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A Bold Move

Posted on Wed Jan 4th, 2023 @ 10:29pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Braun Bernhardt & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Thraxina & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Vithi D'Kiva
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:32am

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: USS Detroit: Transporter Room, Bridge; USS Midway: Bridge
Timeline: M1 MD07 (2268.22.05) 0930

The security team materialized in the transporter room of the tug. Tristan noticed first off that the lights were functioning and the room was undamaged. He and the security crew filed off the pad as the heard the transporter sequence start. The support crew soon materialized.

"Lieutenant Miyake split your team into two parts. I want you and a few officers to accompany Mr. Dienstag, Dr. Amato and I to the Bridge," he said, "The second team will accompany Mr. Novo down to Main Engineering. Check in once you arrive."

"You heard him, everyone!" Shinobu ordered. "Delton, Sowande, you're with Lieutenant Novo; Larant, you're with me! And remember, Do not split off from your assigned group until I signal the all-clear!"

"Yes sir," Avis nodded, a decisive specific order, she liked that.

Dr. Amato looked at Harmony, "Accompany the team to engineering if you would," he said.

Still feeling a little unsettled from the transport, something she was sure she'd never quite get past, Harmony nodded. "Aye, sir." She was anxious to get a chance to look around, and it made sense to split the medical staff. As she shouldered her medical kit, then quickly checked her phaser, she muttered under her breath, "Can we say 'Mary Celeste'?" Seemed that 'creepy' was timeless.

After a short turbolift ride, the group led by Captain Faust arrived on Deck 1. The turbolift doors opened revealing the tiny bridge of the Ptolemy-class ship. The bridge was filled with smoke and the metal deck plates were littered with debris. It was clear the battle had damaged some key control systems. The security officers stepped out onto the bridge first, followed by the Captain, Dr. Amato and Ensign Dienstag. The Detroit was clearly an older ship, as evidenced by the dated Captain's chair.

Avis entered the bridge tense to expect anything but it there was no one there. Plenty of signs of damage...battle damage at that. No bodies though.

"Clear!"" she announced and stood aside as the captain walked in to no doubt assess the situation.

Tristan put his hand on the backrest and smirked slightly. It was the same style as on the Voltaire the old Locknar-class ship he had served on years before. He looked at Toby, "Mr. Dienstag, check the ship's library computer for any logs concerning the battle... Sensor logs, security logs, whatever... I want it all transfered over to the Midway"

"On it sir," Toby responded as he walked over to the science console. He took a deep breath and blew the debris off of the console and display.

"Miss Miyake, secure the Bridge," Captain Faust said before walking over to the commiunications console.

Avis looked to the diminutive Shinobu.

"Aye, Captain," Shinobu nodded, before turning to the security team. "Carter, Larant, there should be an emergency gangway out in the hallway; if anyone who's not wearing Starfleet uniform tries to force their way up here, I authorize the use of Force 1 stun settings in order to subdue them."

"Yes sir!" Avis snapped obediently and headed for the directed gangway.

"As for the rest of you," Shinobu continued, "Stay on your guard; if you hear any strange banging noises coming from the Jefferies Tubes, you let me know immediately."

The Captain made his way over to the science console, "Anything Mr. Dienstag?" He asked.

"Yes sir," Toby responded. He cued the video up onto the view screen for all to see. The video showed a motley crew of Orion pirates, some racially Orions, others different humanoids, herding colonists and Starfleet personnel towards the transporter rooms.

While everyone's attention was focused on the video feed, hardly anyone noticed as Lieutenant Miyake was visiblytwitching at the revelation that Orions were behind this.

"The sensor logs and other security logs indicate the Orions came out of nowhere and surprised the Detroit. With no time to run the ship was sitting duck," Toby reported, "The limited security personnel were quickly overwhelmed and the Orions took everyone off the ship." He tapped a few more keys, "I have a heading for where the Orions went. They didn't disable the ship's sensors which are still conducting scheduled scans and recording."

"Good work Ensign," the Captain responded before hitting a few keys on the communication console. He hailed the Midway.

"Heartfilia here" Lucy replied from the bridge of the Midway. She was watching the viewscreen closely.

"Checking in as promised," Tristan responded, "Mr. Dienstag managed to cue up both the ship's sensor and security logs. It appears Orion Pirates attacked the ship and kidnapped the crew and colonists. The sensor logs show the warp trail which we should be able to pick up and follow the ship. We are transmitting the logs to the Midway. We're still waiting to hear what the Detroit's condition is. Best case scenario an engineering crew can take the ship back to Starbase 10. Worst case scenario we'll have to detonate it."

"Understood Captain" Lucy said as she pointed over to the officer standing at the Science Station. He quickly turned and began to look through the sensor scope. He nodded as the Midway's sensors locked onto the warp trail. "We have the trail Captain, we can follow it as soon as you return. I would suggest that being sooner than later before it fades."

"It sounds like a trap," Braun murmured as he turned to the XO, "The Orions leave a ship full of potentially incriminating evidence behind, and then we just happen to have a heading for where they are going? This sounds like an ambitious plot to get ahold of an even better prize than slaves."

He grimaced, "Midway itself."

Thraxina glanced to her right. "Do you mind? I'm trying to keep us within transporter range without letting that hulk crash into us. Your waves of paranoia are rocking the boat!" she muttered, then, remembering Bernhardt's extra braid, added "Sir."

"It could be a trap, but I doubt they'd attack a Constitution Class starship Lieutenant," Lucy replied. "Even the Klingons aren't as stupid to do that. Regardless, plot a course to follow that trail. Helm, keep us in transporter range of the Detroit. Prepare to engage warp drives once the away team returns... If its not too much trouble that is..." Lucy ordered, adding a bit of sarcasm to the last bit.

"Not at all, Ma'am." Thraxina replied. Well... it wasn't!

"The crew on the bridge will be ready to transport back once the data transfer is complete. We'll need to see what the engineering team has to say," Tristan responded, "I'll tie them in."

"Engineering here," Novo responded, "What in the heck do ya want?"

"Ah... A report Mr. Novo..." Tristan said with an eye roll.

"Oh, yeah sorry skipper... Impulse drive sort of works, but the warp drive needs a new dilithium crystal..."

"And then it'll work?" Tristan asked.

"Maybe," Novo responded.

"Give it a shot, would you?" Tristan said.

"Aye aye skipper, I'll need a full engineering crew and some spare crystals," Novo said.

"Take what you need, we'll transport back to the ship," Tristan said.

"Aye aye skipper," Novo responded as the comm channel was cut."

"Did you hear that Commander?" Tristan asked.

"Indeed I did" Lucy replied. She pressed the comm button on the arm of the command chair. "Transporter Room, lock onto the away team members and beam them back."


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