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Grilled Cadet, Medium Rare

Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 7:58pm by Arianna D'Tal & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:18pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Orion Pirate Ship
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0200

With her medical needs seen to, and fresh plain clothes provided, Avis had been escorted to a small interrogation room. Unlike what one would expect of Orion pirates, the room didn't look very different from a Starfleet interrogation room. The small room was furnished with one table, two chairs, and a one-way mirror. Sitting on the table was a glass of water.

Alright so to be honest, Avis had not expected either first aid or fresh clothes, not pleased with the boring color choice though, grey? Really? But that was a rather minor point, she was now waiting in a room to be questioned. And the Orions were not the Federation, she figured they would be more than willing to do whatever they wanted to their prisoners. She'd already got an eye opening performance of that when they beamed onto this vessel.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, the door opened, and Arianna stepped into the room. She stood studying the Cadet, before turning to the guard in the room. "Leave us." As he did so, she turned back to the young officer. "You put one of my workers in the infirmary. It's an impressive feat, considering she's one of my best fighters."

Avis had been sitting, she did not get up, and she made no attempt at any sort of salute. The Orions weren't a navy, they were a bunch of pirates. She did think though that if this woman really was the Orion leader, she looked young for it.

"You attacked us, pardon me if I had the gall to fight back," Avis replied, keeping her tone level if a bit sarcastic.

"I don't blame you." Arianna said, as she took a seat, setting her padd next to her on the table. She kept her emotions in check, seeming more like a Vulcan, as she looked at Avis. "I probably would've fought back too, but now you're going to tell me everything you know about your ship."

Avis knew something like this was coming. Well, here it was. This pirate queen bee was asking her to do something she just simply could not stomach, betray her ship, crew, career. She remained composed but looked the woman in the eye.

"Go fuck yourself."

"You are either really stupid, or really brave." Arianna replied, as her brows furrowed.

"Or just plain not wanting to talk," Avis presented another possibility.

"I could cause you ridiculous amounts of agonizing pain, and yet you openly resist me. You Federation types like your diplomacy, so I figured I'd try." She stood up now, standing in an at-ease stance between her and the door. "I'll make you a deal instead. I'm the only thing standing between you and the door. You get past me, and I'll drop you in an escape pod. You fail, then you answer my questions... or deal with the agony that comes with disobedience."

"Yeah, like I believe you'd keep your word. I win and you'll never let me go. I lose and I have to answer questions. No, I don't like that deal," Avis was sorely tempted though but she'd already seen this murderous pirate in action much as she would love to punch this one out.

In a moment of anger, Arianna grabbed the woman's shirt, using it to haul her to her feet, before shoving her back against he wall hard. "One way or another, you're going to talk!" She said, her eyes now gleaming with anger. "How many people are aboard your ship!?"

Alright, this woman was stronger than she looked, Avis got that. But nothing was going to change her mind.

"Already gave you my answer. Go fuck yourself!"

"Wrong answer!" Arianna replied. She brought up a knee, nailing Avis hard in the gut, before stepping back to let her drop. "Tell me what I want to know, or the pain gets worse... and it can definitely get worse!"

Avis was waiting for the inevitable something, while not knowing exactly what. Nonetheless she wasn't ready for the hard knee in the stomach and doubled over in pain dropping to her knees. Reflexively her hands went to her middle as she gasped for air. She couldn't answer if she had wanted to til she got some air back in her lungs.

However when she did, all she managed to utter was, "Never!"

"You're persistent." Arianna said, before hauling the woman to her feet. She gave her a sweet, but devious smile. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you!"

With that, she tossed Avis onto the table with a hard thud, sending the glass of water flying away, as she rolled off onto the floor, leaving water and shattered glass everywhere on the opposite side.

The table landing was bad enough, but the ungiving floor was worse. Avis grimaced in pain as she laid there, trying to will herself to get up. The best she could manage was propping herself up on her elbows and glaring up at her tormentor.

"Still a NO!" defiant words were about all she had left.

Arianna sighed, as she walked over where Avis lay on the floor, looking down at her. "If I don't break you, I have a buyer who would love to invite you to dinner... as the main course." She said with mischief in her eyes. "Doesn't matter to me though... Either way, I get paid."

"Main course? What the hell? Cannibals?" Avis wasn't sure her head was clear enough thru the pain to have heard the woman correctly.

"Let's just say I've heard that Humans make a particularly delightful dish, when prepared, and seasoned just right." Arianna kneeled down, just out of the woman's reach. The look she gave was mixed with humor, but it was easy to see she meant what she said. "The feisty ones are generally the best."

"If that's supposed to scare me, it isn't working!" Avis snapped, well that was a lie. Of course she WAS scared but she had to hope the whole cannibal thing was just a lie.

"Nothing quite so spectacular as that..." Arianna said casually, as she stood up, and eyed the bit of broken glass. "I'm just pointing out that slaves who don't break are valued as nothing more than food... Not to mention a lucrative deal for regular food deliveries."

"Yeah, I got it, I figured that out. But I'm not telling you a damn thing. Not to mention but I'm a first voyage cadet. Just how much do you think I even know about the Midway? Do you think the captain gives me a personal invite to the staff's briefings and planning sessions? So yeah, consign me to the cannibals then, you'll get nothing out of me," Avis decided to throw in a bit of logic. She was a low ranker afterall though this Orion didn't seem to realize it.

"A cadet..." The words hung in the air for a moment, as Arianna said them. It took her thoughts away from the shattered glass, and back to Avis. Her temper flared yet again, as memories of her father surfaced. "Federation rules... Federation ideals... A bunch of worthless failures, teaching others to fail along with them!"

"Every society has to have rules or it's chaos. Although I suppose murderous pirates prefer chaos. And as for ideals, least we have them," Avis was a bit surprised this was turning into a conversation, if a rather contentious one. Well, she was still alive, that was something at least.

Arianna moved over to where Avis lie on the floor, yet again glaring down at her. "You won't fight for me, and you have no information to give." She said evenly. "You've already outlived your usefulness to me."

"Glad I could not be of service, bitch!" Avis snarled. No matter whether she would have cooperated or refused as she did, she realized she was doomed.

Arianna moved to leave the room, stopping to talk to the guard outside, as the door opened. "She's useless to me." She said, without emotion. "Put her with the others, and add her to Xod's food list." As she said it, she walked away to let the door close.


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