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Wed Jan 18th, 2023 @ 9:27am

Lieutenant Commander Dimitri "Dima" Stoneking

Name Dimitri "Dima" Aleksandr Stoneking M.Eng.

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 46
Aliases / Nicknames Dima, D, Chief

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and very well built, to be expected with his history. Tattooed in several places, scarred up as well. Kind eyes that can melt even the coldest heart or the hardest duranium as needed.


Spouse/Partner Commander Maya Stoneking, XO Starbase 13
Children Rendered sterile as result of injury sustained in the line of duty
Father Vice Admiral (ret) Aleksandr Stoneking
Mother Natalia Stoneking
Brother(s) Older - Captain Alexi Stoneking, CO U.S.S. Indefatigable
Brother-in-Law: Master Chief Petty Officer Lucas Myers, Weapons & Tactics instructor at Starfleet Academy
Sister(s) Older - Doctor Susana Myers, MD - Professor of Internal Medicine at Starfleet Academy
Other Family Brothers and Sisters from the Teams, Shipmates

Personality & Traits

General Overview A competent officer, though still somewhat uncomfortable with his commission after so many years as an NCO. That said he works well under pressure and has demonstrated the ability to adapt to circumstances as needed. At this time it is unclear where his career will take him, but he has stated that he will remain in Starfleet until they force him out or he dies.

The Officer's braid weighs heavily on him still, as do the feelings of abandonment he feels about his team (He feels he abandoned them)
Strengths & Weaknesses + Flexible & adaptable
+ Quick thinking
+ Experienced with stressful situations
+ Leadership experience

- Hot-Blooded
- Chronic Insomnia
Ambitions He is unsure of his specific career goals at the moment. His career took quite a turn the other year and he's just now dealing with that turn's consequences. As him in three years... to quote him specifically "Ask again later"
Hobbies & Interests Historical weaponry
Martial arts
Building things / working on things
Blowing shit up
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Christian (He tries to be a good one, but in his line of work it hasn't always been easy)

Personal History Born on Earth in 2222 to an old Eastern European family, the son of an Admiral there was never really any question as to whether or not he would join Starfleet. The only question that existed was what was his field going to be.

On his seventeenth (17) birthday he fairly pissed off his father by enlisting rather than take the Academy spot he had gotten him. The two wouldn't talk for over a year, though the Admiral did show up to his Basic Training graduation even if they didn't talk.

The entirety of his career has been in the Operations Division, though most of it to date was in the security forces. Eventually he earned himself a recommendation for SEAL training at BUD/S* and successfully earned a spot in the SEAL Teams on Team 2 as a Demolition specialist and field engineer. Over time he wanted to develop his skills even further and sought acceptance to the Academy for an Accelerated Masters Program (AMP). Unfortunately for him, the registrar who filed his paperwork also put him into the Enlisted Commissioning Program and by the time this was revealed** it was really too late to avoid and he accidentally ended up becoming an Officer and ending his career as a field grade SEAL.

Now with the completion of his Masters in Engineering completed and his commission in place he earned a spot aboard the U.S.S. Midway as Chief Engineer and Third Officer (4IC).

*I figure for tradition they just kept the name of the training program the same, it's just backstory fluff.

** It wasn't hidden from him, it's just he assumed that the paperwork had been done correctly for the first 18 months. Only when the ECP part started did he realize the screwup.
Service Record 2239: Enlisted in Starfleet, Crewman Recruit

2240: Graduates Basic Training, Able Crewman

2240: Assigned to Security Forces aboard U.S.S. Triton, Able Crewman
-- 2241: Promoted, Petty Officer Third Class
--- Earned Citation for Bravery & Purple Heart
-- 2243: Promoted, Petty Officer Second Class
--- Earned Bronze Star

2244: Transferred to U.S.S. Mirinoi as a Security Officer
-- 2244: Promoted, Petty Officer First Class
--- Earned Citation for Bravery

2245: Earned Recommendation for SEAL Training (BUD/S), Petty Officer First Class

2245: Assigned to SEAL Team 2's Bravo Team as Demolitions Specialist, Petty Officer First Class
--- Awarded Purple Heart
-- Picks up field engineering certification
-- 2246: Promoted, Chief Petty Officer, named Bravo 2 (2IC)
--- Awarded Purple Heart
--- Earns Defense Distinguished Service Medal

2250: Bravo Team disbanded, folded into Echo Team as Echo 5
-- 2252: Promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer, named Echo 2
--- Earns Navy Cross & Awarded Purple Heart

2258: Given command of newly reinstated Bravo Team
-- Promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer

2266: Applies and accepted to Starfleet Academy for Engineering Accelerated Masters Program, and unbeknownst to him Enlisted Commissioning Program

2268: Graduates AMP and ECP, commissioned directly at Lieutenant Commander based upon Prior Service rank and decorations.

2268 - Current: Assigned, U.S.S. Midway as Chief Engineer and Third Officer, Lieutenant Commander