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Wed Dec 18th, 2024 @ 9:55am

Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag

Name Tobias "Toby" Moritz Dienstag

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22
Birthdate May 1, 2246
Aliases / Nicknames Toby, Tobster, Toaster
Theme Song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" (1969) - The Rolling Stones

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 150
Hair Color Sandy
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Toby possesses a slight build with a medium height. His wavy dany hair and brown eyes give him a charismatic and youthful presence. While his looks are fresh and energetic, there's an unexpected depth to him, showcased in his notably rich baritone voice.


Spouse/Partner Dr. Michael Amato
Father Franz "Frank" Dienstag
Mother Johanna Dienstag

Personality & Traits

General Overview Although generally easy going Toby will speak up if something he believes in is on the line and will become defensive if those he cares about are attacked. Normally he is fairly happy go lucky.
Strengths & Weaknesses Toby known as a "whiz kid" in the sciences division and is constantly working on the next big idea. He is fluent in several languages both humanoid and computer.
Ambitions Toby's first posting to the USS Midway was a dream come true for him. He was excited to learn what it really was like to be a Starfleet officer, and he was eager to explore the galaxy.
Hobbies & Interests One of his favorite pastimes is watching old movies, particularly film noir. His father, Frank is the head chef at a fine restaurant back home in Baltimore. He enjoys playing the piano, although he is more of a dilettante. He is an aspiring master of Tridimensional chess.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Agnostic

Personal History Toby-Cestus%20III.jpgTobias "Toby" Moritz Dienstag was born in Baltimore, Maryland on May 1, 2246. He was the only child of Franz "Frank" Dienstag, the head chef at a fine restaurant, and Johanna Dienstag, a homemaker. Toby was a bright and curious child but rather quiet, keeping to himself. Although trained as a chef by his parents, he always had a love for science which were similar in nature. He excelled in school and was accepted for the Daystom Institute Student Program on the far off scientific colony of Cestus III. Long term separation from his family was tough on the boy but he became much more confident. Returning to Earth he had problems in high school being the class know-it-all. In 2264 he was accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Toby-Academy.jpgAt Starfleet Academy, Toby excelled in his studies. He was particularly gifted in the areas of xenolinguistics and computer science. In 2266 while a sophomore cadet, Toby met and became romantically involved with Starfleet medical student, Michael Amato. In 2268, he graduated from the academy with honors and he was assigned to the USS Midway as a science officer.

On the Midway, Toby quickly established himself as a competent and reliable officer. During the ship's maiden voyage the ship responded to a distress call from a hijacked freighter. The culprits were Orion pirates who took several officers captive including Commander Heartfilia, the ship's executive and science officer. Toby filled in for her before she was rescued.

During his first few months aboard, he participated in various away missions and often found himself in the middle of critical situations. His expertise in xenolinguistics and computer science made him an invaluable asset to the crew. Things changed during their second mission, as Toby found himself reassigned under a new superior, Lt. Karashka, who frequently assigned him menial tasks. This led to feelings of frustration and a desire to return to bridge duty.

His relationship with Mike provided him with much-needed emotional support amidst the challenges of life in Starfleet. Their bond grew stronger as they navigated the complexities of their respective careers, although not without challenges. The first came after a run in with Dr. Meddows, the ship's unstable psychiatrist who dissected Toby and exposed their romantic relationship. Mike stood up for him as always, nearly leading to his downfall. After the confrontation, Meddows looked to Toby to help him with his obsessive experiments on interphase anchors, before being committed to the Elba II mental asylum.

A significant event in Toby's life was his encounter with Marcel Knowles, a fellow officer who developed feelings for him. Marcel's confession and subsequent kiss left Toby in a state of confusion and introspection. While Toby valued Marcel's friendship, he struggled to reciprocate Marcel's feelings, remaining devoted to Mike.

In July 2268, the Midway was tasked with recovering the Defiant from the Interphase. It was a particularly difficult mission for Mike who was looking for closure regarding his brother's death. During the mission Toby successfully certified for bridge duty, allowing him to take over as the second shift science duty officer. He was out of the lab for good, much to his relief. Unfortunately the Defiant could not be recovered, having been comendeered by a dangerous empire in the parallel universe. The Midway's crew successfully scuttled the Defiant and returned to their own universe. Mike never found the closure he was looking for and sank into a deep depression, straining their relationship.

In August, 2268, Admiral Fitzpatrick dispatched the Midway to recover a shipment of hijacked Xenoderm. Before leaving Starbase 10, Toby completed the Kobayashi Maru test underperforming in his view which haunted him. On an away mission to Relay Station H-57, Toby was ambushed and stabbed by an Orion pirate. The recovery strengthened his bond with Mike but also caused him to soul search to make sense of the incident.
Service Record 2260-2262 - Daystom Institute Student Program - Cestus III
2264-2268 - Starfleet Academy - Sciences
2268 - Current - U.S.S. Midway - Science Officer - Ensign