
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 4:22pm

Alcibiades Xod

Name Alcibiades Xod

Position Trader

Character Information

Gender Transgendered/Intersex
Species Unknown
Age 90
Aliases / Nicknames Mister Xod

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 250 Lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Orange skinned individual. Appears to be a male but explains that "Things down there" are somewhat complicated."


Spouse/Partner None surviving
Children His pods litter the Quadrant
Father Some unknown member of his race
Mother The Mother
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family He suspects that somewhere in Delta Quadrant others may exist. Another good reason to avoid the Delta Quadrant.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mister Xod is a independent, interplanetary trader in everything and anything, and whatever it is you want, he will bet you credits to Navy Beans that it can be had. And he is certainly more than happy to skim off the cream of the crop of whatever it is to satisfy his own epicurean tastes.
Strengths & Weaknesses Greedy, unscrupulous, immoral, intemperate, cowardly and always first to save his own skin, happy to sell a friend down the river and forgive his enemies if it will profit him.

He also has weaknesses.
Ambitions More, more, MORE!
Hobbies & Interests Life and its pleasures, in all its forms.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Hedonism

Personal History Somehow Mister Xod's entire personal history has been wiped from all Federation, Klingon and Romulan files. This feat was effected at the cost of the master hack Zuoples of Thanja B, who soon after died in a 'shuttle accident'.
Service Record Mister Xod has, usually quite unwillingly, helped a number of Federation Officers over the years, including the 2nd Officer of the USS Republic, a certain Lt. Commander Tristan S. Faust. Regrettably, at the end of that particular adventure, Mister Xod was handed over to the authorities of Tanuga IV, with whom the Federation had an extradition treaty.