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To Err is Plutonian

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 10:41am by Ensign Avis Larant & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Avis Larant's Quarters
Timeline: After Poppy's operation
Tags: Avis Larant

It was a slightly more confident, more purposeful Cadet Koppleman who buzzed at Senior cadet Larant's quarters as the Midway continued to plough its way through space on its seemingly never-ending journey toward Nimbus III.

"Hello? Hello Miss Larant? It's Koppelman. I need to talk with you for a second." she declared into the intercom.

Avis had just finished a shift and was winding down now before going to sleep. She was lying on top of her bedspread in her underwear, checking out the latest news from her home world on the computer screen.

Koppelman? Oh oh, now what? She remembered the girl had gotten very angry with her for her admittedly unsolicited advice. But Avis had only given it for the cadet's own good.

"Enter, it's not locked," she called out as she also shut the screen off, Koppelman didn't need to see what she had been watching.

Poppy strode in, and skidded to a halt, not expecting to find Avis just in a bra and panties. "Oh, sorry, I didn't think you'd be in your... erm... anyway..." Wow, she felt sort of overdressed and clunky now in her boots and uniform and all.

"No big deal, just relaxing before I go to sleep," Avis shrugged.

She tried not to stare at the senior girl's body as she spoke, forcing her brown eyes to meet Avis' blue.

"This won't take long anyway. I just wanted to apologise... for, you know, when I first came aboard. You tried to be nice to me and give me some advice and I was rude, so... yeah, like, that's it, I'm really sorry." she gave a closed mouth little smile to lend some sort of coda to the apology.

OK, Avis had not expected that. The incident had been awhile and Avis had never really been mad at the girl in the first place.

"Oh that. Hey, apology accepted. Don't worry about it, you were brand new, everything must have been overwhelming to you. We're good," Avis smiled and stood up.

That was odd, she'd never noticed it before, but Poppy was slightly taller than the blonde woman. She hadn't planned to stay but somehow she stood rooted to the spot and blurted out.

"Good. I'm glad, because, well, you know, I thought I was in love then, and I wasn't, so I was stupid." she shrugged.

Avis could guess who that had been but wasn't going to say a thing, just nodded, "Sorry kid, sometimes things don't work out."

"Anyhow, I did a favour for someone and they gave me their slot on the holodeck so, I thought maybe you could have it. You could, you know, go and use it with someone."

"Oh, really? That's nice of you but you don't have to. My boyfriend and I already used it awhile back," Avis answered.

"OK, I'm babbling now, I'd better go." Poppy smiled.

"It's fine. We're chatting, not babbling. And you should go...use the slot I mean. It's fun and I'm sure you can find almost anyone willing to go with you too," Avis encouraged her.

"Oh no, honestly. I got it for you. To say sorry and... well, I heard you're dating Peter Nova, you two could go there, I mean, there aren't any places to go on a date on the ship and... well, I hear there's a very romantic ocean beach scenario in there." she smiled.

"It's Peter Novak and yes we could go there. But here's the thing - Peter and I already did do that. We had a nice swim and he wanted sex on the beach. I said no and we ended the scenario soon after. Like I said things don't always work out like we want."

“Oh!” Gulped Poppy, feeling she had made an awful gaff here, as well as being embarrassed about the open mention of the S word.

"No pity for me though, we did it later in a nice hotel suite.”

“Oh, er, that’s nice!” Stuttered The freshman, backing toward the door. She’d bitten off more than she could chew, here!

“Why don't you use the slot now?" Avis held her ground on this.

“All right... I will, er, thanks and erm, sorry again!” She opened the door “I’ll go and book it right away... urm, sorry, and thanks and, er, goodbye!” And with that, the doors swished back together and the red clad girl was gone.

Avis shrugged. She did want to like the girl and even be a friend to her but Poppy was one strange young lady.


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