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"I Never Joke About My Work 007"

Posted on Tue May 30th, 2023 @ 8:37pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Cadet Freshman Grade Stella Golightly & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Holographic Recreation Deck

The silver Aston Martin DB5 wrapped around the mountains of Switzerland. The distinct pinging of the radar system could be heard reverberating through the luxurious interior. The driver looked down at the radar screen and then back at the road.

Out of nowhere a white 1963 Mustang convertible with a red interior was quickly speeding towards him in his rearview mirror, honking the horn and acting rather obnoxiously. So he decided to let it pass.

A moment later he looked down at the radar screen and noticed the blip had stopped moving so he stopped the car and parked overlooking the gold Rolls-Royce he was tailing as the Korean driver stopped to buy some apples. The door of the Aston Martin opened and Tristan Faust stepped out of the car. Rather than his uniform he was wearing a Brown Barleycorn Tweed Hacking Jacket with fawn wool cavalry twill trousers, a rather British ensemble for Tristan's normal tastes but he was just playing the part.

A gunshot reverberated through the mountains, striking the road not far from him. He ducked to the ground. The Gold Rolls-Royce starting moving once again.

Tristan jumped back into the DB5 and continued onwards. The White Mustang was in front of him. He quickly pulled in front of the Ford which began to blare the horn. The Ford passed him then he passed the Ford again, the entire time the Mustang blared the horn.

Tristan motioned for the Mustang to pass him. As it did, he opened the arm rest and flicked a switch which engaged the razors extending out of the DB5's hubcaps. The razors easily sliced the thin white walled tires on the right side of the Mustang.

The Mustang lost control and crashed into a ditch. Tristan stopped the DB5 and ran down.

"Are you alright, here let me help you," he said, "You're lucky to be alive."

"No thanks to you," the woman responded. She smirked at him, it was the young face of Cadet Stella Golightly, "And I hate to say it Captain, but we're out of time."

"Figures, right as I pick you up, you had that timed well," Tristan responded as he helped her out of the car.

The door of the holographic rec deck opened and the pair walked out, still dressed in costume.

"Thanks for the rescue... Even if you caused it," Stella said before jumping up and kissing him on the cheek.

"Until next time cadet," Tristan responded with a grin. The look on his face was like a schoolboy being kissed by an attractive girl.

Poppy, walking down the corridor the other way, just stood and gaped: Just the sight of the Captain in a smart suit of 1963 cut would have been enough to do that to her: but the real heart stopper was the girl he was kissing: the hated nemesis Golightly!!

And she looked ab-so-lute-ly stunning: The heels, the pencil skirt, the tight blouse and cardigan, the headscarf, the sunshades... the bitch!

What the hell had the two of them been doing together? Was this some new torture sent my God to punish her? Were they an item? Was Tristan helping himself to Stella's Pussy Galore while she was traipsing around the ship with an Oddjob smeared on her face?

She was about to run the other way but they spotted her. Damn. She wasn't exactly looking... or smelling.. her best. She was dressed in overlarge red overalls and was covered from head to toe in shit, literally. She had been ordered down to maintenance to help clean the sewage system and had just been touring the cabins making sure everybody's flush was working correctly.

"Oh, hi!" she waved when they spotted her. She jerked a thumb the other way. "Just heading to the communal showers, ours are out. I got a little... dirty." she mumbled. Looking at these two, she wondered if she was the only one.

"It would appear so, Cadet," Tristan responded before bidding farewell and heading down the opposite direction from the two cadets.

"I offered to help you know," Stella responded, "But I guess it was beneath you... Need help with a firehose or something?"

“NO!!” Poppy almost screamed, before pulling herself together. She had spent a whole year at Fleet Academy making sure that no other student had ever seen her hirsute, misshapen body naked. She had even, by adroit timing, avoided her roommates on this ship seeing her unclad. That’s why she had a (sometimes commented upon) body odor problem: as well as her overactive glands, she simply just didn’t dare take a shower as often as she needed to.

"Sorry I asked..." Stella responded.

“Sorry, I mean, er, don’t you have to get back to the Record Office?” she asked hopefully, although she knew that the “Costume Department” where everybody got their holodeck outfits from, like Stella’s gorgeous 1960s ensemble (officially where landing parties had ‘native dress’ tailored) was right where the gym and showers were. The chances were that they were headed in exactly the same direction.

"Yeah, I suppose so..." Stella commented with a sigh, "Too bad..."

“How did you score a holo-date with the Captain anyhows?” she asked with a jealous frown. It was bad enough she was going for the role of Talbot’s P.A., let alone moving in on her man!

"Well, the last time I ran a report up to him I noticed he was wearing an antique Rolex Submariner, I commented that it was James Bond's watch from the 1960's," Stella explained.

Poppy frowned, she didn’t really know who James Bond was: her parents didn’t let her watch v-casts with any hint of sex and violence in them.

"Then we started talking about the James Bond movies and then he said he'd been wanting to try out this one program he asked Toby... Err Ensign Dienstag to develop for him. Just sort of worked out." She shrugged.

“You call Ensign Dienstag ‘Toby’?” Poppy asked, surprised at how quickly that friendship had occurred. She herself had tried to take Avis Larant’s advice to cure herself of Captain-fever by ‘trying find somebody nearer her own age’ and had hit on Toby once, but he seemed uninterested in her debatable charms. She had no inkling that the slight young scientist wouldn’t have been interested in her That way even if she’d been Miss Pluto 2268.

They were at the changing rooms and Poppy entered. They should be really quiet at this time of day, as she had planned. To her confusion, Stella entered with her: oh no, of course: the Boho young artist would need to get changed too, before she could return her costume. Poppy couldn’t make an excuse about needing to go back to her cabin: she’d already said that her shower was out and besides, her only clean uniform was in the locker here.

“You look great in that outfit, Stella” Poppy made herself gush “You should wear it around all day!” Urgh, it was horrible having to compliment the man-stealing.... thing! but she had to get her to go away, so she could shed the stinky overalls and quickly take the quickest shower ever: before anybody came and saw her hirsute and hideous body.

"I know what you're trying to say," Stella responded, "If you wanted privacy, you could have just asked..." She sighed, "I suppose I'll leave you to it then."

Stella sounded pissed off and a sudden fear gripped Poppy’s heart. What if the other cadet reported that she’d been rude and unwelcoming to her? Thraxina had been very clear that Stella should let her know of the slightest infraction from the inferior cadet: this might weigh against her in the race to become Representative Talbot’s Personal Assistant.

“Oh no, I’m sorry...” Poppy blurted to the beautiful girl in the 60s dress “... I was trying to get rid of you, but only because I’m shy about getting undressed in front of other people. Please stay.” she groveled. Good job Commander Heartfilia wasn’t here to witness her ‘disgracing her uniform’ again - even though that uniform was pretty disgraceful itself after having cleaned out the latrine tubes.

"Well, ok," Stella responded, "I promise I won't look, ok?" She gave the girl a reassuring smirk. "Look, we work together 8 hours a day and I don't know you at all really," she added as they walked over to the lockers.

“There’s nothing to know.” Poppy shrugged, opening her locker. She got her boots and once-white socks off first, then started a complicated series of maneuvers to remove the overalls and her tatty second-hand underwear underneath an enormous threadbare beach-towel which she used to shield any possible sight of her body. By the time she had finished, and was naked under her towel, only her skinny hairy shins and her equally hirsute armpits were visible as well as the fact that her spots carried on to her upper back and chest.

As she carried out this complex process, she kept glancing at Stella, to make sure the other girl wasn’t peaking. She couldn’t help but notice three things: 1. Stella, a true bohemian, had no inhibitions about showing her body off; 2. That this was not surprising as, despite the fact that Poppy was definitely, definitely, definitely NOT into any of that ‘funny stuff’ with other girls, she had to admit that Cadet Golightly had a beautiful body! And finally, 3. She had gone full out on the 1963 fashions: wearing an old fashioned girdle and bullet bra under her shift, with four quite heavy suspender straps holding up her American tan nylon stockings. Kudos there! Maybe she needed to research 1800s nether garments for next time she was in her Wild West holodeck re-enactment with Commander Stryker - not that he’d be seeing them, of course!

"Well for instance, where are you from?" Stella asked, "I am from New York originally." She slipped off the 60's bullet bra, revealing her small perfectly symmetrical breasts. She set the bra down onto the bench and grabbed her standard Starfleet brazier which frankly was rather similar to the one she just removed.

Poppy found herself staring, open mouthed, mesmerized, at Stella’s beautiful twin assets: what she wouldn’t give to have such symmetrical, round, perfectly formed... oh oh, as Stella stood up again to don her uniform bra she caught her gawping. Poppy quickly looked away and, blushing furiously, and seemed to find the floor at her feet suddenly very interesting.

“Oh, I’m from... er... Pluto. Er... you know just then, I wasn’t staring, you know. Just so you know, I wasn’t, I mean, I did see, but I wasn’t looking!” She wanted to make that clear. It was bad enough she had to spend so much time exercising with Lt. Karashka that people had started to assume they they were some sort of ‘item’. It made her shudder.

"Well, we are in a locker room," Stella responded as she slid her uniform dress down over her head. "And I've never been to Pluto, must be incredibly cold," she commented, "I for one am glad the ship is kept at a pretty even temperature."

"Well, duuuur!,we don't go outside!!" exclaimed Poppy, like Stella had just said the dumbest thing in the world.

"I would imagine not," Stella responded as she slid her red uniform dress down her slight frame, "Of course in the summer I wouldn't want to walk around midtown Manhattan." She chuckled.

"I mean because there's no air!" pointed out Poppy "We have to wear spacesuits to go outside." To be fair, there wasn't much that Stella could say that wouldn't annoy Poppy, but somehow she just couldn't tear herself away from watching her dress.

"You can't wear those stockings on duty, you know. you've got to wear black tights. It says so in the uniform rules." Poppy suddenly pointed out, officiously.

Stella sighed as she pulled off the nylon stocking off of her perfectly formed left leg. "And you wouldn't let me get away with breaking the rules would ya?" She asked with a chuckle.

"I would be my duty to report you" said Poppy primly. Hmmm, probably not worth telling the Captain: Stella seemed to have him wrapped around her little finger. Who would she tell, if Stella failed to don the regulation black tights and red over-panties? Lt. Xon? Lt. Commander Heartfilia or Stryker? She somehow didn't think that they would be particularly interested. Lt. Thraxina? No way! She would take Golightly's side every time. Everybody seemed to like Stella as much as they disliked her.

A deliciously horrible thought entered her mind. Lieutenant Karashka! She would definitely jump at the chance at inspecting any reported underwear infractions by a pretty little cadet. An unconscious smirk distorted Poppy's spotty countenance as she watched Stella peel off her other stocking.

Stella slid on her black uniform hose, "Happy?" she asked before grabbing one of the black go-go uniform boots from the locker. She wasn't sure what Poppy was smirking at. Then again she never knew what was going on in that pimple covered head of hers. Stella always tried to be friendly, borderline playful but it was never reciprocated.

"Oh, ecstatic!" Poppy replied, truthfully. Stella had neglected to don the embarrassing and pointless red shorts that were supposed to go on over her tights. As soon and she was gone, Poppy would skip her shower, even though she stank, get quickly dressed and run along to Lt. Karashka's office to report that the other cadet had gone on duty without her full uniform on.

She bit her lip to suppress and evil chuckle. Hopefully she would be able to be there and witness Golightly's inevitable and humiliating inspection and telling off by the cantankerous science Officer.

"I'll see you back at the office then," Stella responded before standing up. She gave Poppy a smile and a wave.

"Byeee!" Poppy waved back, and then as soon as the door shut, whipped off her towel and got dressed as quickly as possible, before dashing off to see Lt Karashka.


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