye roll.


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