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A Night Off

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 3:26pm by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Security Section
Timeline: M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1815

The doors of the interrogation room opened and Peter Novak stepped back into the main area of the security section. He had combed his hair but his red uniform tunic was still ripped at multiple points. He saw Cadet Larant standing next to one of the bulkheads and approached her, "The Captain sends his appreciations and gave us the rest of the night off," he said with a smile.

"Oh, alright. Least he is more pleased than Lt. Miyake. What the hell kind of a question is 'why did it take five of you to restrain this man?' Pissed me off. I wanted to tell her because four weren't enough," Avis seemed to be in a mood.

"The Captain is usually pretty easy going," Peter responded, "I don't know what the Lieutenant's problem is..." He started to chuckle, "This is terrible, but I heard Novo refers to Miyake as the Stuck Up Bitch around Engineering," he said as they walked down the corridor.

"She's a department head, she's not that bad I guess," Avis shrugged and then sighed.

"I suppose we should get this over with..........sorry, talking to myself, " she declared quite cryptically.

"Peter, you want to go eat? We can chat," she requested.

The young man shrugged off the cryptic comment. "Yeah, we can do that," Peter responded as they neared the turbolift, "Then maybe a movie on the couch? Something relaxing?" He seemed to have forgotten that his uniform tunic was still ripped in a few places, but no matter, it was dinner time and you never had to tell Peter twice that it was time to eat.

He might have forgotten but a second glance from Avis and she rolled her eyes, "Men. We can't go like that. You're going to have to change. You won't starve."

She purposely did not answer his question about the movie.

"Ugh, I guess," Peter said as they entered the turbolift. He grabbed the handle, "Deck 10," he said. They said nothing in the turbolift. Peter kept looking over. Avis was clearly somewhere else, lost in their thoughts. "Something on your mind?" He asked.

"Yes, there is, Peter, but I'd rather you hear it while we are sitting down to a meal than standing here in this turbolift," she answered without really giving much of answer.

The young man sighed as the door to the turbolift open, whatever it was, it wasn't good. He was hopefully for a relaxing evening but it was evident this was going to be far from that. He headed towards his quarters with Avis in tow.

It didn't take Peter long to change his tunic, wash his face and comb his hair and they were back in the corridor heading towards the mess hall. "I hope they have a decent menu this evening," he said, "Probably be crowded at this hour."

"I honestly don't care what's on the menu, I probably won't eat much. I don't have much of an appetite right about now," she said in an offhand manner.

About half the tables were taken but she'd seen worse. So she marched over to the one which had the fewest people close to it. They could have a little more privacy.

"This one good?" she asked Peter.

The young man nodded as he sat down and picked up the menu card. He wondered what was going on, but figured may as well order dinner anyway.

"Order away, Peter. I will settle for an iced coffee," she did look at the menu.

"I have got something very important to tell you. So I won't drag it out. You ready?"

Peter felt his ears get hot and a lump form in his throat. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. He set the menu back down onto the table, "May as well... I have a feeling whatever I was going to order I'm not going to eat now," he said.

"Yeah, this might be an appetite killer, sorry about that. But it's reality," Avis sighed, took a deep breath and then continued.

"I have just received word from Star Fleet that I have now graduated and am no longer a cadet. And here's the kicker, I am being transferred to another ship. The Republic. As of tomorrow, I am to leave and report to the Republic as soon as it can be expedited."

Peter was stunned, his mouth was hanging open, "Tomorrow?" He asked. He then let out the first question that came to mind, "Where does that leave us?" He asked.

"Where does that leave us? Isn't it obvious. Separated and probably for a long time. In fact we might never see each other again. It's a big verse out there," Avis thought it was all rather obvious really.

"Remember when you wanted us to become more serious, maybe even consider marriage? And I was resistant. Well, maybe now you get why. We've just started out in our Star Fleet careers. I'm married to career that is."

"I'm sorry, Peter, but it's over between us. Least we had a good run, right?" she smiled ruefully.

Peter wasn't sure how to react, "I don't know what to say," he responded, "I guess all along I felt more for you than you did for me... You live for the moment, I live for the future... So I guess that never was going to work out in the long run... But we had some fun." He tried to force a smile but failed. He did manage to hold back his tears. The young man was strong and well disciplined but he wore his heart on his sleeve and he felt that heart crushed and fall to pieces on the metal table between them.

"Sorry, Peter, but yeah, you are right. I really like you, I wouldn't have taken up with you if I hadn't. The sex was good. But in marry kind of love. No, I don't think I boarded that ship. My career is my number one concern and to be honest, I am kind of an asshole as a person sometimes. But thanks for putting up with me," Avis wanted to be honest with Peter, she felt he deserved that.

Peter nodded and finally smiled, "It was a fun ride, definitely," he said, "I learned a lot about myself and what my priorities are..." He paused for a moment, "Could we spend one last night together?" he asked, "End things on a good note."

She thought on it, was this smart or not?

"Well, if you don't get all teary eyed and dramatic? I'd rather finish on a high note," she gave in...mostly.

"I'll cry after you leave," Peter responded with a chuckle, finally showing something other than shock. "One last time would wrap things up," he added, "Besides, after tonight I think we have some... steam to unload... All the excitement got me pumping." He smirked.

"I wish you wouldn't, " Avis remarked, "Cry that is. We had good times. Mostly."

"But we knew when joined Star Fleet what we were getting into, people get transferred a lot. This is my first, bet it won't be my last."

"Alright then, Peter, let's go have one last fun time. Your place or mine?"

"Probably mine," Peter responded, "My roommate is on duty and besides I'm sure you'd want to take the... Stuff you've left there." There were several random clothing articles that Avis had randomly left in his quarters by accident over the several months they had been dating.

"Yeah, I get it, you wouldn't want your next girlfriend to accidentally discover items of female clothing in your room a week from now," Avis smiled as they both got up and then headed for the nearest lift.

"And don't go saying you'll never have another girl but me, a good looking guy like you," she scoffed.

"It'll definitely take me longer than a week to get over you," Peter said, "But you're off on a new adventure and I'll just be here on this one." He sighed.


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