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Back Underway (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Jun 10th, 2023 @ 4:37am by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Yōji Itami & Chief Petty Officer La'lei & Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 12:44pm

1,193 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Bridge
Timeline: M3 MD04 - 14:25 hours

It had been a couple of days since the Midway was brought to a complete stop in the cold dead of space. The ship's warp engines had been damaged in thr incident, however the engineering department had worked around the clock to repair the damage the best they could.

Commander Heartfilia had recovered from her injuries and had returned to duty that morning. "Commander," Lieutenant Itami said turning in his chair away from the engineering console. "Engine room reports that we're ready to bring the warp engines back online," he reported with a cheerful smile.

Lucy turned in the center seat to face the engineer. "Have the engine room stand by," she ordered. With Captain Faust on bed rest for the next few days, Lucy was now in command of the ship. However, she didn't want to risk another incident.

"I want a full systems report on all ships primary systems before we bring the warp engines back online," Lucy said.

"We've spent the past several hours calibrating shields and other various tactical systems," Shinobu was the first to report. "even if we're not up to full operating status, in the likelihood we find ourselves led into an ambush, we'll be ready to meet them."

TAG all bridge officers - reporting readiness etc

Slattery heard the message about bringing the warp engines back online. The crew had suffered severe emotional, physical and traumatic experiences when the ship was brought to a dead stop, causing injuries both mentally and physical. The physically injuries he would heal, both the mental ones fell to another.

Thraxina reached for the candy-coloured buttons of her helm controls. Was it her imagination, or were they further away than usual: her pregnancy making her tummy that much bigger already? Surely not! Still, Dr slattery had considered her gestation period unusual - at this rate she would need arm extensions to pilot the ship! Still, the Commander needed to know if they were ready to set off properly to Nimbus III or not.

"Helm systems, ready Ma'am" she called out, turning slightly to the skipper.

Stryker stood at his console. looked over and gave Trax a smile and a nod, then said sharply, "Navigation standing by, ready to lay in a course." Though it would most likely be resetting the previous course with corrections.

Aze was back at here post. Dr Slatterly would have preferred to have rest more but, being the stubborn person she was, Aze insisted on getting back to work.

She turned to Commander Heartfilia. " All communication systems are operating normally Sir. Comms standing by. " She advised.

Lucy smiled. Sitting around in deep space like a sitting duck was not her style, nor did it help with their mission to transport the Ambassador to Nimbus Three. "Initiate Warp Engine restart sequence," she ordered simply.

Lieutenant Itami nodded as he passed the order down to the engine room.

The orange buzzard collectors at the end of the Midway's tubicular nacelles began to glow, then slowly they began to spin as the ships warp drive was brought back to operational status. The whole ship looked more 'alive' than it had previously, the sleek lines of the ship seemed complete with the buzzards now glowing their orange hue.

"Engine Room reports that we have warp capability," Itami reported from the Engineering monitoring console.

"Good work," Lucy replied as she crossed one leg over the other and relaxed a little in the center chair. "Set course for Nimbus Three. Lets start her in nice and easy, warp one to start with."

"Course is laid in for Nimbus Three, Commander," Stryker announced manipulating the nav computer console with the final touches on the most expedient route to their destination.

Aze, at her station, was certainly glad to be back at work despite how much she enjoyed the care she received from Michael. As much as she enjoyed the pampering, she also enjoyed her job and any time spent on the bridge. She was conducting a general sweep of the communication channels whilst the ship prepared to get back to warp for Nimbus III.

In the short time he has known Aze, he knew it was fruitless trying to get her to rest after her injuries. Truth be told, he like taking care of her. He was growing very fond of her, very fond. He knew she would be at the communications station, so he sent her a private message to her, letting her know he was looking forward to the next time they would be together. After the message was sent, he returned to his duties, reviewing the medical records of these crew that had been injured.

The communications console bleeped. Aze opened message sent directly to her, marked private. She read it and smiled. She sent a reply back on the same private channel to say that when they were both next off duty, they will get together. After sending the message, she started a minor diagnostic on the communications antenna.

Michael chuckled at the return message and when he finished it, he contacted the quartermaster inquiring about new shared quarters for him and Aze.

"Helm take us to cruising speed of warp six," Lucy ordered. "At that speed what is our estimated time of arrival?" She asked.

A quick manipulation of the computer, "Ma'a,m, estimated time of arrival between eight and thirteen hours, based on the current speed and possible asteroid showers en route. However, I believe we will avoid any further delays." Stryker announced.

He could only give the information that was generated, and the

"Yes, let them know we had engine trouble but are now back underway," Lucy replied. "Inform them of our new ETA as well."

"Yes Sir." Aze replied. She tapped out and sent the following message.

#Midway to Nimbus III. Had engine trouble. All appears OK at present. Back on course. ETA between 8 and 13 hours based on the current speed and possible asteroid showers en route. Will advise if anything changes. Midway out.#

In sickbay, it was Slattery's turn to do the quarterly physicals. Complete physicals. In 8 hours, he must have seen almost half of the crew.....naked. Male. Female. Whatever sex they might be. He's seen them all. 7 ingrown toenails. 3 early-stage pregnancies. 20 cases of an unknown parasite that someone had contracted while on an away mission or shore leave. Treatment will be an injection of an antibiotic, prescription body wash, and several lectures about safe sex. Once he finished with his cases, he went to his quarters and took a shower using the body wash. Then he sealed his uniform in a plastic bag and took it to the quartermaster for disposal. Then, with his med kit in hand, he took the turbolift to visit the bridge to inoculate everyone there.

Aze heard the turbolift doors open and turned in time to see Michael step out onto the bridge. She smiled as she saw his handsome face as he strolled onto the bridge.

Lucy looked back to see the doctor enter the bridge. "Doctor Slattery?" she asked. "What do we owe the pleasure of the visit?" she asked curiously.

To be continued...


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