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Out of Sorts

Posted on Thu Aug 3rd, 2023 @ 11:57pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 13: Transporter Room #1
Timeline: M4 MD03 (2268.07.12) 0820

As the turbolift reached Deck 13, the Captain and Lt. Miyake tried their best not to run through the corridor towards the transporter room. Neither knew what to expect from these survivors or from this universe... Would they attack, would they be reasonable?

The doors of the transporter room opened, the security team led by Ensign Novak was already assembled with phasers drawn. Dr. Kitchner and Nurse Jenkins were there on standby.

"Good morning Doctor," Tristan said, acknowledging the silverhaired physician.

"Morning Captain ... Pete. What's all this about?" Marc asked.

"We crossed through the interphase, without a problem thankfully," Tristan responded, "Commander Heartfilia located a wreckage of a Starfleet vessel... Of an NX-01 not far from where we entered. There are two lifesigns aboard... Apparently faint. We're bringing them over and see if we can figure out what's going on."

"NX ... there are way past lost aren't they." Marc said cheakely.

"Very much so," Tristan responded. Before looking to the transporter chief, "Energize."

The engineer at the controls took his time. "Energizing sir. Stand by Doc. The one signal isn't near as strong as I'd like." Marc just nodded and pulled a hand scanner from a lab coat pocket. A long moment later and two forms sitting on the transporter pad came into being, as soon as the transporter cycle finished one toppled over on its side.

Marc stepped over. The one who'd toppled over was a human male not much younger that Tristan. "Listen friend my name is Marc and I'm a doctor so just relax." He said passing the scanner over one of the two. "Tony, quarter unit of hydroxocylin, and ask the Chief Steward for a mug of that bone broth he was working on." He said patting the man on the arm. "You're just exhausted friend, a long rest and a few solid meals into you and you'll be fine.

He checked over the other person this one a human female. "She's much the same, just not as weak. Pete you can start breathing again." Marc said with a grin. "Tris, if it's alright with you, I'd like to get both of them to Sickbay for observation?"

The Captain stood there examining the survivors. The young man had red hair, pale skin and a chistled face. His uniform was basically the same as the Earth Starfleet jumpsuit uniform from a century ago but it was covered in strange medals. The young woman also featured red hair, pale skin but her uniform was an odd variant of the Earth Starfleet jumpsuit. It was cut like a short biker jacket revealing her pierced navel and her well defined midsection. She was clearly disorintated and something was off. She fainted into the arms of one of the orderlies.

What struck the captain most of all was the logo on her arm... It was oddly familiar... Yes... One of the parallel universes the Enterprise discovered last year... A dangerous one.

The Captain finally nodded at the surgeon's request, "Yes, but be careful... I want around the clock surveillence and keep them sedated," he said as the medics loaded the two officers onto stretchers.

Marc knew better than to push his God son too hard especially in the sour mood he was in. "Tony take them to the isolation warp. Dominique, Swiss, these three orderlies and yourself. No one else goes into that ward without my express permission. Any questions from the staff, they come to me and me alone." Marc knew he would be able to trust his people but he had to issue the orders all the same. Tony who was pulling a blanket up to the girls neck nooked up and nodded. She could feel the tension in the room.

"Lieutenant, take the security team and escort the medical staff down to sickbay," Tristan said, "I want this kept under wraps for now, confined to the senior staff and those who need to know. I want guards posted at all entrances to the medical section and stationed in sickbay."

"We'll keep out from under foot Doc. I promise." Pete Novak said with a grunt as he helped lift one of the litters.

"Whoever these guys are, they certainly don't dress like any Starfleet Officers that I'm aware of," Shinobu remarked as the medical team carted the two officers away. "If I'd been asked to wear a crop-top like that, I would've punched my recruiter on the spot..."

As they stepped out into the hallway. "Tris..." Marc said softly and patting Tristan on the arm.

"Yes?" the Captain asked as he stepped aside as the stretchers were brought through the doors.

"What did you see that I missed?" Marc asked unsure what line he was standing on.

"I'm not sure yet," Tristan responded as he watched the strechers and the security detail walk down the corridor, a pensive look stretched across his face, "I recognized their insignia, but I need to confirm my suspicions... If they are correct we will need to keep these two confined and segregated from the crew."

"All I know is right now I have two very tired and wore out young people." He stroked his chin with the back of his hand. "When you figure out that mental puzzle you're on let me know okay? Save you a chair at tonight's game?" Marc asked trying to crack the ice.

The Captain was lost in thought and then returned to the moment and looked at Marc, "Yeah," he responded, "Once I have my thoughts and notes together I will brief the senior staff, keep an ear out for the com."


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