
  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 11:35pm

Ensign Dora

Name Dora

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species Edosian
Age 22
Theme Song I’m Jake the Peg (with the extra leg)

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 150 Lbs
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Browny-blue
Physical Description Three Arms, three legs.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Hard to tell
Mother Even harder to tell
Brother(s) All sentient beings are Dora's brothers and sisters, brother.
Sister(s) Er... see above!
Other Family Ditto.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Like most Edosians, Dora is peaceful, friendly and laid back. A bit of a low key prankster.
Strengths & Weaknesses Physically strong
Handy with its extra hand toes
Ambitions To just totally 'reach', brother, y'know.
Hobbies & Interests Finds humans and their obsession with reproductive processes and 'love' and 'romance' fascinating. Although Dora does not have a gender as such, it would like to try being in a relationship.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy The Many, Many Gods of the Edosians

Personal History When Dora Jnr was a mere podling, it proved to be too much of a hands-full and the Pod Council sent it off to Space Camp, where the commandant, Commander Gampoo took the errant youth under his wing and it proved an able student with the right encouragement.

Not wishing to return to Edos after Space Camp, Dora signed up as a crewperson in Star Fleet, but was soon found to be overqualified and was recommended for officer training in San Francisco.

This is Dora's first posting, just like his fellow 'lab Rat' Toby Dienstag.
Service Record 2264-5 Starfleet Crewmember: USS Bonnie Prince Charlie [Garbage Scow]
2265-2268: Star Fleet Academy, Science Officer Cadet
2268; Ensign USS Midway