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Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 5:13pm

Lieutenant T'kara

Name T'kara

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Rigelian (Vulcanoid)
Age 30
Aliases / Nicknames N/A

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 120
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description T'kara is a petite, trim Rigelian. She wears her hair in a short pixie cut; hides several tattoos from her time in the Academy. She also has several facial scars from various injuries


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Shonn
Mother T’Keia
Brother(s) Volmek (45)
Sudak (37)
Sister(s) Inaar (31)
T'hain (27)
Other Family Various uncles and aunts

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'kara loves to listen - people talking, music...whatever. She is sometimes seen as obtrusive because she listens in (and then comments) on conversations she isn't part of. However, growing up in the Rigelian clan system, this behavior was normal.
She is also very curious. She loves wit and sarcasm and is working on perfecting this. She has a temper, at times, but usually works this out in the gym. NOTE: Oath of Celibacy on file
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Loyal, determined and driven
Weaknesses: Anger, caustic wit
Ambitions T'kara wants to be a Captain of her own ship
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, football and rugby

Personal History T'kara grew up in the Rigelian clan system on Rigel V. Her family was a member of the Truth Clan - a clan known for their psionic gifts. Her siblings manifested their powers early on, and while T'kara eventually manifested her own abilities, they are quite diminished. The daughter of the Federation ambassador stationed on Rigel V developed a friendship early on with T'kara, and it was from the ambassador that T'kara learned about all things Federation but especially Starfleet.
When she was the right age, T'kara (with the Ambassador's help) applied to and was accepted into Starfleet Academy. She studied Xenolinguistics and Subspace Communications theory and found that languages were quite easy for her. She graduated in the top fifth of her class.
She was initially assigned to a long-range research station but found she didn't care for station life. She requested and was granted a transfer to the Destroyer USS Leonidas (NCC-928) as an Ensign. She has remained in the Fleet ever since, volunteering for duties to stay in the Fleet side.
Service Record Assigned to Station F-13 (Ensign)
Assigned to USS Leonidas (Ensign)
Assigned to USS Exeter (Ensign/ Lieutenant JG)
Assigned to USS Midway