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Neutral Space

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 4:49am by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Dimitri "Dima" Stoneking M.Eng. & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Thraxina & Alcibiades Xod
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:33pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 1700

An entire solar day had passed since the Midway was attacked by the Orion Pirates. Forty-five members of the ship's crew were taken hostage in addition to the colonists and the Detroit's crew. After regaining main power the Midway took off in hot pursuit of pirate. Armed with knowledge extracted from the pirates left behind aboard ship, the Midway's crew was confident they could ward off any attack from the Orion vessel. Their heading to them to an outpost near the Klingon border, known locally as Station Exar. Their only shot was to beam down several landing parties disguised onto the station, locate the hostages and then transport large swathes of them at a time. Transporting that many people would certainly put a strain on the ship and no doubt the Orion vessel would be lurking. The ship dropped out of warp at the edge of the star system.

Captain Faust looked over to the engineering console where Commander Stoneking was sitting, "Commander, are the upgrades made?" he asked in reference to the EMP protections.

"Yeah, they won't be able to pull that again." Dima replied confidently. "Our shields now work on a randomly rotating frequency, I've shored up the grid some even and the dilithium crystals are also shielded." He would save the full details for the report, but the brief explanation ought to give everyone some comfort.

"Good," Tristan responded, "I want repair teams standing by. We may need them." He turned to look back towards the view screen, "Lieutenant, park us behind the planet's moon and at the limit of our transporter range."

"Proceeding on quarter impulse" the Andaran confirmed in that cool, mechanical manner, so at odds with her-off duty demeanor, while her manicured fingers played artfully upon her console controls. The giant ship slowly changed trajectory without the slightest feeling of movement under the boots of those on the bridge.

"We will beam down security teams equipped with transport pattern enhancers. Everyone beaming down will do so without uniform as to not attract attention," Tristan said, addressing the entire bridge crew, "Lieutenant Vox, I want you to keep a channel open at all times. Any sign of trouble or if we don't check in, get us out immediately."

"Yes sir." Aze replied. She tapped her console which bleeped to confirm an open channel.

Then he turned back to Dima, "Commander, if this doesn't work and this ends up blowing up, I want you to get the ship out of here and head to Starbase 10 at maximum warp...The Commodore will know what to do," the Captain said.

Dimitri took the order seriously and much as he might enjoy going down on the mission and being part of the security detachment he was also a leader and knew that that sometimes took precedence, especially after his recent failure and introspection. "Aye Captain." He stood and moved to the command chair and settled into it.

The Security teams were assembling in each transporter room as ordered. Gone were their signature red Starfleet uniforms, replaced with various civilian ensembles meant to obscure their presence.

Captain Faust was standing in Transporter Room 1. He was wearing a black Harrington windbreaker jacket, dark blue pants and Chelsea boots. The jacket had enough pockets to hold all of his equipment comfortably. He saw Dr. Kitchner enter the transporter room, "Welcome Doctor," Tristan responded, "I was expecting Amato."

"He said he wasn't comfortable packing. Besides I need to stretch my legs." The older man said pulling a Phaser pistol from under his jacket, pulled the power cell and gave it a fast check before sliding it into the small of his back.

"That doesn't sound like Mike..." Faust started and then he saw the look from Kitchner, then remembered... Dr. Amato was still practically on house arrest given the current situation.

"Pass me that bag," Kitchner said to the Trasporter Chief who handed him a cloth bag before he threw the strap over his neck and shoulder. Marc grinned deeply. "This takes me back.' Marc said chuchkling. 'Next time you talk to your father ask him about the kidnapping on Medua 4 in '47. I bet he probably still has nightmares about that one." Marc reached into the bag and handed Tristan a hypo injector. "Hang on to this. Just in case you need to shut somebody up in a rush. Something the lads in the lab cooked up special."

The Captain smirked, "Always prepared Doc?" he asked rhetorically before turning to face his Chief of Security. "All set lieutenant?" he asked the young woman who still seemed a tad leery of the situation.

"Ready as we're ever going to be, Captain," Lieutenant Miyake nodded as she primed her phaser in anticipation that they would have to force their way through to the hostages.

As the Captain stepped onto the transport pad he looked at Peter, "Stick close to me Ensign Novak," he said to the young man who was built like a linebacker. Peter nodded in response.

The Captain took a deep breath and nodded at the transporter chief... Here we go...


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