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Patient John Doe: Part 2

Posted on Fri Sep 29th, 2023 @ 3:38pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD03 (2268.07.12) 1015

Marc's hand froze over the comm button for a minute before pushing it. As they stepped into the room one of the guards hard a phaser rifle pointed at them and the other two were pointed at Marc's patients.

The man was sitting up in the bed staring at them, a confident smirk on his face, "You must be the Captain..." he said, his green eyes locking with Tristan's.

"Captain Tristan Faust, U.S.S. Midway," Tristan responded with a matter of fact tone, "We have tentively identified you as Calvin Ivers..."

"Bravo Captain," the man responded with a mock clap.

"Odd reaction from a man who has no idea where he is or whom we are," Tristan responded.

"I've seen enough and heard enough to gather you are from the future clearly," Ivers added.

"You don't seem to concerned," Tristan commented.

Marc snapped his fingers, neither man flinched. "I didn't think that'd work." He said somewhat annoyed as he stepped over to the sideboard and looked at Ivers's chart. "Mr Ivers, how are you feeling? Any headaches, nausea, dizziness?" He said returning his readers to the sleeve pocket of his lab coat.

"None," the man responded, "How is Ensign Lockwood?' He looked over at the young, pretty red haired woman lying in the bed across the room.

"Unfortunately she was in worse shape than you were I'm afraid." Marc stepped over to look at the IV line in the Ensign arm. He flicked the bag hanging on the wall with his fingers. "Primarily you both are dealing with severe exhaustion, and mild hypoxia. She's also about 20 pounds under weight by my guess." Marc said turning back to the Lieutenant. "Except for being unconscious shes stable."

Lt. Ivers nodded and then changed the subject, "What are you going to do with us?" He asked.

"We're not sure yet," Tristan responded, "Once you two are up and about, then we will have a fuller discussion... Until then, keep your hands off my crew... Understood?"

The young man nodded, with a defiant flash in his eye.

The Captain noticed this flash as he motioned towards Dr. Kitchner to follow him outside the door, "I definitely don't trust them," he said after the doors closed behind them.

"So long as they behave and keep civil, I'll behave and keep civil. Past that I agree with you. I've got a funny feeling and I'm hoping it's the Chili I had for lunch." Marc said bumping his fist to his chest.

The Captain chuckled, "I told you the salad was the safer choice... And you're the doctor," he responded, "You should be telling me not to eat the trash that comes out of the synthesizer."

"You're steward was trying a new recipe and he needed a guinea pig." Marc said with a grin. "I've always said that I can tell the difference between home cooking and synthesized food."

"Once we get back to port I really need to push Anderson for that chef again," Tristan responded, "Half the time I feel like I have a prison cook for a steward..."

Marc shook his head. "I've thought Joe is a better cook than that." He smirked. "He made me a great corned beef hash the other night."

"The problem is he makes junk I won't eat," Tristan responded with more than a touch of annoyance, "Most of the time I'd take the synthesizer..." He sighed, "Anyway, I'm going to head back up to the bridge," he said, "We should log on the Defiant's trail soon enough.... Keep me posted.


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