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Running Into Eachother

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 3:33pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:34pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Outer Rim
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 0530-0600

Morning came early as it always did aboard the Starship Midway even though time was almost a meaningless concept in space. The Captain was feeling a tid stiff from the pick up hockey game the night before, but he knew if he skipped his morning run he would regret it. He tied his black and white Addidas sneakers and headed for the edge of Deck 5, the longest of the primary hull. This deck's outer rim was the perfect track for a morning run. He always wondered if this was intentional on the part of the ship designers. 0530 a tad early for him but he had been suffering from insomnia ever since the emergency situation with the Detroit.

Azrel had just left her quarters for an early morning run. She had on her purple leggings with a matching armless crop top which had a built in sports bra. Her midriff was bare between the bottom of her top and the waistband of her leggings. You could see her Trill markings coming out from under her top and back into her leggings on either side of her bare midriff. She stretched for a while before heading off around the edge of Deck 5.

In addition to his black Addidas sneakers and short black socks, the Captain was wearing a pair of yellow Starfleet running shorts, leaving his bare torso exposed. He didn't quite have a six pack but he was still rather well built with a strong chest and arms. His slightly lanky frame was still tanned although his skin was becoming noticeably paler since leaving dock. His chest was hairless thanks to his blonde hair.

Aze set off on her run. Today she decided to opt for a clockwise direction. She hadn't gotten far when she came to a halt, narrowly avoiding running straight into the captain.

"Oh good morning sir. My apologies. I wasn't looking where I was going," she stated.

The Captain chuckled, "Ah no problem lieutenant," he responded, "Are you a regular?" He hadn't seen the young Trill communications Officer on the track before, but it was a big ship and he was going at this around 30 minutes earlier than normal.

"Well, I started a couple of days ago Sir, after I noticed the convenience of the outer rim of Deck 5. I am usually this early to allow for a long shower after my run, then change before my shift. " She replied trying to focus on the captain's face and not his upper body.

"Ah, makes sense," Tristan responded, "I'm about thirty minutes earlier than normal this morning." He also tried to focus on her face and not the spots running down the sides of her torso. "Which I'm glad I am," he added.

"Likewise Captain, I did not expect to run into anyone at this time I. The morning. Shall we exchange pleasantries as we lap each other on this deck? " She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Or, I can change directions," Tristan responded with a smirk, "If you'd enjoy some company."

"A great idea Captain. Do you think you can keep up with me?" She replied, heading off on her run.

The Captain turned around and started running, the Trill woman certainly kept up a fast past. Tristan was in good shape but he always ran more out of necessity than enjoyment. "I'm trying my best," he commented as they continued around the circular corridor. They passed a set of windows which showed the starfield streaking by.

"I don't know about you sir, but I never tire of watching the stars streak by as we travel at warp. It looks much better from the bow though as they streak towards you. " Aze commented as the two continued their run.

"It gets a little dizzy at the stern yes," the captain admitted, "I suppose once they figure out the Holographic Recreation Deck then we can run on a beach versus the ship's corridor. For now I don't enjoy hitting walls."

"Well, yes I would have to agree there. After a good run, I prefer to retire to my quarters for a shower and change rather than Sickbay displaying bruises and or concussion." Aze replied.

"Agreed, " Tristan responded as they headed back towards the bow, "How many laps do you normally do?" He was starting to get tired but he wasn't going to let Lt. Vox know that.

"Usually 6 laps. I think we have two left. " She replied.

"Ah ok," Tristan responded. He thought he had two left. He normally did 4, how lazy of him. They rounded the saucer section two more times before finishing outside Aze's quarters. "Well, I got you home safe and sound," he said with a smirk. "How about a bite to eat after we get ourselves cleaned up? Maybe a Coratado?" he offered. His blue eyes locked with Aze's. "I'll be quick, my quarters are right down the corridor," he added.

"Sounds good. See you in the messhall in about 20 minutes?" Aze replied.

"Wonderful," Tristan responded before running down the corridor towards his quarters.

To Be Continued...


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