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Station Exar

Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:23pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant T'kara & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:33pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Station Exar
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 1715

Station Exar was a circular station of ancient design in orbit above the class D planet, Exar III in neutral space. Surrounding the station were a plethora of spaceships of various origin coming and going on a constant basis. The planet had one moon made up of Rodinium ore allowing the Midway to hide behind it.

The away teams materialized in several secluded sections of the outer ring of the station. Captain Faust looked around him, "Lieutenant T'kara, we are suppose to meet my contact in Zabathu one of the bars in the inner ring," he said, "Which direction?" T'kara as the Command Intelligence Officer had analyzed all of the data available in the ship's library computer and extracted from the captured Orions.

T'kara waited for a moment for the vertigo to pass. It always happened when she transported and no medical officer had been able to help her; she'd just learned to accept it.

Hearing the Captain's question, she shook her head and quickly visualized where they'd transported in at.

"We need to head that way," she pointed to the Captain's left, "for three hundred meters. Look for a t-junction, sir. At the junction, bear right."

"Thank you," Captain Faust responded as he motioned for the party to follow T'kara's lead.

"Stay close," Lieutenant Miyake motioned to her security team. "And be prepared to engage the Orions at a moment's notice."

Kitchner and two others materialized in what turned out to be a full cargo container, it took them a few minutes to get into a corridor. The security officer with him checked in, "Evans to Faust .... team 2 on site and checking in, green." He closed the connection just as quickly as he'd opened it.

The corridors of Station Exar were cramped, filthy and stank to high heaven. They arrived at the junction as T'kara described and then turned right. The corridor opened up into a large atrium. Each of the shop signs were written in alien tongues that Faust could not identify. He turned to Ensign Dienstag who was standing near Ensign Novak. The young man was wearing a fashionable black double breasted peacoat with a turtleneck underneath, "Mr. Dienstag?" Tristan asked.

Toby leaned over and looked down the row of storefronts and then he pointed towards one of the shops with a blue sign and a picture of a horse emblazoned on it.

"Ensign, you never cease to amaze me," Tristan responded with a smirk as the party set off towards the store front. "Lieutenant T'Kara, any information on this place?" he asked, "Other than it being a bar..."

"Whoopee; now we know where they keep the liquor..." Lieutenant Miyake remarked sarcastically.

T'kara watched as the young Ensign pointed the way. She looked at the sign and shook her head. She brushed her skirt flat as a reflex and then looked at the Captain.

"Uh, no sir. All the database said was it a "hole-in-wall" that was favored by our suspects," T'kar said, glancing around. There was nothing about this place that was remotely appealing to her and she was having trouble seeing its worth to anyone else.

"Entrance, two side exits and universe-only knows how many bolt holes or traps, sir."

"Of course," Tristan responded.

According to the information they 'extracted' from the few Orion prisoners they had a rough idea where the ladies were being held. Marc was having to hold his breath when ever possible, he'd spent so much time in a clean and sterile environment being in this fettered sewer the smell alone might kill him. "How much further Evans?"

"I think we're on the wrong deck. Where we should be is right here. The trouble is I can't tell if we're one up or one down." Evans answered looking at a tricorder inside his jacket.

There was a groan or two from the others. =A= Kitchener to Faust ... team 2 problem. Our directions were off. Permission to contact the ship for assistance?"

"Request granted, but make it brief," Tristan responded over the com.

=A= Noted ... out. =A= Kitchner closed his communicator and opened it again. =A= Kitchner to Midway, science station quickly. =A= Kitcher said keeping his words clipped.

=A= Midway here Sir. Science station 1 is available and ready. =A=

=A= Lock on to my location, search for Human life signs. Are they above or below my location? We can't pinpoint them with a standard tricorder ... =A= Kitchner asked.

Aze relayed the message to the officer at the science station. They quickly scanned the Doctor's location. =A= Midway to Kirchner.. above. Stay safe. Midway out. =A=

"Let's find a ladder or a lift." Marc said snapping the communicator closed.

The landing party walked into the nightclub indicated by Ensign Dienstag. The air was filled with the exotic smells of perfume, expensive alcohol and the body sweat of two dozen alien species. The air was thick with smoke.

Lieutenant Miyake looked as if she were fighting down a severe gag reflex, if most likely to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

But then again, with a stench as potent as this...

"Good thing I brought a respirator," Tristan responded with a smirk. He reached into his coat and pulled out a cigar and stuck it into his mouth. He lit it as they waded through the sea of bodies. If anything the cigar kept up their cover.

The Captain and crew were to meet Xod in the back of the bar. Then the Captain saw something peculiar... Instead of Xod's ugly mug he saw the disheveled figures of Ensign Kinsley, Cadet Larant, Petty Officer Stardancer and Nurse Jenkins.

"Captain!" Ivy exclaimed as the landing party approached them.

"I wasn't expecting to find you four," Tristan responded beaming, a cloud of smoke emanating from his cigar, "I thought I was meeting Xod... But I'm glad its you four... Do you know where the others are?"

Ivy nodded, "Xod freed us... We just ran out of his private suite in the back." she said, but didn't mention exactly how it was done, "But you're early... He said you wouldn't be here for another thirty minutes."

"Not that we are complaining you're early," grinned Avis.

Tristan continued to smirk, "Deal with Xod enough times you know never to come exactly when he says... You'll regret it," he said, "Now where are the others?"

"They are in a room on the next level. Our friend here didn't want all of us sticking out like sore thumbs sir." Tony said looking over her captains shoulder.

Harmony nearly ran over to hug and kiss the rescue party from the Midway, but she held back, since they didn't need to be making a scene. In fact, they still had to be playing a role.

"We have to get to them and transport them out of the holding pens so they can get sent to the ship," she explained, "so we need to get to, still be slaves for auction?" Maybe someone could pose as an 'owner' and herd them to the cells?

"No time for that and what if they are on to us? They must be aware by now of Starfleet boarding their starbase," Avis cautioned.

"Those sick bastards..." Lieutenant Miyake muttered in disgust. "And I thought the smell was as bad as it got..."

The Captain nodded, "I suppose I can pull that off," he said, "We won't need more than 10 minutes to transport everyone up..." He flipped open his hand communicator, =A= Team 1 to Team 2, =A= Tristan said into it.

=A= Go for for 2 ... =A= Kitchner replying ducking behind a shipping crate.

"We've recovered four of our officers, meet at the holding cells. We need to move quickly," Tristan said into his hand communicator.

"We're there now. Evans is working on the door now." Marc said, before he could say anything else the door opened up about half way. "We're in. Stand by ....." A few minutes passed. "We have 8 here, how many are with you?"

"Four," Tristan responded, "But remember we have 40 crew members of the Detroit and 500 colonists... We need to look for them as well... Stand by, we'll be down there." He looked at the away team and the reunited crewmembers, "Let's go" he added.


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