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Gossip Girls

Posted on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 12:47pm

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Mess
Timeline: M3 MD03 1300

Meredith was getting lunch a little late. She'd had a lot of paperwork to catch up on since the mishap of the previous day. For once, she wasn't simply bring it with her. The mess was normally too busy. Blue eyes briefly surveyed the crowd and then landed on one officer she recognized, Lieutenant Vox. Meredith couldn't claim to know the woman well. She'd only interacted with her a few times. Yet all of those interactions had been friendly. Besides, she was a little curious. The gossip around the Trill officer had changed. Word had it that she had a new beau. After Meredith picked up her chicken sandwich and mashed potatoes, she headed towards Vox. She offered a warm smile. "Good afternoon, lieutenant."

"Oh hello Chief. You want to join me with that nice looking sandwich?" Vox replied.

"I'd love to," Meredith said, taking a seat. "How're your day going?" She took a bite of her sandwich.

"Pretty good actually. Got in a good run this morning around 5am and managed to get a recorded message to my parents completed ready to be sent tomorrow. How about you? Heard any gossip? " Aze replied.

"I remember Ivy and I saw you running around then," Meredith said, recalling running into Aze briefly. "As for gossip, well, only about you."

"Excuse me? Me? Oh boy. What is on the rumor mill today? Mostly it tends to be about my Trill spots or my symbiont." Aze commented.

"Wait. Why would there be gossip about the spots?" Meredith asked, thrown for a second.

"Some people are just curious to their extent. " Aze replied.

"Oh," Meredith said. "They go all the way down?"

"Yes. They do. Anyway, what about this rumour?" Aze inquired.

"About you and Doctor Slattery," Meredith shared.

Aze smiled. "That didn't take long did it." She replied. "On a ship this size, gossip also travels at warp it seems." she added.

"Sometimes," Meredith admitted. "So it's true?"

"That depends on what exactly the rumour says. Everyone knows I had a little too much to drink at the awards presentation and Doctor Slattery escorted me to sickbay, helped me with some medication to help dissipate the alcohol and then escorted me to my quarters and left. Depends on what else is being said." Aze commented.

"That there is a romantic entanglement," Meredith said cautiously. She didn't want to offend Aze.

"Well, I can say that isn't a rumour and there is a romantic entanglement, as you put it, with me and Slatterly." Aze replied.

"Congratulations," Meredith said.

"Thank you and just between us girls, Slatterly can testify to the extent of my Trill spots." Aze winked.

"Well, of course," Meredith said playfully. "He is a doctor."

"Yes well. Quite. You know what I meant Meredith." She said smirking.

"I know exactly what you meant," she admitted.

"Of course you did." Aze replied. " That incident with Poppy. Kind of feel that was my fault." she added.

"How is it your fault?" Meredith asked. She sounded confused.

"Well if I hadn't let Slatterly use my shower then Poppy wouldn't have seen him naked and fallen over in shock." Aze explained.

"Did Poppy knock?" Meredith checked.

"I don't know, I wasn't there."

"Well, if she didn't, that's on her. If she did, and he answered, that's kind of on him," Meredith declared.

"I'm told she came in, thinking I was in the shower and popped her head around to tell me she had brought my book back and came face to face with a naked doctor." "Mmmmm" she thought for a moment.

Meredith laughed. "That's why you always check," she said. "Poor Poppy!"

"Absolutely. Yes. " Vox replied.

"She's a good kid," Meredith answered more positively.

"Definitely which is why I kind of feel bad about what happened. But moving on from that, I wonder what will happen now between myself and the good doctor." Aze replied.

"Well, what do you want to happen?" Meredith asked.

"I am not sure yet. I guess I want to see what happens next. "

"Well, I hope it goes well for you," Meredith said cheerfully.

"Thanks. Normally when I meet someone, I date them first before any romance. This time things are backwards. " she comments.

"I've been there," Meredith admitted.

"Oh, OK. Any words of advice?" Aze asked.

"Resist the pressure to hurry things because you started there," Meredith said. "It's still a new relationship."

"I understand what you mean but Ive had the main course before the starter and I am reluctant to go back. " She said with a cheeky grin.

"Ok." Meredith laughed slightly.

"Anyway, I do agree with you though. I don't really want to rush into things. " Aze commented.

The two continued to chat in the messhall before parting company for their respected duties.


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