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A Private Viewing

Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:32pm by Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins & Alcibiades Xod
Edited on on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 10:17am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Alcibiades Xod's Private Suite, Station Exar
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 1630-1700

Most of the slave bidding on Exar took place in the main market, a large stage in an even larger hall, where bidders could inspect and barter over the livestock in comfort: the slaves, usually stripped naked, coffled, chained and, in the case of some of the more dangerous species, caged, displayed before their callous, jeering or merely acquisitive would-be purchasers, like so many cattle.

Some customers, though, had special privileges. Alcibiades Xod would inspect three units of 'produce' in his own, luxuriously appointed suite, away from the hustle and bustle of the main market: and the pick of the crop, too: chosen by the slavemasters to fit his own specifications: for his mother was a very picky eater.

When the four female members of the Midway's crew were beamed into his room, along with a couple of enormous bald Orion heavies, they were still dressed, but with their hands restrained behind their backs and thrall collars around their necks which could exude an excruciating shock of pain at the flick of the slavemaster's hand control.

Xod himself watched the materialisation of the stock take place before him with a look of combined amusement and dissatisfaction.

Avis did not have her Starfleet uniform on, she had been given a replacement set of clothing along with medical treatment for her forearm just prior to her interrogation. But like the others, she did have the restraints and the thrall collar. As to where she was at the moment, she had no clue.

Her roomie, Harmony, was standing right next to her at least that was something. If nothing else it meant both of them had made it so far.

"Why are they still dressed? And why are they not presented to me on their knees!" he demanded. One of the Orions moved to start to tear their uniforms off, but Xod waved an airy hand. "Oh don't bother. Who cares what they look like. I just want to smell if they're fresh and see if they're 'eaters' or 'cookers'!

Avis went wide eyed. Eaters or cookers?

He started to walk along the line of four women and from some scatter cushions behind him, a trio of enormously fat, multibreasted Tellerite pleasure-slaves got up and waddled over to join in the inspection, all dressed in the diaphanous flowing lingerie of their kind which left all too little to the imagination. They made curious snorting pig noises as they too looked over the human women with their porcine little eyes.

So far, Harmony had managed to keep up with what was going on, not that she really understood it all, and she was starting to get a little impatient waiting for an opening that was looking more and more doubtful.

Keeping her shoulders square, she drew on her time on the streets, shutting down emotion, looking anyone who came near her in the eye, her expression neutral. Helping to keep her composure were the strains of a song her mother had sung to her, way back when, about a tardigrade that just wanted a cabinet of whisky, and socks!

Ensign Ivy Kinsley was rather roughed up with her uniform dirty, her face covered in minor abrasions and her blonde hair filthy and matted on her forehead. She was visibly worried but maintained her composure thanks to being accompanied by the other women from the Midway. Perhaps together they could maintain their resolve and keep themselves alive. Perhaps the Midway was nearby.

Tony was struggling with the Orion goons as they were being restrained only too be rewarded by a shot between her shoulder blades that put her on her knees. "You can't do this too us you green bastards." She said between gritted teeth. She got back handed across the face for that one.

Xod surveyed the fine specimens of womanhood with a professional eye, but the grotesque pig-women closed in and started to sniff and paw at the helpless Starfleet personnel with inhuman, but surprisingly dexterous bifurcated fingers that looked akin to trotters.

One of them picked on Avis, tugging at her skimpy grey coverings. "Snort! Hur hur hur. Look at this one" the porcine creature laughed mockingly in a gruff deep voice "She likes being a slave, she's already dressed herself up like one!" Another of the Tellarite she-sows joined in, stroking Larant's cheek with surprisingly soft touch for such a monstrous looking 'hand' "I bet she likes to be whipped!"

Avis just glared furiously given there was little else she could do.

The third little pig looked at Antoinette.

"This one's too old! Her meat will be tough!" she jeered.

'Old ... Tough ... Meat!' Ran through her head. "What the hell do I look like a rack of lamb chops ..." Tony couldn't finish before she took another blow too her back and was on her knees again.

The orange male frowned "Quiet, Fool!" he silenced the creature. He looked over the older woman appreciatively, and ran a hand over the front of her uniform. "What an incredibly handsome woman you are my dear! Mmmm, there's nothing like an experienced pleasure-slave!" he cooed. "Pity you're going to end up as so much beef jerky for my beloved Mama."

Then his eyes flicked to Harmony, and the smile fell. He reached around the back where her hands were shackled and pulled up her sleeve - exposing the scars and blemishes from her shuttle crash. "What's this?!! I can't offer my mother BURNT FOOD!!!" he shouted at the Orions.

"Just say you've done her 'Cajun Style'!" grunted the one pig-woman who wasn't toying with Avis. She waddled in Harmony's direction and started to snuffle at her with her moist snout: the bristles tickling her neck.

She grunted. "Snort! Give the other three to Mummy in law and we'll have this one for our pet!" she suggested.

The other two left off pawing Avis and looked over at the young medic. "Yeah" one of them grunted in that low harsh growl they all possessed "We can put her on clean-up duty!"

Pet? Harmony almost scoffed at the notion, but managed to just stare ahead. Although...some people treated their pets pretty well, and cleaning up wasn't so bad...unless they meant to blood and entrails of her crew mates, and then it was a horrid thought! But the alternative...cooked 'Cajun'...that was spicy, right? Suitable!

I live in the shrubbery, for that's all I crave
I don't want these excitements to see me to my grave...

That stupid song was keeping Harmony from freaking out, and then a small smile flickered across her lips as she recalled that besides 'water bear', another name for the creatures was 'moss piglet'. Huh...eaten by a giant moss piglet, how odd that would be!

None of them seemed particularly interested in, arguably, the most attractive human female of the four, not that this was any great loss for Ivy, who so far had been the only one not to be fondled, sniffed or dribbled upon.

"Where are the other members of the crew? What about the colonists?" Ivy asked the disgusting orange Santa Claus with her big blue eyes. Of course none of it mattered anymore. The fates seemed sealed for the four of them, so it was no doubt the same for them.

"Urgh, the ugly one's talking!" said the bossiest of the tellarites, stomping up to Ivy and taking her by the throat with one hand and, horrors, pulling up her uniform with the other "You should sell this one to to that old Edosian who likes virgins, I bet nobody's ever gone near this one. Let's check!"

But what the butch porcine female thrust into the relevant part of Ivy's uniform was not a two fingered trotter, but a type 1 phaser. Unfortunately, the Orions were neither as stupid nor as unobservant as they looked.

"Hey, what're you doing?!" one of them yelled reaching for his weapon.

"Oh bugger! Kill them!!"'Father Christmas' ordered. Immediately, two of the pig-women flew at the green men: tusks chomping, trotters flying. The first slaver got his face bitten off, the second had his neck snapped with a sickening crunching sound before he even realised what was happening. The sow facing Ivy slowly pulled the phaser back out of her uniform, held it up to her snout, sniffed it and then said "Imagine if that had gone off in your pants."

Avis watched in shock as the creatures fell upon the guards, killing them without hesitation. What the hell was going on?

Considering how ugly the creature had said she found Ensign Kinsley, the growled words sounded oddly like some bizarre come-on.

Xod, who had stood well back from the squirting green blood of the killing carnage, approached again, and issued more instructions to his 3 porky 'angels'.

"Twigi, get the keys to their shackles! Briki, get the thrall controller! Haili, stop annoying that human and get me my toolkit!"

The look on Ivy's face was one of shock and concern, but all she could do was stand there dumbfounded as the Orions were slaughtered around them. It was clearly a double cross but she couldn't be sure if it was in their favor... or not.

The chunky swinelettes moved with amazing speed. The one called Twigi swiftly undoing the shackles of each crewwoman, the other two congregating on the orange man, who took a small pin-like tool from the small tool kit and started making adjustments to the thrall-collar controller.

Avis was happy to just stand there and let them release the shackles, she didn't know why this was happening but she wasn't going to question it.

"Thanks!" she kept it brief.

Songs about water bears fizzled from her head at the turn of events, and Harmony drew in a breath, not quite sure what was going on, but knowing that they had to get out of the way and deal with the rest later.

Grasping Ivy by the arm, Harmony dove for the deck, then looked over at Avis and Tony. "The door!" she gasped, although she had no idea what they would do if they made it, and she could only hope that the Orions were occupied enough, or better, dead enough, not to activate the agonizers...

Avis however hesitated, these things wouldn't have done what they did if they just were going to let them go? She looked to Xod.

"Oh! Well, you may leave if you wish" the owner of the plush room said "However, I thought you might rather wish to return to the slave pens and help your colleagues prepare to escape." he said. He held up the control device to the still blinking collars. "The thrall collars look like they are still active, but they cannot now be controlled, and you can remove them any time you want... ah ah ah!" he stopped them doing that right away.

"Oh yeah?" Avis started to go for her collar but paused.

He addressed himself to the smaller female dressed in the slave outfit, as she seemed the most 'together' out of the four.

"They've increased the security measures on this facility. No-one can beam out of the slave pens straight onto a ship outside. You need to go down and free your colleagues and start beaming them up to the auction hall, keep the collars on until they are no longer of use to you as a disguise. Your Captain will be beaming down with a disguised landing party in..." he looked at a chronometer on the wall "... 32 of your earth minutes precisely."

Now this was indeed great news! Avis actually smiled. Unless this was some fantastic trap, this was exactly the opportunity to fight back at last.

"The Midway is coming? Excellent!" she was spoiling for a fight now.

As he said this, the pig-creatures were handing out Federation combination phaser/communicators to all four women.

"And, er... I apologise, ladies, for the little act we had to put on" the snowy bearded satsuma face beamed. "Act?" snorted Briki as she thrust the weapon into Avis' newly-freed hands.

Avis took it and immediately began examining it to make sure it was in working order, all charged, and ready to fire. It was.

"Who was acting?" grunted Haili, as she lifted Harmony up and gave her a weapon, too. She snuffled at the medic's neck. "One last sniff for the road, smoky!" she snuffled in the human's dainty ear, before turning imploringly to her master.

"Are you sure we can't keep this one, Daddy?" she asked, but Xod shook his head, sternly and muttered to himself "This is what happens when you go shopping with the missus!"

Ivy snapped out of her state of shock. She looked at Nurse Jenkins who was technically the senior officer, but Ivy was a command bridge officer. "We need to help the rest of our comrades," she said, "Are we agreed?"

"Hell yes, we're free and we got weapons. We need to free everybody we can!" Avis was quick to answer. And kill that bitch if they could find her but she did not say that aloud.

Things happened fast, and it took a moment to process that Xod and his minions were helping them and not just trying to avoid paying for them. Grateful, Harmony opened the collar, but reluctantly kept it on, then took the phaser offered to her.

Giving Haili a smile, she shrugged. "I think I'd like being your pet, but I have friends to help." She giggled as the creature sniffed her ear, the only place where she was really ticklish, then impulsively gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

Avis looked at her roomie like she was crazy. But no time for judgement.

"Guh?!" the butch Tellarite was wrong-trottered by Harmony's kiss "Ur... you're welcome!" she snorted.

"We should get going," Ivy said to the other officers. She started to head towards the door before stopping and looking at the grotesque orange Kris Kringle looking figure and said, "Thank you."

"Thank him later, we got a job to do!" Avis was impatient to get on with it. She had a weapon now and she was in a very combative mood.

Xod only had one more task to do, join the audience with his bodyguards, who were now changing from their diaphanous robes into chainmail and pleather battle gear, make contact with the Captain and anonymously aid the humans in whatever way he could.

Before that happened, and once he was our of earshot of his porcine 'wives', he sidled up to nurse Jenkins and pressed a tiny data card into her newly freed hands "No pressure, Madam, but when this farrago is all over, call me. You will not be disappointed!" he promised, licking his eyebrows.


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