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Finding The Time

Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 5:22pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Azrel Vox

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Captain Faust's Quarters
Timeline: M1 MD12 (2268.27.05) 1600

With the emergency situation over Captain Faust felt as though he could finally exhale. It was a short emergency, only a few days, but the stress and around the clock insanity would have been enough to make a normal man insane, but Captain Faust was a starship captain and they were a different breed all together. Even then, he still needed to decompress. Tonight he and Lt. Vox had finally set up their casual dinner date. He had cleared away the work off of the table in his quarters and had two place settings out, along with the climax of the meal, an elegantly decorated chocolate port wine torte sitting on a shiny aluminum cake stand. He could have used the Captain's mess but it seemed a little weird, a large dining room for the two of them. He sat down on the small loveseat at one end of the sitting area and waited. He was wearing a dark blue long sleeve polo shirt and grey wool trousers rather than his uniform.

Meanwhile, in her quarters, Aze was checking herself in the mirror for probably the dozen time. She was in a long flowing dark green dress which stopped below her knees. The top accentuated her bossom and gave a modest view of her cleavage but not enough to be too much of a distraction, she hoped. After leaving her quarters she arrived outside the captain's quarters. She tapped the door chime and waited.

The door opened and the Captain was standing there with a big smile stretching across his face, "Good evening," he said to the young Trill woman, "I'm glad we finally found the time."

"Good evening." She replied. "Yes so am I. Been somewhat busy for a few days. I hope I can relax this evening. She added.

"I think we've all been busy the past few days," Tristan responded. It was the understatement of the year. With the hostages retrieved and the ship bound for Starbase 10 at high warp he could finally relax. "And I can agree to that," he added as the door closed behind them.

"You have nice quarters Captain. I am still sorting out mine. I may have brought too many items to display." Aze commented.

"Thank you," Tristan responded, "One of the benefits of command is the largest set of quarters aboard ship but of course it's still a closet. I'm glad I at least get space for a small sofa and a lounge chair. Although I'm afraid my dining area is no larger than a diner booth."

"My mother says it's not about the table it's what you put in it that counts. You could use plastic plates but if it's a superb meal, no one will care." Aze replied.

"Well, I broke out the fine china," Tristan responded with a chuckle, "My mother would expect nothing less." He finally commented on her attire, "Your dress is beautiful... I should have worn a jacket."

"Thank you captain. You look fine without one. This dress is one I picked up on Earth. Have you ever been to. Hong Kong? " She asked.

"No actually," Tristan responded, "Come to think of it, I think I've spent more time on plants other than Earth than actually being on Earth. I know I've visited more planets than countries. "

"I don't doubt that at all Captain. I don't suppose you have visited Trill yet?" She asked as she approached the table and chose a chair to sit in.

"No unfortunately," Tristan responded as he sat down at the table, "It's seems like most of the planets I've spent time on in the space service have either been hellholes or barren rocks... There's usually little need for a starship to stop by a member world... And Tristan, please. We're not on the bridge."

"Oh. Ok Tristan." She said with a smile. "Most people call me Azrel but my nickname is Aze. I've had the nickname since before becoming joined. You would like Trill. It is a beautiful world. But then I would be biased. Especially the Teraran Falls. Like the Niagara falls on Earth just taller. " She added .

"Sounds beautiful, Aze," Tristan responded letting the lovely name roll off of his tongue, "Maybe one day..." He picked up a napkin from his place setting and then looked down at the bowl of soup, "I've am looking forward to this," he said.

"So am I ca...Tristan. It's been a while since I made Mak'ala Soup. I hope it's ok. " Aze commented.

"It looks good to me," Tristan responded before trying the soup. It was incredibly thick and a had a kick to it. He wasn't sure what the texture was supposed to be, but it wasn't bad. "It's different," he concluded, "I'm not sure if I like it or I don't." He smiled.

"Well I appreciate your honesty Tristan. It is missing one ingredient. Normally it has some purée made from the Tamra fruit but I couldn't get any. So it's a bit too thick, as the purée thins it out a little and it lasts the fruit flavour as well. Still, not bad. I'm confident it won't send you to Sickbay." She replied smirking.

"I didn't want to lie," Tristan responded as he returned the smirk, "Well that's something to know. I certainly wouldn't have expected a fruit flavor in this." He stood up, "I nearly forgot," he said he walked over to the small apartment size refrigerator in the kitchenette (yes, rank does have its privilege). He produced two bottles of wine, "White or Red, or wine an issue?" he asked, never knowing other races had issues with.

"White please. I've preferred white wine for a while. There are the odd exception though." Aze replied.

"White it is," Tristan responded before returning to the table with two glasses and the bottle. "I tried to bring some aboard before we left, something decent anyway," he explained as he opened the bottle.

"The neighboring farm to my family's make their own wine. It's reasonably popular in the local area. Maybe I could get you a bottle to try. " Aze replied. As Tristan poured the wine, she looked at him. "What would you like to toast to, Tristan?" She asked.

"To making our way in the universe, no matter what that may entail," Tristan responded with a smile.

Aze raised her glass. "To making our way in the universe, no matter what that may entail." She replied, repeating Tristan's toast. She then thought for a moment. "Nor sure why this has just popped into my head but I have a funny feeling I am due a physical with our good Doctor as I don't think I had one before I came aboard. Tell me Tristan, what is our CMO like?" She asked.

The Captain smirked, "Well both our doctors are good doctors and friends," he said, "Dr. Amato is the younger brother of my best friend... Well younger brother of my former best friend... Dr. Kitchner... Well I've known him my whole life. He's my dad's best friend and my Godfather. Not sure if that title means anything in your culture, but in Earth culture and in my particular religion our Godparents are suppose to be a second set of parents to us."

"I see is that like in a spiritual sense? Guidance in spiritual matters?" Aze asked. She sort of understood Tristan. She had heard the term before.

"Sort of, but also in the emotional and physical sense," Tristan responded, "Basically they look out for you like another set of parents. If nothing else he's an old family friend and I pulled him out of retirement as a favor and well, I dangled the carrot of being able to command the most advanced medical facilities in the fleet. He was running Walter Reed in Maryland before this."

"That's quite a carrot you dangled in front of him. I decided to get my Starfleet career going before joining the Symbiosis Commission. I then had several years of training before I would know whether I would be suitable for joining. Vox is relatively young in symbiont terms, 90 years. " Aze commented taking a sip of her wine.

The Captain nodded, "How old can they be?" He asked out of curiosity, "And it's amazing to me that 90 can be considered young, but that must mean the previous hosts didn't live super long."

" Vox has only had one host before me and was with Torbin for 85 years. Symbionts can live up to 700 years. The number of hosts depends on how long they are joined with each one. "

"Ok that makes sense," Tristan responded. Then he thought a moment, "Hate to sour the evening with business, but Torbin knew Dr. Meddows, correct? Was he always so... Off? I mean he's becoming quite a problem aboard ship."

"Torbin and Dr. Meddows knew each other very well. They worked together on various science projects and often sort each others advice. To be honest, he has been a bit off since I've known him, but I have noticed his behaviour has become somewhat more erratic over the last few years. Does that help?" She asked.

The captain nodded, "That does help... I know he had a near death experience a few years ago, but he was long cleared for duty," he said, "Starfleet assigned him to us since they think having a psychiatrist aboard would be a help on Constitution classes since we can be out of port for a long time... But frankly he seems to have the opposite effect on most of the crew... Sorry, I suppose I should stop talking business."

"It's ok. I understand. If I can help I will but I think getting back to our meal and none business conversation would be good. What would you like to know about me that may not be in my Starfleet records?" She asked.

"Is this a job interview?" Tristan asked with a chuckle, "I don't know, what don't I know? Or maybe I should ask, what should I know?" He finished is bowl of soup.

"No, it's not a job interview. Forget I said it. I guess I'm a little nervous to be fair. " She sighed. She then finished her soup and her second glass of wine. She then realised it was her second. "Oh, hmm. Better go easy on myself. Trill's have a slightly low alcohol tolerance, especially when joined." Aze commented feeling slightly off. "I'm ok, really." She added.

"Sorry, not trying to put you on edge," Tristan asked as he started to stand up, "What's going on?"

"Going on? I don't understand. Nothing other than wine has slightly gone to my head. Well... I've not been on date for at least 5 years. I've focused on my career and becoming joined."

"Oh ok," Tristan responded as he sat back down, "I can understand. I just hoped I wasn't putting you on edge or something. Hard to know, since we don't really know each other."

"No, not yet. I'm sure will get know each other better as we work together. So, are you going to show me this amazing dessert ?"

"Sure," Tristan responded as he stood up. He cleared the table and then walked over to the counter where the cake was sitting. The large dark chocolate cake was sitting on an aluminium cake stand. He set the cake down. "Well, here it is. I made it but the recipe is from Ensign Dienstag's recipe."

"It looks amazing. Hurry up and slice it Tristan. Lets waste no more time in just looking at it. This cake is begging to be eaten. " Aze said with glee.

"Well, I guess I'll go ahead then," Tristan responded before cutting the cake and giving a rather large slice to the young woman.

Looking first at the slice and then back at Tristan.

"Wow that's quite a slice. Thanks." She said smiling.

She took her spoon and took a scoop of the cake. As she ate it, her eyes closed and her expression became one of sheer ecstasy.

"Oh my, that is amazing. It's stunning." She said going for another spoonful. "I would love to see what else Ensign Dienstag has in his recipe collection. Maybe I could see if I could get my mother's recipe for Dantor Pudding." She added.

"He probably could make it," the Captain said, "He is a good cook among his many talents. Plenty more if you want more." He observed her almost down the entire slice in two bites.

"I mean, I could as well, but Ensign Dienstag clearly has a talent for amazing cakes, so perhaps I will share the recipe with them, if, and that's a big if, my mother will let me share it. As for more, absolutely. I will worry about whether it all ends up on my hips or my butt later. " she giggled. She covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry, its the wine."

The Captain laughed and then peaked around the table, "I don't see it doing much," he joked, "Besides that's what the morning run is for right?" Of course Tristan also stayed trim by forgetting to eat and stress.

"Yeah, and you would get a better view then as well. " she laughed. She finished her second slice of cake. She rubbed her tummy. "Oh I am stuffed. That was fantastic cake. I will do my best to get my mothers Dantor pudding recipe. Perhaps next time you could visit my place. " She suggested.

"Sounds good, I guess I'm worthy of a second date then?" Tristan said with a chuckle as he stood up and picked up the two dessert plates with the Midway's assignment patch emblazoned on them, "Although I'm usually the two date wonder. After the second date that's usually the end of it."

"Well lets see what happens next. Exploring the unknown is our business after all and yes, you are worthy of a second date. I am still sorting out some of my things so once things are more presentable, I will let you know."

"Until next time then, good night," Tristan responded with a smile, "I'll see you on the bridge or around the track."

"Indeed you will. Thank you for a lovely evening." Aze replied as she then left the captain's quarters.


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