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Getting Reacquainted

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 11:39pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant T'kara
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 11:40pm

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 1600

During condition Blue normally the bridge would be deserted especially for the afternoon shift, but with the Midway set to leave dock after dinner, there was a full house.

The grates under the science console were flipped open and Ensign Dienstag was lying under the console hard at work recalibrating the sensors which was standard procedure each time a starship docked at a Starbase. The ship's chronometer was also required to be synchronized. Normally Toby could take his time for this mundane task, but not now. He set his tool down and glanced at the empty conn. He wondered if they ever figured out who was going to fill those stations.

T’kara flexed her hand as she held the controls of the turbolift. She hadn’t intended to have a death grip on the controls but her emotions were running rampant. She forced herself to exhale and then take another deep breath. She had quickly unpacked what little of her personal gear she’d had - most of her stuff hadn’t caught up to her from the Exeter anyway. What she had brought with her and the few things she’d gotten since coming to Starbase 10 were all that rested in the various places in her assigned quarters.

With that chore checked off the list, T’kara had made up her mind - she was going to be on the Bridge when the Midway left port. She wasn’t sure about rotation or shift assignments or how they ran things on Midway but she was certain she wanted to be there. So, in the absence of orders to the contrary, she headed for the Bridge.

The turbolift doors swished open, and T’kara’s breath caught in her throat. She’d been on the Midway’s bridge before. In fact, she’d been stationed at that console there…the one forward of Engineering on the port side of the Bridge. But this was different…now she was going to be half of the team responsible for moving a Constitution-class Cruiser across the stars. Not seeing anyone to report to, she made for the Navigator’s position without hesitation. She settled herself into the seat, swiveled forward and then began looking over the controls, careful not to touch anything just yet.

Toby closed the screens and used the console to pull himself up. He noticed the Lt. T'Kara, of all people, enter the bridge and sit down at the navigation console. Curious he walked down into the well, "Good Afternoon lieutenant," he said, sporting his usual boyish smile, "Long time no see."

T’kara returned the young man’s smile. She had met him, briefly, during her previous assignment to the Midway.

“Hello, Ensign. It has been a bit since I saw you last,” she said, looking around.

The young ensign nodded.

“Tell me: is the Bridge always this empty in port or is there something I should know?”

"This is certainly a-typical, but I imagine everyone is trying to get last minute projects done, resupplied or taking a breather before we head back out," Toby responded. "This was just a brief stop, unfortunately," he added.

“I can’t say I’m not excited about getting out there and having a chance to explore. Staying here, driving shuttles all day is not my idea of a career,” T’kara explained. She gave in and began running a systems check on her console. She wanted to be ready to go when the time came.

Toby nodded, "I understand completely, I was offered a few station assignments, a few Earth side research posts, but it wasn't for me either," he said.

The doors of the Bridge opened and the Captain stepped out onto the bridge. He headed down to the Conn to great the two officers.

"Good afternoon sir," Toby said, greeting the Captain.

"Good afternoon," Tristan responded before sitting down at the empty helm console, "How are you settling in Lieutenant?"

T’kara finished making adjustments to the console and then looked at the Captain.

“I’m still in a little shock, sir. I thought I was going to be stuck on Starbase 10 for the rest of my career, flying shuttles.” T’kara explained, turning to the Captain.

“Thanks again for getting me off that duty. Means a lot, Captain.”

"You're welcome," Tristan responded, "As I was telling Commodore Anderson, I was surprised you didn't decide to stick aboard the ship, but I know we were just ferrying you and others to Starbase 10..." He sat down at the vacant helm console, "Frankly I envy you," he said, oogling the navigation control panel, "Less than a year ago I was an executive officer and a navigator aboard an Ares-class..." He smirked and looked up at her, "And Captain Anderson was my C.O."

T’kara nodded at the mention of the Ares class. She’d only heard of them; never actually been on board one. But she understood the Captain’s feelings - he would never be at the Navigator's Station for a Constitution class. But, she told herself, she would only be allowed to sit in the Command Seat on rare occasions…the Captain, however? This was his ship!

A different thought crossed her mind…

“Permission to speak freely, sir,” she asked preemptively.

"Always, Lieutenant," Tristan responded, looking up at her.

“I was just wondering - what was it like serving under the Commodore…I mean, when he was a line officer, that is…” she asked cautiously.

“I mean what kind of officer was he?”

"Level headed," Tristan responded, "And a good judge of character. In fact he tends to know your talents better than you do, if my career is any example. I started my career as his science officer of all things."

“I wasn’t aware of that your background was in Sciences, sir. I guess I just assumed that all Captains came from the Operations division,” T’kara said, smiling.

“But I do remember the Commodore knowing I had flight aptitude even though I was working elsewhere on the Starbase,” she explained.

"I started as a science officer," Tristan corrected, "An expert in stellar cartography. I also had an interest in the then emerging dutronics, but Captain Anderson convinced me to transfer to navigation... All very much related."

T’kara made another adjustment to the console and nodded as she listened, before turning back to the Captain.

”Do you have any regrets about not staying with Stellar Cartography, sir?”

"Honestly no," Tristan responded, "Navigation allowed me to put into practice what I learned in theory, which was satisfying. Also if I stayed in stellar cartography I don't think I would be Captain of this ship... My Dad for instance may be a Commodore but he's a doctor."

“I do wonder if I should have stayed aboard as Intelligence, but then I remember being snagged by the Commodore to fly shuttles,” T’kara explained, shivering at the thought of having to go back.

“My ultimate goal is to sit in that seat…on my own ship…someday,” she said, pausing to turn and look at the Command Seat behind them. She shook the thought from her head and turned back to her console, and continued making adjustments.

The Captain nodded, "It may happen, some day," he said, "It's good to have a goal, but there are many steps to get there. Your new position gets you much closer towards it."

T’kara nodded a long, solemn nod as she listened to the Captain’s advice. She glanced over her control console one final time and was satisfied with its configuration.

“Navigation checks out, Captain. All cartography and navigational data feeds indicate green,” T’kara reported.

"Thanks Lieutenant," Tristan responded before standing up, "And thanks for indulging me with a chance to sit at the CONN again and remember when times were simpler." He gave a misty-eyed smile.


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