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Mon Nov 18th, 2024 @ 10:20am

Arianna D'Tal

Name Arianna McKenzie D'Tal

Position Orion Pirate Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Vulcan, 1/4 Human, 1/4 Orion
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Dark Red (Dyed)
Eye Color Crystal Blue
Physical Description Long, straight dark red hair with makeup that gives her a casual gothic appearance. Her skin is tan with a barely noticable green tinge. She bears the look of innocent youth and curiosity, but don't let that fool you.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Darok D'Tal (Deceased)
Mother Serenity Star McKenzie (Retired Starfleet)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandfather: Cyrus A. McKenzie (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Do not let her childlike curiosity fool you. Arianna D'Tal may look sweet and innocent, but she is far from it. Under normal circumstances, she has a sweet personality, despite her malicious intentions. If she gets upset, she has a tendency to become rude. Once her temper is triggered, she may can quickly become violent to achieve her goals. If her temper is provoked too far, the results can be unpredictable, sometimes getting out of control.

When it comes to the Orion Syndicate, Arianna is well mannered, and compassionate. She goes out of her way to look out for her comrades, and to help where she can.

As an Orion Pirate Captain, Arianna is a bright, dedicated young woman. She will follow almost any order, unless she believes it to be a waste of time, or resources.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
* Skilled in hand to hand and weapons combat, excells in tactical strategy.
* Can follow oral, or written instructions to the letter
* Has a decent grasp of basic emergency medicine.
* Decent pilot
* Has Orion Female pheramones.

* Has a temper when provoked too far, or threatened.
* Rude and unpredictable, when her temper sets in.
* Naive and inexperienced when it comes to matters of love.
Ambitions Arianna is bent on being a thorn in the Federation's side, showing them the magnitude of their failures.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies & Interests:
Martial Arts
Thee-Dimensional Chess (on occasion)
Piloting shuttles, or fighters
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Vengeance

Personal History Darok D'Tal , and Serenity Star McKenzie met 25 years ago in a night club on Earth. It was during this chance encounter that both Darok, and Serenity entered Pon Farr. After a one night stand, Darok left the next morning for his next Starfleet assignment.

9 months later, Serenity gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and named her Arianna McKenzie D'Tal, giving her Darok's last name. For the first few years of her life, Arianna was raised by her grandfather while her mother attended Starfleet Academy. Soon after Serenity's graduation from the Academy, the three of them moved to Vulcan where Arianna spent much time learning about her father, Martial Arts, and the Vulcan way.

On Arianna's 10th birthday, the three of them took a trip to Earth. During the trip, their vessel was attacked by Klingons. Arianna hid, watching as her grandfather was brutally murdered, and her mother was raped and left for dead.

A thorough investigation began when the ship was found drifting through space by a passing Federation Starship. After the investigation it was determined that Arianna's experience had been psychologically damaging, and Serenity was in no condition to care for her. Since no one could locate Arianna's father, she was taken back to Vulcan and put into an orphanage there.

As she grew older, Arianna managed to find her father, and follow his career. She also started having black outs in which she could not remember the things she did. Around her 14th birthday, she was detained in the orphanage's solitary confinement area for causing serious injury to 15 people during one of her black outs.

After she was granted her grandfather's inheritance at age 16, she contacted her father without anyone knowing. Once she made him aware that she was indeed his daughter, he soon contacted the Vulcan High Command to explain the situation. Within only a few days, Arianna was released into her father's custody.

After a few months in his custody, Arianna's father performed a mind meld on her which made her blackouts a bit more controlled. As a result of this mind meld, her memories of events which triggered the blackouts, and the memories of things she did during those blackouts came back to her. Another side effect of this particular mind meld is that one of her crystal blue eyes turned and remained pitch black.

3 years later, her father was killed during a routine mission turned disaster that resulted in a vastly damaged ship. Blaming Starfleet, Arianna stole a shuttle from the stranded ship, severely injuring a handful of security guards in the process.

It wasn't long before she was found, and picked up by an Orion vessel. They took her into custody, and interrogated her thoroughly. Upon learning of her unique skills, and her newfound hatred for Starfleet, they made her an offer she couldn't refuse.

Accepting this offer put her in command of an Orion pirate vessel, allowing the syndicate to make good use of her unique skills. She is still in command to this day.

Her blackouts continued, without memory loss, and triggered mostly by intense fear, anger, or pain. She has been known to use it to her advantage, giving her a slight edge in bad situations.

It is firmly believed by Starfleet that Miss D'Tal is a serious threat to herself, and others. Encounters with her should not be taken lightly.

This individual is wanted by Starfleet authorities for multiple counts of assault and piracy. She should be considered armed, and extremely dangerous.

If you encounter her, or have any information that would lead to her arrest, you're encouraged to contact Starfleet authorities for immediate assistance.
Service Record Age 10:
- Placed into the custody of a Vulcan orphanage

Age 14:
- Incarcerated due to extremely violent blackouts

Age 16
- Placed in her father's custody

Age 19 to present
- Fled from a disabled starship, injuring several Starfleet officers
- Captured by the Orion Syndicate
- Placed in command of a Orion Pirate ship

Command experience
Tactical Strategy
Hand to hand combat
Small arms combat
Emergency Medicine
Good grasp of piloting skills, and concepts.