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A Late Meeting: Part 2

Posted on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 7:00pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Darrod Hanous

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 5: Captain Faust's Quarters
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 2120

The Captain smiled at the run down of the refits planned. If anything the improvements would make his job easier in the long run.

Still, there was the serious matter of the team to deal with. "I'm glad he wasn't hurt."

"Yeah, not seriously anyway," Tristan responded with a sigh, "I would also do a thorough search through engineering, give the ship and computers a once over too... Not necessarilly looking for more sabotague, but because Novo was a bit of a mad scientist. He was always coming up with half baked improvements and tinkering, usually against my permission."

Dar nodded, grimly, about that 'against my permission' comment. He took a moment and looked Tristan dead in the eye. "Captain, you have my word that I wiill treat this bird as a lady. No changes, alterations, or upgrades will happen unless they pass your desk." He smiled, "Though I refuse to say I won't propose something off-book."

"I'm not saying don't experiment, don't tinker, don't push the envelope... I'm just saying use your best judgement and don't lose sight of the big picture," Tristan responded, "Novo never wrapped his head around that."

Dar's expression brightened a bit. "Of course, sir. This ship has to be mission-ready at all times. Anything I've ever thought about on any Constitution has leaned toward that goal. I'll make sure the team has the same thought in mind, too. And if we are going to change something off-spec, I'll make sure you approve of it, and that the alteration is logged in case something happens that requires an outside team. I've been part of an audit team once; our team on Jersey was assigned to audit the Ticonderoga - I never want to get caught like that guy was. The Engineer was busted from Commander to J-Grade for being that far off-book without it being logged and without the Captain knowing. I still feel a little sorry for that guy."

He shrugged, switching away from the uncomfortable subject of demotions. "I'm going to meet with the current team leads tomorrow after my physical's over; we'll get started on the checkup and repairs immediately. After that's done, if there isn't a crisis, we'll think about tinkering."

The Captain nodded, "I'll send Ensign Dienstag down to meet with you too at some point," he said, "He's our computer expert, but he's in the sciences division. He's the one to talk to in order to get up to speed on that, especially with some of our experimental facilities such as the holographic rec deck."

Darrod nodded; he'd heard about the new holographic systems. He'd seen them installed on starbases, sure, and holographic displays weren't unheard of in situations where the power was reliable. It was how they'd cope with an EPS flutter that interested him - bit-flipping was a real problem, and when they got into the trits and qubits used in some of the duotronic systems, it could cause real issues in a system that was crunching huge amounts of data and had automated control over force field generation. "Sounds good to me. I'll meet with him and Science after I get the the priorities sorted with the Engineering team. I'm sure that tomorrow, we'll have a lot of work to do."

The Captain nodded, "I wish I could give you more time to get settled in and get the ship back up to snuff," he responded with a sigh, "Unfortunately we only have a two day trip and then we are in the unknown, on our own and most likely in extreme danger."

That last point was also part of the scuttlebutt. The Midway had been hurried into service early and was being worked hard on missions that most people in the Fleet didn't know anything about. "Well, then the team and I have a lot of work to do to get her up to spec in two days. I can't promise miracles, sir, but we will do everything we can."

"That's all I can ask for," Tristan responded. He looked down at his wrist chronometer which 2125, "Well Mr. Hanous, I should let you get settled in," he said, looking back up, "Remember we have 2 days before we arrive at the Interphase."

Interphase was a word Darrod had only heard before in hushed tones. He almost wanted to ask why the hell a decent ship like this would be going that way; but decided it would be best to let the Captain brief him with everyone else. He stood up when the captain checked his watch, and extended a hand. "Aye, sir. I'll do everything in my power to have this bird running properly by then. Have a good night."

"Good night," Tristan responded before finishing his cup off coffee as he watched the engineer leave the room. Soon he could tell everyone what was going on but they needed to be a little further from the Starbase and he needed to get his thoughts together.


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