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The Butcher's Bill

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 4:57pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:30am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0830

After visiting with the incoherent Dr. Meddows, Tristan made his way over to office of the Chief Surgeon for the casualty report, traditionally known as the 'Butcher's Bill'. Even more important was the list of who was missing. Even though the missing were actually kidnapped, MIA designation and information fell to the CMO.

"Morning," Tristan said as he poked his head into Dr. Kitchner's office. The Captain was wearing his green wrap around tunic which he quickly changed into after leaving the Bridge. He still could use a shower, a shave and some breakfast.

Kitch had finally collapsed on his feet after a day and a half of continuous work. The wounds ranged from scrapes and minor burns to full on amputations. Unfortunately there were several he couldn't do anything for besides hold their hand in their last few moments of life. He'd fallen asleep his head across his arms, the knock on the door jolted him back into consciousness. He looked up and groaned. "What time is it?"

"0830," Tristan responded as the looked down at his wrist chronometer.

"Christ." The old man said with another groan and a yawn. He leaned back in his chair. "I'm guessing we survived those green bastards?"

"We did, and took most of them out," Tristan responded, "Also gained a few prisoners..." He sighed before he sat down, "I'm here for the Butcher's Bill, Old Sawbones..." He said, "I am specifically interested in the officers missing in action, since most likely they are the ones taken hostage."

"The last count, I can clearly recall, is 7 dead, 37 wounded, probably about half of those will need to be medically discharged. The other half to be returned to duty given time, and two missing that I'm aware of. My chief nurse Antoinette Jenkins, and Diana Roberts from the lab." Marc said rubbing his face trying to further wake up. "But that may change in the next day or two."

"Excuse me sir. Doctor I think you could use this," Dr. Amato said, standing in the door way. He was holding a hot towel in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. "And it's 4 from our department missing... Nurse Amanda Rhode and Petty Officer Stardancer."

Marc took the coffee and drank half in one gulp. He rubbed his face with the towel and then wrapped it around his equally stiff neck. "I stand corrected. Tristan before you say anything, he is on duty."

"You can add Commander Heartfilia to that, Yeoman La'lei and several security officers," Tristan responded bitterly.

"Damn." Marc said, well over 50 people were hurt, dead or missing. "Where do things stand with the Detroit? Even better question, where are the Orions and our people?" Marc had been a researcher and an administrator for so long he knew how to think several steps ahead of his brain no matter his true condition.

"Mr. Novo last reported the Detroit was under way to Starbase 10," Tristan responded, "Hopefully they make it... We are hunting the Orions. We managed to... Get their heading and overall plan from their first lieutenant we captured. They're heading to a neutral station to sell the hostages at the slave market."

"Wonderful." Marc said finished his coffee.

"You asked for the latest," Tristan responded, "I know it's pretty grim. Hopefully we can make it there before they sell off the hostages as slaves. Once that happens it'll be near impossible to track them down. I spoke with a... Contact of mine which should be able to help. I suppose we will see."

"If you need to sweeten the deal, throw in two bottles of 40 year old scotch, but only if you absolutely have to please." Marc said rubbing his face with the towel again. "But seriously, Tony Jenkins and Harmony Stardancer just as much my right and left hand as Mike here. When he's not clobbering people." Marc couldn't help with the jibe. Comedy and a quip was as powerful as any sedative in its own way.

Tristan grimaced, "That's another disaster I'm hoping to avoid dealing with. I just spoke to Meddows and he's still incoherent," he said, "And hopefully I won't be regretting this favor I offered to my contact. I suppose six hundred lives in total is worth some embarrassment on my part."

"If it makes you two feel better, that wall and the bonk on the head did more damage than a fist to the jaw." Marc said nodding towards the wall behind them. "What was the deal?"

"Don't really know yet, except he can get us into the slave market," Tristan responded, "He has a V.I.P. pass apparently. I have a plan forming in my head. We'll have to sneak down there while the Midway conducts a distraction."

"Sounds like fun." Mike said.

Marc leaned back and grinned. "We're here to help Tris. Just say the word." Marc could see the look on Mike's face, he was itching to beat back against the Orions and get their friends back.

"Agreed, Captain. Just yell," Mike added before he leaned back out the door. "Excuse me, they need me out front."

Marc nodded.

"I need to get some rest... And maybe make a call," Tristan responded as he stood up, "I'll keep you both posted."


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