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No Needles Please

Posted on Sat Apr 1st, 2023 @ 5:12pm by Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Deck 7 Medical-Sick Call

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer
Mission: Mission 2: Paradise Lost
Location: Deck 7 Medical-Sick Call

As things go, John Stryker had a physical due, it seems all transfers in were to have a physical, with the possibility of the dreaded Psych Eval, which he knew he did not need. However, that was just not up to him.

He strode through the passageway to the lift and pressed the button which would call for the car that would take him down to the Seventh Deck and the medical area. He liked turbo lifts. They were fast, efficient, and generally reliable. Besides that, they were kind of fun.

The ride was short and quick, the door slid open and he stepped out onto the deck, looked around, and then, straight to Medical. Of course, there was going to be a wait, there always was, no matter what, Doctors always seemed to be running behind, the waiting area would be packed, and John had no appointment, just notice on his PADD that he was due for it, like a license of some sort.

He stood, looking around and there was no one there, no one waiting, no one in the immediate area, they must have known he was coming. So he stood, willing to give it some time before he would give up and come back another time, or day, or...

Still recovering a little from shore leave -- not that she'd done anything extravagant, but it took some time to get back into the routine -- so she was moving more slowly than she normally would, not that there was any reason to rush about. It was one of those quiet (don't say that word out loud!) days where you had a chance to catch up on the little things that got lost in the shuffle.

She heard movement in the waiting area, hoping it wasn't anything urgent, and she smiled when she saw John, upright and looking healthy. Maybe it was a social call? Or...well, hopefully, he hadn't been dallying with any Tellurites recently!

"I see it's slow Monday if it's even a Monday. But a good whatever time it is to you. The PADD says it's time to get poked and prodded to ensure the bod is hyperspace ready." He stated. "Quite the shindig the Ski-Captain put on for us, and what was her name? Avis? Yeah, nice award, guess you people had a bad time of it."

"Probably done one too many away teams over the years. Some easy, some bad. Didn't ever seem to be an in-between with them. Oh well, it's what we do out here. Deal with some really unfriendly beings. Not all the time, of course."

"I'd be honored to poke and prod you any time!" Harmony laughed, but then shrugged. "I can get the preliminary things out of the way, but a real doctor will have to make the final exam." She could do vital signs and blood work, but she wasn't qualified for the rest.

"Oh, I've been on my share of away teams, but this wasn't that. I mean, it's totally different to just get snatched out of your department, then have them threaten to make you into dinner." Laughing, she shook her head. "Well, I'm sure I would have choked one of them!"

She became a little more serious then. "It really is a little unsettling how easy it is to have your fate out of your control, but if you let that get to you, you're lost."

"Oh, that? Well, yes, not one of my favorite excursions planetside. That is for sure!" He replied, and it had been harrowing, to say the least. "And the Doctor, which one would that be? I wonder. Anyway so there's this big dinner for the man, I believe it's a man, we're transporting, are you going?"

Talk about what sounded like a loaded question, if there ever was one, that one was it. But, Stryker was well aware of what regulations had to say about fraternization between Officers and enlisted personnel, there weren't any! Though he had seen where it had been seriously frowned upon.

"Not sure which doctor is going to see you," she grinned, "I think they draw lots!" Then she shrugged at his question about the dinner. "Yeah, I'll be going to the dinner, kinda hard not to, ya know? I mean, I don't want it to seem like I'm not as interested as I should be, and besides, something good might happen!"

What 'good' was, she couldn't say, but the food might be a change from the usual.

"Well, I guess once you're done poking and prodding, we should find out. Be good to finish this up before we head out into the expanse. Of course, this is Star Fleet, and that is what we do." Stryker pointed out with a grin.

"So, how long have you been with the Fleet? I meant to ask last night, but things got away from us what with the well-deserved awards and all." He chuckled, "After that, I messaged my son, I try and do that once or twice a week."

"I'm sure he misses you, so it's great that you can at least stay in touch." It really meant a lot to a kid to hear from your parents...parent..." Harmony took a breath and smiled as she ran the scanner over him, wondering how her life path would have veered if she'd had at least her dad around longer.

"I've been in Starfleet for about four years, a couple of that in the Academy, of course, and I was on the Pedras for a while, and only just was assigned to Midway. I like it here, so far, wouldn't mind being stuck here for a while." She really didn't want to be transferred around every few months, always being new, never getting to settle...

"What about you? Your career?"

"That would be twelve wonderful years zipping around out in the stars, transferring from ship to ship. Hard for a navigator to get assigned to a star base like ten, or maybe a planetside base of some sort, neither requires the services of a navigator." He recited smiling all the while.

"And yes I do enjoy the chance to contact him. He's never liked it, my being away, his mother, well, the pregnancy ruined her career path, so she's at the Academy teaching and involved with some pencil pusher Jason doesn't like either."

"It's good he has his mother," Harmony said, with a bit of a sad smile. "Changes things when you lose your parents, you start thinking different..." Shrugging it off, she chuckled. "I guess it would be a problem if a station needed a navigator! But you have a nice gig here, complete with dignitary dinner!"

She laughed, then added, "We should sit together, so we can talk about everyone else!"

"Well, yes, we should. As a matter of fact, I'm a bit rusty on how our arrival together would be perceived as to Starfleet Regulations. I try not to pay attention to those."

"But then there's Trax, and I believe she had some idea that we would show up together, or at least at the same time, very professionally, you understand. But I can locate your table and get there as quickly as possible and we can definitely sit and inventory everyone in the room."

"Sure, that sounds good...I mean, just because we get there at the same time doesn't mean anything." Harmony chuckled and shook her head. "Don't pay any mind to Thraxina, she's got it into her head that she has to be my Yenta, and I've half a mind to give her a show of it!"

But, well, Stryker was married, and they'd only just met, and she wasn't in a rush to jump into anything besides friendship. But still, it might be fun to tease Thraxina a bit!

"I don't see a problem either way. Neither of us is married, right? So it shouldn't gripe anyone that's not trying to get somewhere with you. Big as this boat is, well, I mean, sure maybe some people will talk, but hey, I don't care if you don't." Stryker replied.

"Deal!" Grinning, she held out her hand to shake, not sure which was the better thought -- teasing Thraxina or having a 'date' with the handsome man! "So, um...not married?" No sense holding back on that. "Your son..? I'm sorry, I just assumed...not that I mind either way, just want to be clear."

Well, it did matter, in that, 'not-married' meant available, should that ever come up!

"Sure and why wouldn't anyone, but we never married." He began, "She was so angry about the pregnancy ruining her career path, she was also in the Navigator class, how we met. Well, we, her and I, made friends before Jason was born. I'm grateful for that. There's no sniping from this end. If there is any from her end, I don't hear it from Jason. So, that's the gory details of a Cadet's love story. I guess." He grinned, it was long ago, and he felt no hostilities toward her.

"Youthful indiscretions! And if we're lucky, we survive." Harmony chuckled. "I'm still crawling my way out of mine, it's why they won't let me pilot anything, but then, I wouldn't have ever known I had a knack for medicine."

She never would have even thought about joining Starfleet, or becoming a paramedic, if her path hadn't taken her that way. "There's the philosophy that our paths are laid out for us, and lead us to where we belong, so maybe that's true."

"You know, I've heard that, that everyone we meet and especially those we are involved with, not just romantically, are there for a reason. She was going into space, out here like us, now, she teaching at the Academy, has her son, our son, and I would say pretty happy with the way things turned out. She has tenure, even though there was a movement to take that away from educators in general at one point." He went on to explain.

He grinned, "Look, about tonight, as I said, I sort of have this arrangement with Lieutenant Thraxina to go with her and maybe meet some people, but, you could join us, I doubt she would mind at all. I mean really, it's food and drinks and more of the same, I know it's officers only, but I bet we could get away with you saying you were with me, and I'd come to your rescue. Promise."

"Sure, all right, it's a deal!" Harmony grinned and nodded. "Can't turn down a chance to rub elbows with the brass...there's always a chance for some good entertainment! You know how officers are, they can...well, present company excepted. Is it formal?" If so, she might have to borrow something from Avis.

"Oh yes, formal for sure medals and all of that folderal that we seem to need to do at the drop of a hat. Have to look good you know." Chided, "Show off the braid and hardware. But, we'll have a good time, and it beats the alternative, burgers in ten forward."

"You know, I miss that. A really good non-replicated hamburger, even though Starfleet does it's best to supply semi-fresh, previously frozen, vegi-meat. Bad idea. But the water shortage at the end of the twenty-second century put an end to that, and a number of other things."

"So what's next with this medical check-up?" He asked.

"Next you get to smile for the doctor!" Harmony laughed. "He has all the vitals and preliminary stuff, so it's just a formality. And I agree about fake-burgers...and steaks. But hey, because of the occasion, dinner is likely to be exceptional, so attending will be worth that alone."

"That might well be true." He agreed, "and some of Starfleets chefs can actually do a pretty good job of making it taste good. Not great, but good."

She led the way to one of the exam rooms. "Shouldn't take but a minute. Just have a seat and pretend it's fun!" As she pulled the curtain shut, she added, "I'm on break after this, if you want to...whatever!"

"Hope he's not running behind, seems it's always that way with doctors and attorneys." John said with a smile, "And sure I'd be up for 'whatever.' Where can we get one?"

Harmony laughed at his tease, then shrugged. "Well, I've heard that the mess hall has the best 'whatever' the ship has to offer, best taken on the observation deck. [i]And[/i] I heard that they managed to get some fresh fruit at the shakes!"

The team was fast, but thorough. Just like Starfleet likes. And everything seemed to be just fine, at least there did not seem to be any ill effects from anything he may have encountered since his last physical, which was good.

Now, peach shakes with Harmony.

"So you passed?" Harmony grinned brightly as John came back into the waiting area. "I guess that deserves a reward. Let's go get those shakes, and maybe some nacho fries? You're healthy, you can handle it!" She laughed.

"Apparently, yes, I managed to squeak by." He affirmed, "And I believe you have piqued my interest with Nacho fries and a shake, peach or not. Seriously though, the best I can hope for with the nachos, smothered in replicated cheese, is that my arteries don't slam shut!"

"Aw, heck, it will take a while for that to happen, and we can always take a few laps around the deck after and call it exercise!" She waited for the door to swish open, then stepped into the corridor. "Honestly, I kinda hate exercise, it's so boring, but I've been trying to find something interesting."

"See, now you're talking!" He stated, "Exercise is work, plain and simple, and, unfortunately, unavoidable, at least in my case, that is. My duties are not the most active aboard ship, now beaming down on some weird world, there's exercise in that alright, but I doubt we'll do much of that any time soon."

"Well, maybe I should take up bowling?" Harmony shrugged. "Or cricket? Nah, not really much exercise in those. And shinty is a bit too violent. Maybe tennis or badminton? Pickleball?" She laughed. "Not that I'd expect a pickle ball to bounce very well!"

"Pickleball? You play that with dills or sweet pickles? Anyway, maybe we just see what the place has to offer and pick what looks like fun, I mean what have we got to lose? Right?"

"Our dignity?" Harmony suggested with a laugh, "provided we have any to start!" She gave a shrug as they got to the messhall. "Maybe there's something we can do in the holodeck to make things more interesting. I'm not sure what they have there, or what it's like...never been. Have you?"

"Nope, oh well, I did get lured into the holodeck with Cadet Poppy Koppelman, I think that's how you say it. Anyway yes, the holodeck may well be something fun to do. Hers was this western saloon set up and the Skipper was the good guy, so I was the one that was killed in the gunfight."

"Not exactly what I had in mind when coming on board, but it was somewhat fun. On my last ship, the Ben Franklin, we were lucky to have a replicator." He went on to say.

"A Western in a saloon? Kinda cliche, isn't it?" She chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you only got killed there. Do they have a schedule to use it? officers have an advantage in trying to schedule?" She gave him a quick wink.

"You know, I have no idea how that works. I guess we could find out." He responded. "You have something in mind you'd like to try?" The holodeck could provide a lot of possibilities, and an endless number of time periods to immerse themselves in, it was almost staggering what could be done with a bit of imagination.

"I sort of see it as a kind of theme park, but where one person, or group of people, could do just about anything in any time period in history. Any history. That just staggers the imagination."

"How would you even make up your mind?" Harmony shook her head, shrugging. "I know people have preferences, of course, and I have eras that I think are crashing bores, but there are dozens more that I'd love to explore...Ancient Egypt, Aztec and Mayan civilizations, castles and kings, the American Old West..." She shrugged. "I wouldn't know where to start!"

"Pick one. feed it into the computer and hang on." He said simply. "What's your real favorite as far as time periods go? You mentioned a few, must be one that's at the top of your list, or was Ancient Egypt it? That would be interesting, come to think of it."

Egypt, the ancient land of pyramids, cities in the desert, the Nile, Ramseys the Third, and even Cleopatra. The possibilities were truly endless. Aztecs, and the Mayans, were two choices with real possibilities. He smiled.

"Egypt it is!" Harmony grinned, excited at the prospect. "Thebes, with the royal palace, or Memphis...or..." so decisive! "Oh, the Giza plains, we can see the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, when they were new!" Now that would be amazing!

"Egypt, a lot of possibilities for places to see, but according to history, Cleo wasn't as pretty as they've made her out to be." He said, and Marc Anthony wasn't a pretty boy either, but I suppose they had to make them as attractive as they could back in the days when they made those motion pictures about them." He chuckled, she might not even know what he was talking about. That was ancient history too!

"They never found her burial site...or body, did they?" Harmony looked up at John with a shrug. "Too bad, of they could have done reconstruction from her skull, so we'd really know what she looked like." It was interesting to think that before even something as primitive as photography, images of people were unreliable, the artist's interpretation, and the farther back in time, the worse those images were.

"It will be interesting to see what the holodeck thinks she looked like, and Marc Antony, too. Oh! And maybe Tut..." There were some others, Rasputin or something, but she didn't know as much about those!

"Yeah, I don't think they ever have, but maybe, I mean, they're still snooping around out in the desert for more. I don't think she made the Valley of the Kings, not being one, and suicide, not sure how that was seen in those days."

"Weird, I mean when you think about it, her family ruled for three hundred years, the Ptolemy dynasty, but no monumental pyramids, or burial sites that I've heard of, but Egyptian history is not my forte either." He grinned, "Hope they don't kill us."

"Yeah, be better not to be dead!" Harmony laughed. "Maybe poor Cleo got erased from history? Or as much as her successors thought they had done." She shrugged. "I know that was a thing, repurposing temples, purging images and references? Do you think they can really kill us?" That didn't seem like a feature that would be programmed into the holodeck, but maybe..?

"Nah, I mean they might want to, but no, I doubt the imagery around us would be programmed to kill us, but I do think adventures like this would be very life-like, wait-no, realistic without the violence. Yeah, that's what I meant." He corrected himself. "And fun to boot, thinking we could actually learn something, I'm sure there's educational value in some of these programs. I mean by that that what is programmed would be as close to the real deal as possible, so yah! let's do it."


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