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Mon Jul 10th, 2023 @ 12:57pm

Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo

Name Ty-Yak Tay-ata R-yah Novo

Position Reccuring Character

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Unknown
Age ?
Theme Song "People Are Strange" - The Doors

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 175
Hair Color Dirty Blonde
Eye Color Glowing Blue
Physical Description Generally looking disheveled, gaunt and without sleep, Novo is overwise fairly average height and weight for a human. Of course he has no idea who he really is or where he comes from. One of his most distinguishing features are his glowing blue eyes which he assumes are a characteristic of his race.


Spouse/Partner Unknown
Children Unknown
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Neurotic and unpredictable Novo is usually focused on some insane project which usually backfires or isn't worth the effort. He has on multiple occasions experimented with mind altering drugs in attempts to cure his amnesia, none of which have worked and have only continued to further warp his personality.

Ambitions To find out who he is and where he comes from.
Hobbies & Interests Novo's obsession is tinkering with the Midway and doing the best he can to make the ship better. He feels the ship is his baby after all
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Unknown

Personal History Novo has no recollection of his life prior to 2258 when the sleeper ship he was in was discovered by the U.S.S. Ticonderoga under the command of then Captain Anderson. During the away mission to the abandoned ship, his sleeper pod was opened by Lieutenant J.G. Tristan Faust. The ship was of an extremely advanced design and the computer was completely blank. Novo only knows his name due to the cryptic label on his sleeper pod which was written in English of all things.

Following his re-education, Novo elected to join Starfleet in 2260 assisted by Captain Anderson and Lieutenant Faust. After three years at the academy, Novo graduated with honors in engineering and was assigned to the San Francisco Drive Yards. In late 2267 he was assigned to oversee the construction of the U.S.S. Midway, the latest Constitution-class starship. His old friend, now Captain Tristan Faust was assigned to command the new ship in January 2268. With launch approaching and engineering staff tough to come by, Captain Faust offered him a berth on the Midway as Assistant Chief Engineer and a promotion to Lieutenant.
Service Record 2260-2263 - Starfleet Academy - Engineering Cadet
2263-2268 - San Francisco Drive Yards - Yard Officer - Ensign to Lt. J.G.
-2267-2268 - U.S.S. Midway Project Manager
2268 - Present - U.S.S. Midway - Assistant Chief Engineer - Lieutenant