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Last But Not Least

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 4:07pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 13: Aft Lounge
Timeline: M1 MD04 (2268.19.05) 0905

The Midway was less than twenty-four hours from its scheduled departure from drydock and the manifest was coming together. The only senior officer yet to arrive was the Chief Communications Officer. The Captain had read her file countless times, he had never met a Trill before, let alone a joined Trill. He had heard stories, many rumours from his time in the service. There were an incredibly few number of Trill in Starfleet and based upon their abilities and skills, he was incredibly fortunate to have one on his crew.

The worker bees flew past the windows of the aft crew lounge.
Tristan had met with his senior staff in a variety of locations aboard ship including under a shuttlecraft, but he felt maybe a quiet chat in the lounge would be a nice change of pace. He was sitting on one of the sectionals drinking a glass of Altair water. His acid reflux was acting up again so Dr. Kitchner recommended water with a basic ph instead of a second cup of coffee. He drank coffee more reflexively than anything else.

Azrel had dropped off her belongings in her quarters and spent a few moments sorting things out and putting things where they should be. Knowing she had a meeting with the captain, she did the bare minimum of sorting so as not to be late.

As she approached the doors to the lounge, she slowed to a stop, just outside the range of the door sensors. Taking a deep breath she stepped forward, triggering the doors to slide open. She entered the spacious lounge, spotting the captain sat in one of the sectionals with a glass of water.

Once she had obtained a cup of coffee from the synthesiser, she approached the captain.

"Good Morning Sir. Lieutenant Azrel Vox, Chief Communications Officer, reporting as ordered." She said smiling.

"Ah," the Captain responded with a smile as he stood up, "Welcome Lieutenant. I'm glad to have you aboard, please have a seat and get comfortable. I figured this would be a nicer setting than in my shoebox of an office." She was a pretty young woman as were most of his senior officers ironically enough.

"Thank you Captain. It is a more relaxing atmosphere. " she replied as she took a seat, placing her coffee on the table in front of her. "I was advised that the Constitution class starships, although advanced, have space at a premium. I guess we have to make the best of the space we have, shoebox offices included. " she added.

The Captain nodded as he sat back down, "But yet we still have space for the pool, bowling alley, six rec rooms and four lounges, although we are stuck in space needing distraction," he said, "So the amenities are nice compared to older ships I've served on." He looked down at her cup of coffee, "I'm envious," he said, "The Doctor wants me to hold off on the coffee due to the acid reflux." He sighed before taking another sip of his Altair water.

"Oh I feel for you Sir. Not wishing to rub salt into any wounds, I am drinking a Cortado, its a Spanish coffee. Torbin, liked them a lot. He frequently visited Earth in the early 2230's. I just don't add as much sugar as he did." Aze commented.

"Sounds good," Tristan responded before signalling the waiter, "And yes, I read in your file your unique condition... At least unique to us." He nodded, "Sounds like an incredible feeling," he said, "And I certainly would love to know more about the past, or at least beyond the textbooks."

"Ah, I take it you have not meet a Joined Trill before. I would be more than happy to talk about the fine details of being a Joined Trill. At your convenience of course. I have only one past host, Torbin, but there are those, like me, who are on their 4th or even 6th hosts. " Aze commented.

"I would certainly be interested. I was and to some extent still am a scientist," Tristan explained, "I transferred to navigation early in my career, but I was trained as a stellar cartographer. I haven't met any Trill, let alone a joined Trill. I'm glad to have you aboard, especially given the reputation of Torbin Vox."

"Thank you Captain, he was quite a character and a renowned and well respected scientist. He worked on many projects which have since benefited the Federation. I now have his knowledge and experiences. We will have to see if it becomes useful. " Aze replied. "I made sure to have all of my medical files transmitted to the ship's doctor before boarding so they had all they needed. They also have a named contact on the Trill Homeworld, should the need arise." Aze added.

"Of course, Dr. Kitchner possesses a great deal of experience in medicine, but Dr. Amato is the expert on non-human medicine," Tristan offered. "So what are your interests while off duty? I certainly don't require anyone to spend their leisure time with me, but I get bored too," he laughed.

"Well, I have an interest in Earth History, specifically ancient history, mainly pre 18th Century and music through out history. I work out in the gym often so as to keep myself healthy. A fundamental requirement of a joined Trill is to ensure the health and well being of both host and symbiont. " Aze advised.

"That makes sense. Early to mid 20th century Earth history for me, same with the music," Tristan responded, "Ancient automobiles and a good Martini are also nice. I restored a 1964 Pontiac Le Mans. I also used to play baseball and some recreational hockey." The waiter arrived with the cup of coffee, "Ah, we'll see how this is," he said.

"What have you ordered Sir?" Aze asked. "And is Baseball the game played with a ball and a rounded bat?" She asked.

"One of those Cortado coffees, hopefully it won't burn a hole in my stomach," the Captain responded with a grin, "And yes a ball and bat. Old game, developed during Earth's 19th and early 20th centuries."

"Ah yes. Torbin had a go at it once in Chicago. Not an actual game, just a batting session. He mainly visited Chicago to try a corn-dog. " Aze replied.

"Heck of a trip, just for that," Tristan observed, "Did he like it?"

"He liked it but it didn't like him, if you know what I mean. Our digestive system can be somewhat sensitive. As much as I like them, I have to be rather careful around chilli peppers, especially those high up on the Scoville Scale. Are you enjoying your Cortado?" She asked.

The Captain nodded, "Not bad, I'm used to super strong coffee and I certainly feel it but it doesn't seem as acidic," he responded as he set the glass back onto the saucer, "Thank you for the recommendation."

"You're more than welcome Sir. If I am not in the mood for a Cortado, I tend to have a cappuccino with extra chocolate sprinkles." Aze commented.

Tristan chuckled, "Now that's a drink my Dad wouldn't let me order," he said, "A little too fru fru for a starship Captain, he'd say. And I don't usually put milk or sugar in coffee... Although sometimes I'll have a Toblerone with the coffee."

"A Toblerone, sir? I am not familiar with that item." Aze commented.

"Oh, I'm sorry... A Swiss chocolate bar from earth. It's in the shape a long triangle with little peaks that resemble the Alps, a mountain range," the Captain responded, "Ensign Dienstag, one of our science officers makes some great desserts I've heard. His parents are chefs and own a restaurant in Baltimore, but they are from Austria."

"Oh I see. It sounds interesting. I may have to try this Toblerone at some point. I do like my chocolate. " Aze replied. "Too much sometimes. Its hard for me to say no." She added.

Tristan laughed, "I'm the same I must admit," he said, "I always try to keep some real stuff on hand... And there's a jar of Hershey kisses on my desk, so I always joke people can stop by, have a kiss and tell me their problems," he said.

"How nice, I might take you up on that Captain. Should I have any problems, that is." Aze replied with a smirk on her face.

"Ha, well until then, cheers," Tristan responded with a laugh as he held up his glass of Cortado."

Aze held up her glass of Cortado. "To what lies ahead and cheers." she toasted.


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