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Personnel Nightmare

Posted on Thu Jun 8th, 2023 @ 12:15pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Stella Golightly & Lieutenant Mariya Karashka Ph.D. & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Lt. Karashka's Office

Some time later, the ship's computer located Cadet Golightly and sounded a chime in a speaker near to where the girl was working.

"Attention, Cadet Golightly. Cadet Golightly to proceed to Lieutenant Karashka's Office. Attention..."


When the summoned party arrived, the teal-clad officer with the overstuffed uniform was sitting sternly at her desk and Cadet Koppelman was standing stiffly to attention at the side, a look on her face that could best be compared to that of 'the cat that got the cream'. A smirk of the smirkiest type decorated her spotty face.

"Ah Golightly!" said the uber-coiffured Karashka "Do you know why you have been summoned here?"

Stella shook her head, "No," she responded. Lt. Karashka was an officer in a different division and frankly she never worked much with her. She had heard rumors that she was one of the officers Poppy had been sucking up to.

"Well, it has been brought to my attention that you have been appearing on duty improperly uniformed. Is this true Cadet? Are you, in fact, properly uniformed at this moment in time?"

"Yes, Lieutenant, I am properly uniformed," Stella responded, still looking confused. She had no idea what Poppy was on about. She wondered why Poppy had been watching her change, maybe it was to stab her in the back.

"Then you have remembered to don your regulation overpants?" Karashka asked "I know they are rather silly, no doubt designed by some patriarchal male pervert at Star Fleet Command, but they are part of the uniform, Golightly." she reminded her.

Stella sighed and nodded. She lifted up her skirt, revealing that she was indeed wearing the red regulation shorts, although they were on backwards. Stella wasn't comfortable being examined by Dr. Karashka... Her reputation certainly preceded her. She half wanted to ask Car Crash if she wanted a sniff...

Poppy's mouth dropped, her plan had backfired, now Karashka would think of her as the very worst sort of tell-tale sneak - the kind that gets it wrong!

"Very well, Golightly, dismissed!" said the stern Bulgarian woman. Poppy went to leave too, but the last thing Golightly heard as she left the office was that harsh voice again, ordering "Not you, Koppelman... I haven't finished with you yet. I want to examine if your uniform is complete..."


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