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Getting The Bottom of This

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 4:16pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins & Ensign S'Tare

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Deck 13: Security
Timeline: M3 MD04 (2268.6.14) 1835

The area behind the one way mirror of Interrogation Room #1 was beginning to get crowded. Dr. Kitchner, Nurse Jenkins and half of a full security team. Beyond the glass stood Captain Faust, Lt. Miyake and the rest of the security team. At the table sat Ensign S'Tare and Lt. Novo whom was still barely conscious.

"I will proceed when you are ready Captain," the young Vulcan said, looking up at the Captain who nodded.

Ensign S'Tare reached out and placed one hand on the side of Lt. Novo's face. Novo was in a state of delirium, his mouth was wide open, his tanned skin was pale and unhealthy.

S'Tare began to speak,"Our minds are merging Novo... Our Minds are One… I feel what you feel, I know what you know..." he said.

"We see the promenade on Starbase 10... The long stretch of businesses... We see a business with a sign... Someone is there to let us in. We see them focused on a strange device," S'Tare continued, relaying the memories he was accessing from Lt. Novo's mind.

Dr. Kitchner and Nurse Jenkins exchanged startled glances. The implications of Romulan and Orion involvement were serious and potentially disastrous. The Romulans were known for their cunning and secretive ways, and the Orions were infamous for their criminal activities across the galaxy.

Marc, the seasoned medical officer, leaned over and whispered in Amato's ear, "This is beyond my experience. How far can this 'bond' go?"

"I'm not sure," Mike responded before continuing to watch with renewed intrigue.

As the meld progressed, Ensign S'Tare's eyes widened in shock and realization. He saw glimpses of Romulan and Orion agents, working together behind the scenes to brainwash and manipulate Lt. Novo.

S’Tare released and looked over at the Captain. "This... this is not just a simple case of brainwashing," he saif said, his voice quivering with a mix of anger and concern. "The Romulans and the Orions are working together. They've implanted false memories and commands into Lt. Novo's mind."

Captain Faust leaned in, his expression darkening with concern. "Are you certain, Ensign?"

"I am sure, Captain. The evidence is clear," S'Tare replied.

Captain Faust nodded, his mind racing with the new information. "Thank you, Mr. S'Tare. Your abilities and dedication are invaluable in this situation. We will need to report all of this and secure the ship against further sabotage."

"I'll see about having a security team posted outside of Lieutenant Novo's ward, Captain," Lieutenant Miyake nodded. "I can also take the liberty of interviewing the Engineering staff, see if there was possibly anyone else who might've visited a seedy-looking spa while we were docked at Starbase 10."

The Captain nodded, "Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this before we return to Starbase 10," he responded.

That being said, Tristan couldn't help but notice there was a little something... off with Lieutenant Miyake. She was trying her hardest not to let it show, but there was an unmistakable anger in her eyes that betrayed how she really felt about all this. A good, respectable man had had his career all but ruined because of the Orion Syndicate, and given her previously-voiced displeasure for Orions, it was clear to him that she was much more upset for Novo than she let herself off to be.

As the security team and medical personnel led Lt. Novo away, Captain Faust walked over to the comm unit behind the one way mirror, “Bridge,” he said, "Send a coded subspace message to Starfleet Command. Inform them learned source of sabotage, enroute to Nimbus III as scheduled. Request permission course deviation to Starbase 10 after dropoff of Mr. Talbot."

“Acknowledged,” the voice said over the com.

“Captain out,” Tristan responded before hitting the com again.

With the presence of the Romulans and the Orions revealed, the stakes had been raised. Captain Faust and crew had their fair share of dealing with Orions. They needed to act swiftly and strategically to ensure the success of Starfleet’s mission in the Triangle. Even then they had no hard evidence.


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