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Glutton For Punishment

Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 9:10pm by Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Arianna D'Tal & Ensign Avis Larant & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins & Chief Petty Officer La'lei
Edited on on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 @ 2:07am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Orion Brig
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 1000

The Orion holding cell was far from luxurious, in fact it was as far away from it as possible. The captured Starfleet Personnel had been held here for what seemed like days. Lucy was sitting by one of the bulkhead, she had been observing the guard rotation and making mental notes. She had noticed that at one particular time every few hours they stepped away from the door, as if they were going on a break.

'It might be a trap. Giving us an opportunity to attempt to escape...' the science officer thought to herself. 'Maybe we could turn their own trap against them...'.

The guards at the door as usual seemed to step away. Lucy cleared her throat breaking the silence in the dark and dingy room. "Gather around girls" she said. Another observation is that the Orions had only taken females from the Midway. "Its about time we made some sort of escape plan. We've given off the 'useless' and 'hopeless' vibe for long enough now. Its time to be Starfleet Officers."

"Commander, our best course of action would be to send a message to the Midway so they can catch up with us," Ivy offered, "They are no doubt looking for us."

"Well yes, but then what? Hold off the pirates until help does arrive? We don't even know enough about this ship. It's communications and bridge location," Avis had to point out very real issues with this attempt.

There was a sort of relief in being with other crew members, and Harmony moved in close to Avis, reaching to give her roomie's hand a quick, reassuring squeeze.

Avis gave her a supportive smile. Strange as it was, it felt good to know that she and her roomie were together in this.

"We can't do much of anything," Harmony offered, "unless we can find a way to deactivate these things." She indicated the device around her neck. The enemy wouldn't have to even get close to them, nor have any sort of 'aim' to bring them down, or kill them.

"Exactly. One press of a button and we could all go down instantly in agony. So much for any escape plan, sir," Avis hated to sound pessimistic but......she was.

Ensign Kinsley nodded, "Besides escape off of this ship would be extremely difficult. Easiest would be on wherever they take us to sell us... Whether that is a station or a planet. The best we can do know is listen and figure out what their plans are," she said.

"I agree with Kinsley," Avis was quick to add.

As they talked, two Orion guards came into the room. They noticed the group of women talking, but didn't seem to care. Moments later, one of them walked over to another woman.

"You're coming with me, slave!" The big burly Orion blurted out at her. "I've got a job for you!"

"I'm not going with you," Ivy responded in a defiant tone.

Lucy stood up. "She's not going anywhere. Especially with one of you!" She said as she stepped over towards the Orion.

All for one, and one for all, right? Taking a breath, Harmony moved up beside her crewmates, standing in solidarity with them, although she was braced for the pain of punishment that was likely coming...

Avis knew this was going to turn out badly, this was not the time or place for pointless defiance but they needed to stick together. She lined up right next to Harmony.

"This doesn't concern any of you!" He barked at the others who were obviously being defiant, looking ready for a fight. "Go mind your own business, or face the consequences!"

"Neither does this!" Ivy responded as she lunged at the guard. She grabbed the pain stick from his belt and stuck it to the burly Orion's crotch knocking him to his to knees.

Within only a few seconds, the other guard had noticed what was happening, and activated the collars of each of the women involved, as he made his way over.

Avis was surprised when Ivy made her move but before she could move to join the attempt she got her first taste of the slave collar. It was agonizing, down she went like writhing in pain as she gripped that damned collar to no avail at all.

Ivy instantly dropped to her knees in agony.

Ivy's sudden movement alerted Harmony that there was likely to be some unpleasantness coming, but it happened so fast that she had no time to brace for it. Instinctively, she reached for the collar, but that was pointless, not even taking into account the fact that the shock essentially paralyzed her and she crumpled to the deck. She never had imagined that such pain could exist, although when it stopped, she scrambled back to her feet as quickly as she could.

The other guard move to take the pain stick from Ivy, and helped his companion to his feet.

"There are consequences for defying us!" The first guard said, and he grabbed Ivy painfully by the arm, forcing her to her feet, just as the collar stopped. "I will show you personally!"

The young woman was in a daze but managed to say, "There's not much else you could do to me," she said, her limbs were limp and she felt a tingling sensation from the waist down.

"You just keep thinking that!" He said, practically dragging her away, while the others were still recovering from the effects of the collar, refusing to say another word as she was dragged out of the room. The second guard resumed his post, guarding the door.


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