Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles
Name Marcel Knowles
Position Chief Helmsman
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 24 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'1" | |
Weight | ~ 175 lbs | |
Hair Color | Dark Brown | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Marcel is a tall and lean young male with a slender build, not an imposing figure. He has never quite been able to master the art of growing facial hair or at least lacks the patience of letting it grow enough to not look awkward. Nevertheless, he still has that baby-faced appearance that has followed him through his teenager years and into adulthood. Marcel has dark brown hair with some moderate natural curling to it. His skin tone is somewhere in the range between light and dark, a warm olive skin and gentle glow to it. Almost always with a smile or mischievous smirk on his face, Marcel's alluring blue-green eyes paired nicely with his smile gives off the sense of boyish wander and playfulness. |
Children |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | A calm, cool, and collective individual with a warm smile. He has a good head on his shoulders and an incredibly bubbly and kind personality when it comes to making others feel welcomed, respected, and listened to. He has a willingness to put others before himself. Marcel is a strong believer in the motto: "You are only as strong as your weakest team member" which he has carried into adulthood and into his professional career. He will go out of his way to help those who are struggling around him. Though he is not very competitive with other people, he is very competitive with himself. He pushes himself harder and farther than he is willing to push anyone else because He knows himself well enough to know what he can and cannot handle. He is well aware of his limits, but is not afraid to try and break his personal best. Though he does enjoy the peaceful solitude of being alone, he also needs to have people around him. He will spend an inordinate amount of time trying to surround himself with people who are both fiercely intelligent and steadfastly kindhearted. He can be a bit mischievous at times and a flirt. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Has an above average Esper rating of 069 - This has no affect or influence on anything of that giving him a nagging intuition at times. Though he could lead him vulnerable to being affected or influenced by phenomena or telepathic species. Endurance - Being Martian, Marcel grew up on a less than hospitable environment that had to be changed by Humans to exist. It is one of the Federation's oldest colonies and they are a resilient people. Headstrong |
Ambitions | Marcel has interest in becoming a department head at some point; however, he knows that he needs to prove himself and continue to work upwards. | |
Hobbies & Interests | - History: He was minoring in History while a university student. He was most interested in the area of Civilizations where he showed a natural talent. This made him a fairly good researcher as his research papers and essays were well written and informed with solid information. - Linguistics: Several years of studying Klingon in High School and two additional semesters while at University, Marcel is capable of reading and speaking Klingon somewhat comfortable. He can probably carry a decent conversation in the language, but a native speaker would easily tell that it was not his mother tongue. |
Religion/Guiding Philosophy | Agnostic |
Personal History | Hailing from Port Imperium, an affluent hamlet outside of Bradbury City on Mars. He is very proud of his birthplace as well as his family’s ancestry and is always delighted to talk about it at length. Though he spent most of his life grounded on land, he has quickly become intimately acquainted with the excitement and dangers of traversing the stars. Space travel was not exactly what his parents, teachers, and peers thought he was destined for, but sometimes, life just has its way of working out for you in ways that nobody could ever anticipate. A track and field star in High School, Marcel was built like a gazelle with his long strong legs and slender body. He was excellent at track and field, a true front-runner. He was strongest in dashes rather than long distance but being shot out of a canon like he was on the field often meant it took time for other runners to catch up to him in long distance races. Marcel was also a respectable gymnast who turned towards basketball in his later years in the position of power forward for his team. Aside from sports his extracurricular activities included the mathematics club where he was a mathelete participating in mathematics competitions. He was also briefly part of the drama club but dropped it to keep his grades up and devote time to basketball. Though he had a few university basketball scholarships, Marcel had not really seen himself as some sort of professional athlete. He was good, maybe even really good, but he knew that he was not great and realistically there was not much of a chance he would go all the way with basketball. Hardly anyone in the 23rd century even cared that much for the earth sports. He applied to and was later accepted into Heidelberg University where he was in their School of Engineering and Computing Sciences. He was working on a Bachelor’s of Computer Science in Information Technology with a concentration in Data Security. Wanting to do his part and make a difference in his life, Marcel opted to join Starfleet. With a four-year university degree underneath him, he had solid footing to be accepted and put through Starfleet’s Officer Candidate School (OCS). He would earn his commission in 2266 as an ensign as was assigned to the USS Ragnarök, an Ares class starship. Ensign Knowles was an auxiliary control officer and occasionally acted as a relief bridge officer for the communications station as his Klingon was crude yet effective. He also spent some time as relief for the helmsman. He later transferred to the Operations Department for several months as records officer aboard the USS Ragnarök. During this time, the Ragnarök had made an extended stop at the Denobula Triaxa system for shore leave. Marcel had found the species and their culture refreshingly open in various avenues. He vowed to return there some day. In 2268, Marcel Knowles was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. He requested a transfer to the Constitution class, USS Midway. He returned to the Engineering Department aboard the Midway as an environmental control officer. Aboard the Midway, Marcel flourished socially by getting acquainted with the crew. He had grown especially fond of the young science officer Tobias Dienstag, but Marcel's budding friendship had blossomed into feelings that were a stretch beyond platonic. Matters were complicated further by Toby's relationship status. Not wishing to entangle himself or cause issues between Toby and Mike, Marcel backed off and tried to remain friends. He seized an opportunity to advance his career by transferring to the Command division, specifically to fill the vacated Chief Helmsman seat. The Captain took a liking to Marcel's ambition and gave him the opportunity to prove himself. |
Service Record | 2266![]() 2267 ![]() 2268 ![]() ![]() ![]() |