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Patient John Doe: Part I

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 3:36pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD03 (2268.07.12) 1000

While Dr. Kitchner was in the senior staff briefing, Dr. Amato had taken over his morning rounds. Although a Surgeon by training and a resident by status, Mike's job was more of a general practitioner most of the time, surgeon in emergencies and basically a defacto attending. Today's menu included 5 burned tongues due to a synthesizer malfuncting and distributing boiling hot coffee in the mess hall, a broken foot and a few officers in for routine check ups... Some days he felt like he lived on the set of an old soap opera, like General Hospital or St. Elsewhere.

Although today there were two mysterious patients, brought in under wraps. Patients John and Jane Doe. Their belongings confiscated by security, their identities were completely unknown to the medical staff. It was apparent to anyone who could add 2+2 that these two were from his parallel universe. Other than that, security had taken their biomedicals and left, answering no questions.

As Mike approached John Doe he set his clipboard down onto nightstand and began to read the indicators above the bed. He glanced down. John Doe was a quite handsome, well built young man around his age with fiery red hair and a pale chisled face. Someone he probably would have day dreamed about in high school. He shook the thought and went back to reading the monitor.

The next thing he knew he was thrown up against the bulkhead, his arm twisted around his back and John Doe's face pressed up close to his ear. "Make one sound and I'll do more than break your arm," he said in a calm, low tone. The gaze from his green eyes could have burned a hole in the bulkhead.

"Yeah," Mike responded in an even tone.

"Tell me, where am I?" he asked.

"You are on the Starship Midway," Mike responded, "And... You're threating your doctor at your bedside... So are you going to break my arm, or are you going to do more? Before you decide, there is a team of guards outside the door."

The man released his grip and sat back down onto the bed, "Where is your Captain, I have many questions," he said.

"First thing's first," Mike responded as he slapped the intercom. The doors instantly opened and Peter Novak rushed in along with two other officers. "They're going to make sure you don't try anything else," he said.

The patient rolled his green eyes but held up his hands, "I am of course, quite unarmed," he said with a smirk.

Pete had a type 2 phaser in his left hand squarely pointing it at John Doe. "You alright Doc?" He saw Mike messaging his shoulder?" Amato just nodded. "I'll make sure Dr. Kitchner and the Captain know this one's awake." Pete brought two more guards more heavily armed than himself into the room, locking it as he stepped outside. "Never a dull moment ... sheesh." He muttered to himself.

Immediately after the briefing, word had gotten to the Captain and Dr. Kitchner that one of their... guests was awake, "I know you don't like it," Tristan responded as they approached Marc's office, "But we have no idea what or whom we are dealing with... All we have are names and service records from their counterparts."

"Based upon Dr McCoy's and Spock's report there isn't anything on the ship except a type 3 phaser to control that sort of rage." Marc said knowing that he was fighting an up hill battle. If there was one thing that Tristan and his father shared was they both would rather have something said to them rather than not. "I knew we were in for trouble but sheesh ..."

Mr. Novak stepped around the corner, "Excuse me Captain... Doctor... You both need to know about this," he said.

The Captain nodded, "Go ahead ensign," he said.

The young man nodded, he looked slightly out of breath, "He attacked Dr. Amato... He's alright, but it was enough to catch him off guard. We have the guards stationed inside the ward now," he said, "We don't have much of a choice."

"Trouble just showed up." Marc said leaving Pete somewhat confused. "Forget it Pete." Marc said ran a hand through his graying hair and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks Mr. Novak, we'll be right in," the Captain said to the young man who nodded.

The Captain and the doctor stepped into Marc's office, "You know I'm surprised Petey didn't break the guy in half," he said with a chuckle as soon as the door closed.

"He's big enough for it. However based on those reports I doubt even he'd be able to without help." Marc said sitting on the edge of his desk. He thought about it for a long moment. "We don't have much choice do we...." Marc reached behind him and pressed the comm button built into the desk. "Nurse Jenkins report to Dr. Kitchner's office on the double."

A few minutes passed before Tony Jenkins stepped into the office. "Captain ... " She said respectfully. Tristan just nodded. "Marc you look like you have a nasty headache coming on." Tony had recently taken to calling Marc, Mike Amato and a very select few by their first names in private.

"Not exactly, but we're in the same sector." Marc said shifting himself into the chair behind the desk. "I'd like you to prepare 10 doses of the strongest sedative we have in stock. I'd like you to prepare them yourself, and bring them to me. I also want you to make them 5 milligrams below the projected fatal amount. If Josephson (the ship's chief pharmacist) gives you an argument, tell him his balls will on display in a specimen bottle on the shelf behind you."

"For our guests in Isolation I'm guessing?" Tony asked, Marc just nodded in reply. She could see it was hurting him deeply doing this. "Björn isn't gonna like this. He's going to want a written authorization for something like this?" Tony said gently reminding him of procedure.

"Consider that to be an argument on this one." Marc said with a sigh and a look of consternation in his eyes. "Just get it done, please."

Tony stepped to the office door. "Okay..." she said with a sigh. Her eyes were asking ... 'Are you both sure about this?' Both men nodded. "Okay then. I'll adjust them for height, weight and sex." She said before leaving the office.

The old doctor put his head down on the desk and said. "Now I hope to Christ we don't have to use them."

"All we have is the service records on their counter parts. So we have biomedical data, names and that's about it. Based upon the reports of the Enterprise's encounter with this universe those should be correct... Everything else is basically worthless," Tristan added as he sat down in one of the other chairs, "Lt. Calvin Ivers and Ensign Zara Lockwood," he added.

"Right." Marc said softly. "I think its time to talk to our guest." Tristan nodded in agreement. The two men left the office and crossed the corridor and into the entrance of the isolation ward.


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