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Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 3:35pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:34pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Officer's Mess; Deck 1: Main Bridge
Timeline: M1 MD10 (2268.25.05) 0630-0700

It only took the Captain fifteen minutes to get himself showered dressed and down the corridor to the officer's mess. He felt particularly exhilarated this morning. It must have been the company since it certainly wasn't the extra two laps around the ship. He sat down at one of the empty tables with his breakfast tray and waited for Aze. He took a sip from the Cortado, the Lieutenant's recommendation stuck.

Azrel entered the messhall feeling energised from her run and refreshed from her shower. She was now in her immaculate uniform. Once she obtained her breakfast, a cereal blend from her homeworld, and a Cortado, she moved over and sat with the captain.

"Thank you for joining me this morning Captain. It was good to have company." Smiling as she reached for her spoon.

"It my pleasure," the captain responded with a smile, "It's nice to find someone aboard with similar interests." He took a bite of his plates of scrambled eggs and sighed, the synthesizer did a decent job of most things but eggs wasn't one of them. Always ended up tasting like dehydrated cafeteria food. "I enjoy cooking whenever I have the time... I found a lot of officers aboard share that interest, must be due to being sick of the synthesizer's menu," he said.

"It probably is. I mean, it's not bad food but it's not great either. I did remember to bring a couple of my recipe books from my home so I might be able to do some home comfort food. Would you be interested?" Aze asked.

"Of course," Tristan responded with a smile, "I always enjoy trying something new menu wise and I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Trill before... And I also enjoy your company."

"Well I am happy to be the first Trill you have met. I hope I am doing well as an ambassador for my planet. I also enjoy your company also Captain. I feel at ease around you which helps. "

She paused. This last comment has caused the Captain to smile.

"In regards to home cooking, and if I can acquire the ingredients, I might be able to create some Mak'ala Soup. It's a nutritious broth that was originally created by the Guardians in the Caves of Mak'ala. This is where symbionts are born and raised before being joined to a host. It is also where, when a symbiont reaches its final 10-20 years of life, they go to live out their days in the care of the Guardians. The soup is very popular across the Trill homeworld. " Aze explained.

"Sounds great. Definitely sounds unique. I could make something as well," Tristan responded, "Maybe a chocolate cake, like a Chocolate Port Wine Torte." He remembered what she had said about her love of chocolate.

"You are preaching to the chocoholic in me, captain. Please make your Chocolate Port Wine Torte. " She said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Of course," Tristan responded gleefully, "It would certainly be better than this." He continued eating. He took a sip from his cup of Cortado. "Thank you for introducing me to these," he said.

"You're welcome. Although it was Torbin who got Introduced to them when visited Spain in 2248." Aze commented.

"Well, close enough," Tristan responded with a smile. He had finally cleaned his plate and only had the coffee beverage left. "It's funny, your service record says you describe yourself as shy, but I don't see it," he commented.

"It could do with an update. Since being joined I do seem to have more confidence in myself. Also, you put me at ease so I feel I can be the real me. " Aze replied. She finished off her cereal. Picking up her Cortado, she savoured it's warmth in her hands.

The captain smiled, "I feel like I can let my guard down around you as well," he commented, "And does that happen a lot after joining? Personality change? More confidence, etc?"

"I am glad you feel comfortable around me and yes it can happen where joining can distill confidence in the host. "

The Captain just smiled as he finished his cup of coffee, then he looked down at his wrist chronometer. It 0645. "Looks like we're due on the bridge, sorry to say," he said before standing up.. "We are going the same direction," he said.

"Indeed we are, lead the way captain. " She said finishing her coffee and placing the glass back on the saucer.

The two stood up and walked together towards the door. They continued smiling the whole trip until they reached the bridge. Tristan's smile faded as soon as he crossed the threshold. He stopped behind the command chair, turned his head and said, "Lieutenant, check and see if Starbase 10 has acknowledged our retrieval of the Detroit and if they approve of our plan to pursue the Orion Pirates."

"Yes sir." Aze replied taking her seat at the communications station. she put the ear piece in and taps the console to send a message to Starbase 10.

Not long later did a reply come back. She turned to the captain. "Sir. Starbase 10 had acknowledged our retrieval of the Detroit and our plan to pursue the Orion Pirates has been approved but to proceed with caution. " She advised.

"Thank you Lieutenant," the Captain responded. The two were clearly comfortable with each other, but on the bridge it was all business. On the command pedestal the Captain was the Captain.</>


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