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Wed Jan 18th, 2023 @ 11:59pm

Lieutenant Braun Bernhardt

Name Braun Bernhardt

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 225 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Braun is a tall intimidating looking man, solidly built, with short brown hair and color brown eyes, who often sports a short cropped beard. his calloused hands are often flexing as if anticipating violence.


Father Brian (deceased)
Mother Aria (deceased)
Brother(s) Brophy (deceased)
Other Family Thor (grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Braun is a man who does not give his loyalty lightly. Having spent years under cover he has learned to keep his feelings and motives close to his chest. Despite this there is always an air of barely contained violence about him.
Strengths & Weaknesses -Slow to trust
-Sees violence as the most logical, pragmatic solution

+Believes strongly in the core tenets of the Federation and Starfleet
+Selfless, will quickly and without reservation throw himself into harms way for a crewman
Ambitions Braun used to have lofty goals but these days he's just content to live on board a ship that works and work with people whose motives he doesn't have to suspect.
Hobbies & Interests Braun is an avid reader, mostly of history although his secret vice is trashy romance novels. He's a fair cook and knows a thing or two about various games of chance.

Personal History Braun hadn't meant to go under cover. His intentions were to follow a normal career through Starfleet. Having grown up on freighters all his life he had learned a little bit of everything there was to know about what made a ship go and how to pilot her, and how to plot a course. His parents hadn't wanted him to join Starfleet but he found the life of a merchant crewman a boring proposition. At the Academy he did well enough; his background allowed him to easily master some courses which allowed him to focus on the more exotic ones like military history and tactics, ethics and the like. He did well on his midshipman cruise and as both an ensign and junior lieutenant on board the Mercury went well. Then terrible news arrived: his parents' ship the Oliver Twist had been destroyed. The officer who reported the incident was frank; she told Braun it had been the Jorwell Crime syndicate who had decided to make an example of Braun's family. Braun could only think of one thing: revenge. He contacted Starfleet Intelligence and offered his services. He knew quite a bit about the Triangle where his parents had plied their trade. SI agreed and had Braun spend a year slowly crafting his cover identity. Eventually he became a smuggler working for the Jorwell's rivals, the Pangs. Over the years he steadily accrued information on both families until SI had enough and brought the hammer down on the lot. Braun faked his own death in the chaos and returned to Starfleet and his original name.

But one can't help but wonder if his past might someday catch up to him...
Service Record Starfleet Academy: cadet
USS Chimera: midshipman
USS Mecury: ensign and lt. jg
USS Midway: lieutenant