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A Night To Remember, Part III: Is This Your Card?

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Ensign Dora

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: "The Top"
Timeline: M2 MD07 (2268.6.09) 1820

Awhile ago Ensign Dienstag and Dr. Amato had made a discrete entrance. Both of them were in incredibly good moods from the past few days even with the awkward date with Thraxina and the Camp Commandant. They both decided to avoid her this evening since the wounds were still fresh. They were both sitting in the bar being thoroughly entertained by Lt. Novo and Ensign Dora who were exchanging poorly executed magic tricks.

"And is this your card?" Novo asked the tri-armed alien being. The man's glowing blue eyes were as bloodshot as usual.

Dora's enormous eyes swivelled to the lady in question "Sweeeeeet" he creaked, taking the card and popping it into his mouth before chewing it lugubriously "Chooooice" He had misunderstood what exactly was going on and Novo was down a Queen of Spades. no loss, he had another 51 left in his deck.

The Edorian was inordinately pleased, not just with the tasty snack, but to have made the acquaintance of Novo who, before now, he had always avoided as a bit of a weirdo.

"Well I guess that works too," Novo responded with a sigh.

By the time Avis entered the party, there were a lot of people already present. She was fine with that, one never wanted to be at these social affairs too early. She was wearing the dress uniform, she didn't really like them, she'd rather be wearing regular duty apparel but it was an official ceremony and she was going to be getting a medal. Had to look proper for that.

She approached the bar and ordered a Saurian brandy, she hadn't had one of those in awhile. She noticed during her short wait for it that her roomie was there and talking to someone she did not recall from the first mission. It was a big crew so possible but the man could also be a new arrival. Taking her glass and downing a sip, she decided to slowly make her way over to Harmony.

"Hey, Avis!" Grinning, Harmony led John toward her friend. "This is John Stryker, our new navigator. John, this is Avis Larant, she's with Security."

Avis knew it was not an on duty situation that required her to address him by his officer rank but still she nodded acknowledgement, "Sir. Nice to meet you." She threw in a smile too of course.

"Hello, glad to meet you, Avis." Stryker greeted with a smile. "A pleasure to meet you." Meeting people was good, and the more he met and got to know, the better.

"Not sure if Harmony here has told you but she is my roommate. So far she is surviving the misfortune. Her and her cat," Avis grinned

"Well, no she hadn't. In fact, she hadn't even mentioned the cat. I didn't know pets were allowed on board the Midway, not that I have one, but just wasn't aware of it being okay." He replied, a bit surprised. "Pretty cool deal any way you look at it."

Avis just started laughing, she'd let Harmony tell him the facts.

"Well, he doesn't scratch, he doesn't make noise, heck, his box isn't even in the way!" Harmony laughed. "What's not to like?" It seemed like Avis and John were getting along just a little too well!

"He's not real, just a stuffed cat. I wish I could have a real one...maybe I should ask the captain..." Couldn't hurt, now that she thought about it. Maybe after the awards were given out, he'd be in a good mood?

"Oh yeah, well if he says 'yes', put in a good word for my pet wish - I'd like a horse please," Avis quipped.

As for the stuffed cat...

"Ah, well then, that makes more sense. I've not been aboard a Constitution-class ship before, my first tour of duty on one. Impressive, so I have no idea what might be allowed, and what isn't." John explained with a good-natured smile. "Different Captains might have different rules, and I've known more than one who bent the rules to fit his quirks, so to say. You got me there, Harmony."

"This is my first captain. I'm on my maiden voyage, first fleet assignment. But he seems decent enough. Not perfect but then nobody is," Avis shrugged.

"What was your last class ship then?" she was curious.

"Ah yes, and that would be the USS Franklin (NCC-246), headed for the scrap yard, but she was a good ship, old girl, but she did the job." John responded, nothing compared to this behemoth. "Crew of seventy-two."

"Easier to keep track of everyone on a smaller ship," Harmony agreed. "Sometimes, bring on a big ship makes you feel kind of," she shrugged, "anonymous, it's strange to have to count on people you've never met." But, that was part of being on a starship, and you had to trust that the captain was what made the team a whole. "But then, there's always someone new to meet, so you don't get bored!"

"Certainly has not been boring so far," Avis had to agree.

"You have a point, Harmony, except I know all of four people, the Captain, you two, and Lieutenant Thraxina, so I'd say meeting someone new on this ship will happen just about every moment." Stryker jested. Life on here for a while will be a nonstop string of 'glad to meet yous' for a while."

He knew that he would never meet the entire compliment, and most of those he would get to know would be employed on the bridge like him, but he would eventually get to know a great number of folks aboard the Midway.

A server passed Slattery. He picked up a plate and took some of the various appetizers that the server offered. He also ordered another drink. Then he started watching the crew interacting with one another. Some seem keen on coupling up.

To Be Continued...


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