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Fri Dec 6th, 2024 @ 9:53am

Lieutenant Michael Amato

Name Michael Giovanni Amato

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Birthdate March 19, 2243
Aliases / Nicknames Mike, Mikey

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 155
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Mike has a youthful, fair complexion with a subtle hint of weariness etched into his features, a byproduct of his medical career and recent events. His green eyes hold a steady, alert gaze which contracts his usual bored demeanor. While normally subdued, of animated his smile can light up a room.


Spouse/Partner Ensign Toby Dienstag
Father CPO Joseph "Joe" Amato (ret.)
Brother(s) Lieutenant Commander Joseph Amato (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally quiet and reserved although is friendly once he opens up. He deeply values the relationships he forms and can be fiercly protective.
Strengths & Weaknesses Determined to prove himself, he constantly pushes himself to the limit, often drowning in work. He can be a hot head especially where it concerns his boyfriend, Toby.
Ambitions After finally solving the mystery of his brother's death about the U.S.S. Defiant in a parallel universe, Mike is currently rudderless.
Hobbies & Interests A black belt in Karate, Mike enjoys utilizing the ship's fitness facilities. He enjoys a good cigar and has recently taken an interest with horoscopes.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Lapsed Catholic

Personal History Mike was born on March 19, 2243 to a large Italian family in New Jersey. His father, Joe was a retired Starfleet Chief Petty Officer, a Boatswain and ran his house like a well disciplined ship. Growing up in that environment was suffocating for him and his older brother Joseph. Mike excelled in school and enjoyed playing a few sports, but his brother was always better at him in sports. His father had ambitions for both of them to join the space service one day which Joseph fulfilled right on cue at age 18.

Finally out of the house Joseph was able to make his own decisions, switching from operations to helm. Which surprisingly Joe was fine with. During his sophmore year, Joseph was selected for space service on the U.S.S. Plato, Anton-class like many midshipman during the Four Years War as Starfleet desperately needed personnel. This is where he met fellow mishipman, Tristan Faust who was serving as the Plato's science officer.

amato-highschool.jpgDuring this time Mike faced the full weight of his father's ambitions and discipline. He was 13 by the time the war ended and was already being groomed for entering the academy. Mike began to push back against the rigid expectations set by his father. In a bold move to assert his independence, he dyed his hair and styled it into a bright blue tipped mohawk, much to his father's frustration.

At the same time, Mike was grappling with his sexual orientation. Growing up in a traditional family with strong military values, he felt pressured to conform to these norms. To maintain his tough guy persona at school and avoid drawing attention to himself, he kept his true feelings hidden. He started actively participating in martial arts.

After high school Mike did indeed enter Starfleet Academy but in the surgical tract instead of operations which he had no interest in.In 2266 while a medical student, Mike met and became romantically involved with Sophomore cadet Toby Dienstag. In early 2268, Mike's brother was declared missing in action after the U.S.S. Defiant disappeared into the interphase as investigated by the U.S.S. Enterprise. In May 2268, Joseph's old friend now Captain Faust was actively looking for officers to fill the ranks of his new command, the U.S.S. Midway, Constitution-class. Tristan didn't need much convincing and allowed Mike to sign on as a surgical resident following his internship at Starfleet Medical.

During the maiden voyage, Mike made a potential career ending move. After Dr. Dave Meddows, the loony Ship's psychiatrist emotionally dissected Toby during a routine evaluation, Mike knocked the doctor out with a hefty punch to the jaw. At first Meddows did not recall the incident but then paid it no mind, refusing to take the matter further. Although the incident opened up a can of worms resulting in Dr. Meddows being declared incompetent by the Sector Medical Chief.

For their next mission, the Midway would be investigating the disappearence of the Defiant. This was the investigation Mike was promised and he longed for closure. The Midway followed the Defiant into the parallel universe first encountered by the Enterprise and successfully destroying the Defiant to prevent its continued use by the Terran Empire. Unfortunately the mission didn't bring the closure Mike was looking for, causing a severe depression and straining his relationship with Toby.
Service Record 2261- 2267 - Starfleet Academy - Medical School - Cadet
2267 - 2268 - Starfleet Medical - Internship - Lieutenant Junior Grade
2268 - Present - US.S. Midway - Medical Officer (Surgical Resident) - Lieutenant