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The Great Escape

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant T'kara & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Arianna D'Tal & Ensign Avis Larant & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Alcibiades Xod
Edited on on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 12:37am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Station Exar: Lower Levels
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 1800-1930

The slave holding pens in the lower decks were filled to capacity of members of all races. Slavery was a universal condition and a scourge on the galaxy. Captain Faust led Team #1 to the door of the pen where the rest of the crew were being held. According to the information Xod gave the hostages, the some of the colonists and the Detroit's crew should be there as well. He saw Dr. Kitchner standing by the door to the slave transporter room while an engineering officer was attempting to open it. Kitchner's team had the pattern enhancers which was the only way they would be able to get everyone back to the Midway quickly.

"Report Doctor," Tristan asked as he puffed on his cigar.

"Ask Evans, he's the petty larcenist." Marc threw a thumb towards Evans who was down on one knee monkeying inside an open access panel.

"Mr. Evans," The Captain asked.

"Almost got it sir," Evans responded. A moment later the opening mechanism of the transporter room door clicked, "Captain, it's unlocked," reported the engineering officer, "But it will need to be manually opened."

The Captain nodded, "Mr. Novak, would you give me a hand with the door?" he asked the burly young man.

The security officer nodded and followed the Captain towards the door. It would easily take the two of them to pull the heavy metal door open. Tristan put his shoulder to the door and began to pull. Slowly but surely the door opened.

The tranporter room was deserted as the Starfleet officers flooded the room. Captain Faust opened his hand communicator as the engineering officers walked to the controls. He looked through the massive window in front of them and saw the slave auction hall below. "Landing Party to Midway, we are in the slave transporter room. We'll be transporting the hostages from slave pens up here and then they can be transported back to the ship. Stand by."

"Midway here Captain. Understood."

Meanwhile, Alcibiades Xod and his three Tellarite gladiatrices, their porcine curves clad in metal armour, with four breastplates apiece, and black pleather gear redolent of a freaky dungeon scene, marched out of the trader's private boudoir and through the bar, where patrons gave the tusked beauties and their orange charge a wide berth.

Each of the chunky pig-women carried, in their surprisingly dexterous trotters, some unknown make of identical souped-up disruptor rifle, but on their backs each toted their own personal melee weapon: Briki favoured a enormously heavy looking mace, which extruded electrically charged spikes when deployed; Twigi was a devotee of an enormous machete like blade and last, and certainly not least, Hayli bore a curled electro-whip on her belt.

They were headed for the Slave Auction Hall.

About half an hour later, they were still waiting for the battle-royale to begin. Xod was already counting the quatloos in his greedy brain, as silent partner and part owner of this station he had it insured up to the hilt. He might even be able to claim compensation from the Federation for any damage done during the firefight. But the minutes ticked by. Eventually, unable to stand the suspense, he sent Twigi to see what had happened.

The news was not great.

"Hard luck, Daddy" snorted the porker "They all just left, came to some kind of peaceful agreement."

Xod's orange face turned an indescribable 'color from space' and the bristles of his white beard stood out on end. "You pacifistic poltroons!! You pair of namby-pamby peaceniks!!!" he bellowed, shaking his fist at the large plexiglass window on the station. Out there somewhere, lay the ships of his two would-be antagonists. The only saving grace, there was the possibility that once back on their ships, the two Captains would attack each other in space.

"Arianna! Faust! I hope you blow each other to smithereens!!" he shouted, turquoise tears rolling from his eyes in memory of his lost quatloos.

Handling a deal on the other side of the station, Arianna stopped mid sentence with the merchant she was talking to, listening to what was whispered in her ear... Starfleet was here!

"We'll have to do this later." She said, turning away. She started walking and barking orders to her officers. "Have an armed team meet me in the auction hall, and tell them to bring the little medic girl."

The Midway's landing party had begun transporting the first group of hostages back to the ship. The groups being pulled from the holding pens were completely random. Some were Detroit personnel, others colonists... So far they were yet to find the rest of their shipmates.

The next group materialized and Tristan instantly recognized Commander Heartfilia, "Commander!" he yelled out to the young woman who appeared on the transporter pad.

"Captain!" Lucy called back. "What time do you call this?" She asked sarcastically. She glanced down at the shackles on her wrist to indicate that she couldn't do much.

Her Starfleet uniform had also been removed and she had been 'Dressed To Sell' which comprised of a purple short cropped shirt, with fancy gold tassels, loops and stitching. A black sarong covered her lower her waist, but still show some of her legs. Obviously she was made to be more appealing to male bidders who wanted something attractive to 'Entertain' them.

"Quickest we could do," Tristan responded, "We're getting as many people out. Do you want to stick around here or head back to the ship?"

"And what the hell are you wearing?!" Lieutenant Miyake gawked- the look of disgust on her face perhaps not directly aimed at Lucy, but moreover the thought of how the Orions had pimped her out as if she were little more than property.

Lucy scowled at the both of them. "Well as much as I love showing you all my belly button, I think I'd like to get out of here thank you!" She replied sarcastically. I really want to get this god-awful outfit off!" She added.

"I'm armed now, I'll stay. In fact I wouldn't miss this for the world," Avis spoke up. She was Security and this was what was expected of her, to back up the Captain in any event of danger.

"Of course Commander," Tristan responded then looked at the engineering officer, "Energize" The transporter beam enveloped the young woman along with the rest of the group.

As Arianna and her team approached the entrance to the auction hall, they stopped. "Storm the auction hall, and kill anyone who's not where they're supposed to be... including slaves." She ordered, then grabbed the young girl who had previously treated Ivy's wounds by the arm, pulling her along with her. "You're coming with me."

"W-where are we going?" The young girl asked as they walked away.

"To the hall's transporter room." Arianna said as they walked briskly. "I have a special job for you."

Marc Kitchner was transported back with the third bunch. He saw Mike Amato handling triage in the corridor outside the transporter. "I'll start tending to the wounded, keep it up here until everybody is back if you would."

Dr. Amato didn't look up from his scanner. "It's been cuts, bruises and exhaustion thus far. Send me two more orderlies and we can start a relay escorting these people down." Kitchner had reached the corner. "Hey Doc ... thanks." Mike yelled after him.

Marc nodded at the last bit. He quickly made his way to Sickbay. "Tomkins, grab somebody and get to Transporter room two, take two orderlies with you. Do whatever you can to assist, now move." Marc ducked in his office and grabbed his lab coat dropping his bag on the couch. The next couple of hours passed in a blur, one patient after the next. After what felt like a weeks work, Marc all but fainted on his feet, fortunately he was in his office when it happened.

To Be Continued


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