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Tue Mar 11th, 2025 @ 11:03am

Lieutenant Commander Darrod Hanous

Name Darrod Hanous

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Orion
Age 31
Birthdate Recorded date: 4/1/2237
Aliases / Nicknames Dar

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 170 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Like most Orions, Darrod is a green-skinned humanoid with few other non-human features. Thanks to his time in Starfleet, he's fit and healthy, though that was not always the case.

Unlike most Orions, the general set of his eyes is often enough to tell that his general mindset and morality are different than the stereotypes related to his species. He has two tattoos - the first is on his right shoulder, usually hidden by his uniform or other clothing. The second is on the inside of his left wrist, and anyone who knows the Orions will recognize that it's a symbol of the Cartel, and obviously has faded over time since it was applied to him during his youth. There's also a few deliberate scars across the tattoo.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Naven Hanous
Mother D'orlra Hanous
Brother(s) Tarkil Hanous, Orion Pirate, member of the Wildfyre Compact
Sister(s) D'tirrah Hanous, Federation Merchant Marine Freighter Captain

Personality & Traits

General Overview Darrod is a study in contradictions, as befits an Orion whose family (mostly) turned their back on the Syndicate and the Cartel. He is creative and independent, but respects the authority of Starfleet and the Federation. He does have a temper - yet he tries to express it through words rather than direct actions.

Like many before him whose families escaped the Cartel, he can be cunning and devious, but never turns it against the people he serves with. His cunning also goes to great effect in Engineering with his ability to solve problems on the fly that many other officers would fail to resolve. He has an aptitude for machines, and can keep just about any ramshackle vessel flying. Aboard a modern Constitution-Class Starship, he's one of the top in the fleet, having carefully studied both the design documents, manuals, and field reports from the class.

Darrod's accent is not Orion; he sounds like he's from the Centauri colonies. He developed the accent from the years spent there in the end of his youth.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
A general adherence and reverence to Starfleet's moral code and code of conduct.

"The Knack", that internal store of engineering knowledge which he would be unable to quantify to anyone else, but which is essential for any skillful engineer.

Highly creative and intelligent, especially as regards technical matters.

Strong inborn hatred for piracy and pirates. Similar feelings toward drug use and drug smuggling.

Strong and aggressive reactions to stereotypes about Orions, stemming from his own past trauma.

A degree of self-expectation bordering on perfectionism.

A vicious streak that can sometimes crop up when dealing with a hostile force on a technical basis, and a greater-than-average willingness to take enemy lives rather than accept surrender.
Ambitions Darrod's biggest ambition in life is to ensure that all the members of his family are safe and away from criminal activities. Given his older brother's chosen occupation, this is a challenge. For himself personally, he'd like to survive his Starfleet commission, possibly rise to Command rank, and find a colony world on which to settle when he's ready to put his boots on the ground again.
Hobbies & Interests Darrod's interests are wide-ranging, including art and art history, various sciences, mechanics and engineering, as well as more social activities.

His list of hobbies is a bit limited though, as he's never felt the time to develop them. He can play chess, both standard and three-dimensional at an average skill level. He's decent at card games like poker and blackjack. He also enjoys older media - movies and books from the various worlds of the Federation.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Sentientism (aka "Humanism")

Personal History Darrod's early childhood was an unhappy one. Born on the Orion homeworld, his parents were unwilling members of the Cartel, often working as parts of smugglers' crews or as distractions against Federation law enforcement. They were married according to Orion custom, but it was only approved when they'd each done a "service" for the Cartel. They were given some time to themselves, but were never high-ranking enough or rich enough to be completely extricated. This impacted their children significantly.

Dar's older brother and sister were born on the Orion homeworld and had a few years of planetside growth and education. Darrod was born in the smuggling hold of a Cartel Raider. While members of the Cartel are nominally Federation citizens, they are often disconnected from people of other worlds. Education aboard such a starship is rough and immediate, unconcerned with soft studies like art (except for the purposes of appraisal or counterfeiting), literature (except to spin a yarn to law enforcement), and other humanities or soft subjects. He picked some of them up thanks to his parents when they were discharged, or hiding out to avoid insurmountable heat from law enforcement. When he was 12 years old, he was judged "grown enough" by the capos above his family, and he was marked with symbols of his cell within the Cartel, and his rank therein - namely, among the low.

His duties kept him in and near engineering, as his technical intuition and relatively small size made him able to traverse access tunnels and make immediate repairs more easily than the adults. In between, there was abuse - any perceived failure was treated harshly, and his psyche was beaten into a burning hatred for those stronger than him and disgust for those weaker. In short, by the time he was 15, he was the very model of an Orion Pirate.

Thankfully, though, his hatred toward superiors and his parents' desire to "get out" coincided. They managed to do so by stowing aboard a Federation freighter which was bound for the Proxima Centauri colony after doing business with the smuggling vessel they'd been assigned to. When they arrived, they requested asylum; but due to the careful workings of the Orion government within the Federation and the secrecy of their dealings with the Cartel, there was no evidence that they hadn't been part of the Orion domestic fleet.

But as Federation citizens from a known member world in good standing, they were able to settle on the Colony. Through psychological counseling, education, and retraining, Dar was able to overcome the vast majority of the trauma he'd suffered. His personality softened, and he was able to gain a moral code in line with the Federation. His sister was successful as well, but never felt safe in one place - she started in the Merchant Marine before she completed her education.

Dar's brother Tarkil had been too scarred by his experiences - physically and mentally. As a result, he stole a shuttlecraft and joined up with the Wyldfire Compact, a group of pirates and free-wheelers only loosely aligned to the Cartel.

As for Darrod himself, he finished his education, and decided that he wanted to help do good in the Galaxy. He joined Starfleet Academy and moved to Earth after his (delayed) graduation.
Service Record Spring 2257: Entered Starfleet Academy, 1st year Cadet, Engineering track.

2258: Served one month in brig due to violent physical confrontation with another Cadet. Demerits assigned to both parties, promotion to 2nd year refused. Assigned to a course of counseling. High praise from the counselor and evidence of further personal growth follow.

2259: Promoted to Cadet, 2nd year, Engineering Officer's track.

2261 : Graduated with honors as Ensign. Assigned USS Hood (NCC-1703), Engineer's Mate.

2263: USS Hood concludes five-year mission, returned to space dock for repairs and maintenance. Assigned USS New Jersey (NCC-1975), Engineering Officer.

2265: Internal promotion on USS New Jersey, Engineering Section Lead Officer. Rank promoted to Lieutenant JG.

2266: USS New Jersey concludes five-year mission, returned to space dock for repairs and maintenance. Assigned USS Joyeuse (NCC-1665), Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

2267: Rank promoted to Lieutenant with commendations from superior officers. Position and vessel unchanged.

2268: USS Joyeuse concludes five-year mission, returned to space dock for repairs and maintenance.
Assigned USS Midway, Chief Engineering Officer, rank Lieutenant.